Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: 2124abc on December 22, 2014, 11:18:52 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: 2124abc on December 22, 2014, 11:18:52 PM
I had penile inversion with scrotal skin graft on the 9th of December so its been about 3 weeks since my op and iv dilated for the last few days starting from hospital for 3 days i dilated with a catheter still in and at home then dilated without one. I was dilated 5 times a day which was the most i could do since the doc said half a dozen a day is required.

Ever since starting dilations and especially when i had the catheter out i have diarrhea every day every time i go to pee. Whenever i have to pee i have a 'needing to poo' sensation coming from my bowels and just before i start urinating i poo out for a few seconds liquidy, almost clear/ slightly brown poo and sometimes actual stool comes out as well. Since i pee like every 2 hours or so, literally every time except once where i held it in, I have had to poo out the liquidy stool. I'm thinking it could be the lube that drips down during dilation, what do you think?

This is really a big problem for me! Someone please help!

I notice when i dilate i have to push through different levels of resistance and dilating has become much harder today and yesterday to the point where im only getting not even half the dilator in on the first penetration and having to pull it out asap and then i cry and cry cos of the pain and then once i stop crying i force myself to dilate again and push it in with ridiculous amounts of lube dripping down my bottom.

PLEEAASSEE someone help or tell me if this has happened to you and what should i do???? Should i contact my doc???? Is this normal???

I'm sick of pooing diarrhea every 2 hours every day someone help!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: 2124abc on December 22, 2014, 11:21:29 PM
and when im dilating and get to like the second resistance which seems impossible at times to push through i feel it like a sensation of touching my anus or pushing against the wall of the anus which sort of makes me feel like i need to go... is this NORMAL!!!?? Someone help! What if the vaginal tube was at a wrong angle and too close to the anus and its making me poo all the time!!!!! :( :(
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: mrs izzy on December 23, 2014, 12:40:06 AM
Are you still taking stool softeners?

Change your angle of insertion. Its only in a slight downwards angle to start then horizontal to the bed.

Guess your doctor did not explain things.

What you feel is the PC muscle.

That is the first resistance point. It needs months of stretching.

Healing makes things tighten up again the reason we do dilation.

Relax and lots of lube is how i got through all my scheduled sessions.

Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: 2124abc on December 23, 2014, 02:06:51 AM
thank you mrs izzy

i am concerned with the angle of insertion.. could this be causing diarrhea?

my parents explained that too much lube was probably causing an enema like effect causing the diarrhea

im only on metamucil with meals which i always had pre op and always used to have normal soft stools, not liquidy ones like lately

i dont know much about the PC muscle but when i dilate it goes:
1st resistance is the tightness at the opening
2nd resistance is nearly half the length of the dilator (which i mention is the second biggest dilator which doc started me on and i have only been on). this resistance feels like when i push through it, its a feeling like im pushing into a new hole or pushing against the anus and has a feeling like im about to fart associated with it. could this be where the skin graft has been created and so thats why its like a new hole? when i keep pushing through that i get the 'poo like' feeling more and more as if im penetrating my anus, but i know im not cos poo doesnt come out the vagina. i dont get the urge to poo straight after that its usually like an hour later around the time my bladder feels full i also feel like i need to open my bowels and i always do. when i wipe my bottom i notice only the tiniest streak of actual poo and with a second different wipe theres no fecal traces and more clear slimy like lube which makes me think the lube is running down and giving me diarrhea.

But is the feeling like the top of my anus is being pushed normal?

My doc told me to lie down when i dilate so i lie down and only slightly raise my head trying not to tense my abdominals, so that i can see the mirror im holding to see the dilator going into the vaginal hole. my legs are on either side of me, but my knees in the air like butterfly position. when i insert the dilator it kind of goes straight in (because lying down the angle of the dilator is horizontal) but then as i push in i feel the need to angle the dilator down slightly and once i reach the maximum length of penetration the dilator is angled so far downwards that the handle is pointed 45 degrees up in the air ... but remember my hips are up so this is still slightly horizontal to the vagina but....

could i still be not horizontal enough? could the handle be too pointed up cos since the head of the dilator is angled quite downwards maybe thats why its touching the anus cos its going too far down where it touches my anus?

sorry for all this info but please help

also i was in agony all today and kept sleeping and waking up feeling really sore and emotionally angry, i actually felt so so angry and i didnt know why i would cry randomly then i wanted to smash things in the house... I'm normal now but i think this issue was from being on diazepam (valium) made me sleepy and not feeling well and didnt help the pain and also maybe i was having psychotic withdrawals from endone cos i didnt have any endone today and had four endone yesterday and maybe i was having withdrawals but i dont want to try endone again cos i think that made me angry going off it. has anyone else had these angry symptoms and had valium or endone withdrawal. Doc had said to take valium which didnt help me one bit and made the pain worse and now im on panadein forte and panadein extra which has helped the pain soooo much!!!

anyway sorry for the massive text but pls read and reply if u know anything to help me
thank you
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: jojo702 on December 23, 2014, 04:32:07 AM
Wow that's a lot of dilating. On 3 weeks I dilated 3 times a day and also felt like pooping every time I dilated but it's now been 1 month and a half and I'm on my 3rd wide dilator and it's not as painful anymore when I dilate and feel like pooping. It's normal I suppose.

But you might want to talk to your surgeon and a gynecologist who has experience with transgender post ops to get a better answer.

I usually put lube on my palms then rub it all around the dilator, dip the dilator in coconut oil and then dilate. My gynecologist said coconut oil helps with the healing process and keeps the vagina moisturized.

First few weeks was a pain but I stuck with dilator 1 for 3 weeks, I was told not to rush or force the dilator in because I might tear a tissue or rupture the skin graft or get fistula. So i just stuck with no. 1 for depth until I felt comfortable to use the no. 2 dilator. It's been a month and a half now and I'm on dilator 3 but first i use 1, then 2, then 3 to stretch the vagina, i cant just use straight to dilator 3 lol and it's no longer as painful or feel like I have to poo. I only dilate 3 times a day.
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: suzifrommd on December 23, 2014, 07:18:15 AM
I had diarrhea for a couple weeks after my surgery. It was caused by the antibiotics they gave me. I used an anti-diarrheal (Imodium, in my case) and it helped a lot.
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: rachel89 on December 24, 2014, 11:41:26 PM
If you're using antibiotics, try eating yogurt. Some antibiotics are very powerful and somewhat toxic or broad-spectrum and kill normal gut flora as well as the dangerous bacteria they are intended to kill. Yogurt contains healthy bacteria, so if you consume yogurt, it is probably less likely that healthy bacteria will be replaced by unhealthy bacteria (with the exception C. difficile which can be really dangerous, and yogurt probably won't help in this case). If antibiotics are causing issues, talk to your doctor, try eating yogurt, but make sure that you finish you course of prescribed antibiotics or dangerous bacteria in your body could become resistant to the antibiotic you are using. If your issues are not caused by antibiotics, then I'm not sure that I can be too helpful, I'm just a nerdy girl that has an interest in things like microbiology.
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: BrandiMcC on December 28, 2014, 07:30:49 PM
I can vouch for the probiotics.  I actually buy mine from Whole Foods because I don't like yogurt.  Every time I take Antibiotics, I HAVE to take probiotics, or my stomach is messed up for weeks. 
Title: Re: Diarrhea & Dilation
Post by: lilredneckgirl on January 21, 2015, 08:06:05 AM
not  giving  mdical  advise,  but  surgical  prep  typicaly  contained  a  super  clean  out.  Ill  never  forget  that  part. 
  that  had  a  few  intentions.  first,  remove  all  solids  from  your  GI  tract.  the  second  was  a  heavy  antibiotic,  basicaly steralioze  your  innards.    in  the  event  of  a  nick  to  the  bowel,  the  doc  didnt  want  an  infection.
  now,  your  dealing  with  getting  back  to normal,  and  everyone  is  different.  call  your  doc,  see  what  they  suggest.   

also  remember,  the  'spceter'  muscle  is  the  one  that  assists  in  urine  and  feces  retention.  it  is  the  shut  off  valve.    it  was  ' modified'  in  your  surgery.  its  going  to  take  a  bit  of  time  to  heal,  regain  control  of  the  'shut  off  valve  function'  and  feel  normal  again. 
  call  your  doc,  get  his  opinion  and  recomendations.