Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: fitzyfoop on December 30, 2014, 04:41:12 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I did it!!
Post by: fitzyfoop on December 30, 2014, 04:41:12 AM
I did it!! I came out!! Although, I didn't say it straight to my parents, I wrote a little note and stuck it on a cupboard last night and I haven't gone down to them to see how they're taking it.. I'm going to go down in about 30 mins. Hopefully they took it well!
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: adrian on December 30, 2014, 05:20:25 AM
That's awesome, Val. Crossing my fingers that all goes well!
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: fitzyfoop on December 30, 2014, 07:25:27 AM
It was apparently a shock to them, and they said that, considering I've felt that I'm transgender for only about 2 months, that I shouldn't be public about it. It kinda felt like they were trying to talk me down, but they weren't and I know that. Hopefully, I can persuade them to let me go to a trans support group. Oh man.. It's about 30+ mins after we had a talk about it and I can still feel the adrenalin and it's making me want to throw up..
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: fitzyfoop on December 30, 2014, 07:27:50 AM
They were talking for me really, because I'm really bad at expressing my feeling through speech sadly.
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: mrs izzy on December 30, 2014, 08:58:49 AM
Need to find your voice zone.

The one that allows you to stay calm and get the words out.

Relax and its a day to day thing we do.

Glad it went halfway positive, gives you something to work with.

Stay safe, hugs
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: adrian on December 30, 2014, 09:06:32 AM
Val, I agree with Cindy -- sounds like something to work with. I'm glad they reacted OK!
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: Esyllia on January 03, 2015, 09:02:18 PM
Congrats Val!
I feel the same way coming out, it can be very stressful but rewarding! Hang in there and find a friend or two you can really trust, preferably a more open minded individual, and let them know what's been going on. One step at a time :)
My parents reacted the same. My mother works with a law firm and feared for my safety, she defended a mother of a trans woman who was attacked so she does not like me coming out, and especially wearing feminine clothes. So make sure to find people you trust and possibly even teachers or guidance councillors. But let them know not to out you without permission
But again, take your time! Let yourself relax and shake off the post-coming out jitters and let your friends and family reflect before you continue. Don't get too hasty if you're nervous!
Best of luck!
Title: Re: I did it!!
Post by: suzifrommd on January 04, 2015, 08:28:56 AM
I'm glad it's going well so far. I hope you find the courage to insist upon connecting with other transgender young people.

This is very important: It doesn't matter how long you've been questioning your gender. Your experiences are REAL. Please don't ever let anyone talk you out of what you're feeling because of how long you're feeling it.

If necessary, take the initiative to educate your parents. They need to know that:
* Being transgender is not something you choose
* It typically doesn't go away on it's own and no one has ever found a way to "cure" it.
* It is serious. People who ignore their gender issues frequently face anxiety and depression.
* It doesn't make you abnormal or disordered in any way. You're still the same amazing, beautiful person you've always been.

Good luck. Please keep posting and let us know how it goes.