General Discussions => Beauty => Videos => Topic started by: regina on August 21, 2007, 11:51:16 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Billy Tipton video
Post by: regina on August 21, 2007, 11:51:16 PM
I can just never get over what an intense spirit and determination people like this had. They transitioned with virtually no information, support, or even meds. Yet they carved out a life for themselves in their target gender. For people who don't know Billy Tipton, he was born female, but lived in stealth as a male for decades until his death and was a well known jazz musician/jazz band leader.  I remember seeing this documentary in the early 90s(?) What a guy! (

Gina M.
Title: Re: Billy Tipton video
Post by: Dennis on August 22, 2007, 01:30:48 AM
Hmm, funny assumptions these women make. He only decided to be a guy to play jazz? His drive to play jazz was so strong that he lived as a guy all his life? I don't think so.

Horrible for his son to find out from the paramedics that way.

And awfully smug of that biographer to assume that Billy was a woman. He was a man. Perhaps I'm being smug, but I can't imagine living every aspect of your life as the wrong gender from the age of 18 on. Hell. I tried it and it didn't work.

Generally, the whole thing pissed me off, but thank you for posting it, Gina. It was very informative. I've never figured out what kind of delusion lesbians must be living for claiming Billy Tipton as one of theirs.
