Community Conversation => Transitioning => Therapy => Topic started by: Gray Seraph on August 23, 2007, 06:52:08 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Another step closer towards getting an HRT letter.
Post by: Gray Seraph on August 23, 2007, 06:52:08 PM
Today I went in for an evaluation at a gender clinic to see If I'm ready for HRT. The whole evaluation took almost 4 hours. I had to do a few strange tests and a few questionnaires.

I hope the "Gatekeepers" approve me, though I probably shouldn't worry.

Well not unless they hold my social anxiety against me, I believe I'm well on my way to getting a recommendation letter for HRT when I go back next month for the results. Even though it's going to be 5 days after my birthday, I couldn't ask for a better gift (provided they approve me, for the money I spent they better) if all goes well. Earlier this week I didn't even think I'd be this far along towards getting the letter for HRT at this point. I just have to find my own Endo, because their last endo just recently quit from the death off his wife. Time to make some calls I guess.
