General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Equestriaghoul on February 25, 2015, 07:04:31 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Can light exercise affect growth?
Post by: Equestriaghoul on February 25, 2015, 07:04:31 PM
I'm trying to lose about 30 pounds, and I've found a way to lose 2 pounds every week, but I have to do some light exercise to do so, I'm 18 and between 5,5 and 5,6(I'm closer to 5,6) and I don't think I'm any taller than when I was 17, plus my dad is a little bit shorter than me and he has been doing a physically demanding job for most of his life, and I am planning to get blockers as soon as possible, but that could be a month of two, and by than I could be almost at the weight that I'm trying to get to, by light exercise, I mean mostly just to keep moving, maybe with ankle weights on, and maybe jog in place every other day for about 10-15 minutes, I'm comfortable with my current height, but being about 5,8 wouldn't bother me, although I'd like to stay the way I am, would the exercise I just described have any effect on my height?

Thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Can light exercise affect growth?
Post by: Ms Grace on February 25, 2015, 07:15:17 PM
Hi, exercise won't have any effect on your skeletal structure. The only way it might change your height is if it has an effect on your posture (eg, stops you from stooping if you do).
Title: Re: Can light exercise affect growth?
Post by: whatismylife on February 26, 2015, 08:40:45 PM
Quote from: Ms Grace on February 25, 2015, 07:15:17 PM
Hi, exercise won't have any effect on your skeletal structure. The only way it might change your height is if it has an effect on your posture (eg, stops you from stooping if you do).

i second this statement.

tho i wouldn't recommend ankle weights, myself, unless all movements performed with the weights are slow and controlled.  jus sayin