Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: CantThinkOfAName on March 16, 2015, 10:01:48 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: CantThinkOfAName on March 16, 2015, 10:01:48 PM
Hi, I'm MtF and I haven't come out yet. I have remade my steam (gaming service) account and said I was a girl, and it was great. I am trying to feel like a girl as best I can when I'm in private, and I need some help on how I can feel more female.

Also, if I transition later, will I be able to reconstruct my face to look more feminine, because from what I understand that'll have to happen.
Title: Re: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: LordKAT on March 16, 2015, 11:01:08 PM
Hi, welcome to Susan's.

Can I call you Joan?

There is no have to happen when it comes to your face. Many do it, many do not and still successfully transition. It may be possible to be put on blockers so that your face won't really change until older when you can get HRT or let a natural puberty happen.

If you can get under clothes that can help you feel more feminine, so can make up or accessories like purse or jewelry.
Some can even be quite androgynous (in the middle) so that it isn't too obvious to those around you and yet feel good to you.

Meanwhile there is a lot of information here to read and many friends to be made.

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Title: Re: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: Athena on March 17, 2015, 09:20:50 AM
Hi CantThinkOfAName welcome to Susan's.  Just a note transitioning is getting to a place where you are comfortable, there is no wrong way to do so. Surgery will have to depend on you there is no must have surgeries to transition if you are happy without them.
I hope you can find the answers you need here.
Title: Re: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: Gerby on March 18, 2015, 06:51:34 AM
Woah, I'm 12 and MtF too~!

I came out a little while ago and I'm already on the waitlist for a transgender youth clinic. I'm pretty new to Susan's, but from what I've seen, it's an amazing place to be and really helpful! Welcome!

My parents are amazing, and I have nothing but hope that yours will be too. Supportive parents are the best!!!

Been using Steam for a good 2 1/2 years and all of my friends have been super duper supportive too. Steam is a great place for trans* kids, as most (and I emphasize most) people are welcomed and supported through their journey. I think changing my "Real Name" on Steam was the best thing I've ever done in my entire life. Other than coming out. You should totally add me if you wanna PM me your account or w/e.

Anyway, before I transitioned, one of my best female friends allowed me to borrow some of her clothes and I often wore them when my parents weren't home. That really helped. All my life I've had a rather long and feminine hairstyle so that helped too. But what's probably helped the most is just the pronoun thing. I asked for my parents and friends to call me by "Sarah" and refer to me with female pronouns not too long ago, and that's been a huge help.

Honestly, though, coming out felt so... good... And it's something you should at least start preparing to do. Writing a note, or a text or something is probably the best way to do it. That way you can get all your thoughts out before getting interrupted, and they have time to react and think about it before they respond. Either way, good luck, hope you have a good experience and supportive parents.

Like I said, feel free to give me your steam profile and I'll toss you an add; wouldn't mind having a few more friends in the same boat as me. Unless you're the same gal' I saw on >-bleeped-<... actually come to think of it you probably are.
Title: Re: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: Alexis2107 on March 18, 2015, 08:28:57 AM
Many years ago when I was 12 (back in 1995), I did pretty much the same thing.  I just received my second computer which had Win95 & America Online (showing age here now!) and my identity always has been Alexis.  Why Alexis? I haven't a clue, but it was a name that was really me.  From the moment I been online I have always identified as female.  I only had my male email when modern times caught up and I needed an email for this or that ... that was male so it didn't embarrass me. 

What's cool vs then and now, is there is more open awareness for trans people.  I had no idea what a trans was when I was 12, I just thought my mind was totally weird and I tried to shove my feelings of being a girl aside and the only way I could cope with doing that is online.  Now as time progressed, awareness for trans people have came to light, everything I've always questioned about myself makes sense and now I have the identity of a woman in both real and online lives.  When you get old enough, I recommend checking out a game called second life.  You need to be at least 13 to create an account.  I wish I had that back when I was your age!

I can say this though, I would come out to your parents as soon as you can with your feelings.  I waited 31 years before my parents found out, and thought I would be banished and hated instead I was accepted and they wish I would of told them years ago so I could of transitioned earlier. 

Pleasure to meet you :)

Title: Re: 12 Year old, turning 13, MtF, need some help.
Post by: CantThinkOfAName on March 18, 2015, 11:17:50 PM
Quote from: Gerby on March 18, 2015, 06:51:34 AM
Woah, I'm 12 and MtF too~!... an add; wouldn't mind having a few more friends in the same boat as me. Unless you're the same gal' I saw on >-bleeped-<... actually come to think of it you probably are.

Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone.
Are you the same person as me? I used the name Sarah for my steam account. That's pretty spooky..

I came out a while ago, it felt stressful, to be honest. So much so that I had to tell everyone that it wasn't actually true. I've regretted saying it wasnt true ever since. That's been making it kinda hard.

I'm not the same person from >-bleeped-<, sorry to burst your bubble.
Quote from: Alexis2107 on March 18, 2015, 08:28:57 AM
Many years ago when I was 12 (back in 1995), I did pretty much the same thing....

...Pleasure to meet you :)

That's actually a pretty cool story, makes me feel as though others have gone through what I'm going through and they make it out okay :)

I'll check out second life, thanks for the recommendation, I guess.

Pleasure to meet you too :3