Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: 2cherry on March 30, 2015, 01:05:13 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Hotpacks! who uses them?
Post by: 2cherry on March 30, 2015, 01:05:13 PM
One thing I remember from the old bits, is that the tissues used to create the neo vagina behave the same as it did before. Previously, when the bits were cold, they shrunk, and now it seems that the neo vagina does the same... when it's very cold, the whole area seems to contract...  Did anyone noticed?

So I thought... hotpacks!  :D

And it does work! Now before intercourse or dilation, I turn up the heat or make sure I have a bunch of hotpacks ready, because I know that intercourse will be much smoother than without.

Title: Re: Hotpacks! who uses them?
Post by: Rejennyrated on March 30, 2015, 01:37:31 PM
While the idea is not entirely without logic, speaking as a third year medical student, I'm not convinced your understanding of the anatomy is entirely correct.

The muscle responsible for shrinking things pre-op is the cremasteric muscle, which is no longer there. All you now have is a donor skin graft on to an internal cavity, yes it is a full thickness graft, and comes with vascular and nerve connections intact, but there is no muscle. The lowest layer taken is the dermis, so the tissue won't behave in eaxctly the same way.

HOWEVER - that said any skin would tend to soften and slacken when gently warmed, as the warmth could affect the collagen, so your idea is not completely without merit, just not for the reason that you gave, although as your body cavities are already pretty warm, I'm not convinced that effect would be dramatic. In other words if it works it does so for a diferent reason than you might suppose.

Oh and one other very important thing... warmpacks - NOT hot please! I get to clerk enough weird injuries in Accident & Emergency without having to deal with someone who has scalded her neo-vag! Please remember that while gently warming tissue slightly might help, heating it well beyond normal temperatures will only inflame it, make oedematous, possibly scald or burn it, and really wont help at all! So be careful.
Title: Re: Hotpacks! who uses them?
Post by: Jenna Marie on March 30, 2015, 02:08:21 PM
I tighten up when the dilator is cold, so it also might just be that gentle warmth eases and relaxes the PC muscle (which is the muscle that clenches and releases just past the vaginal opening). But hey, if it works for you, go for it. :)
Title: Re: Hotpacks! who uses them?
Post by: Julieb1 on March 31, 2015, 04:49:31 PM
For those that have a scrotal graft contraction when cold could be possible as that's the way the skin used to behave  and again possible for the penal inversion I know if I have a bath before dilation it's a lot easier .

Julie x
Title: Re: Hotpacks! who uses them?
Post by: veritatemfurto on June 06, 2015, 10:55:28 PM

For the first couple weeks, I would warm up my dilators by wrapping them in a heating pad for a few minutes. really helped ease the swelling i had and allowed me to get up to the second size by the 5th day dilating and to start on the third size by the 3rd week.

I still do that every once in a while, especially if its cold in the room.