Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: 2cherry on April 01, 2015, 09:39:49 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Tired of facial hair removal...
Post by: 2cherry on April 01, 2015, 09:39:49 AM
I am already had 3 years of facial hair removal. 2 years laser, 1 year electrolysis.

And I am getting tired of it... because some parts seem to grow back.  :(

When will this end?

Electrolysis is good, but I cannot shave for two whole days before an appointment. It is wearing me down, because I am so far in my transition that it's weird to walk around with facial hair. I just hide for two days inside my home, afraid to go outside... and then 1 hour, they remove like 50 hairs or so, which are back the following week...  >:( ???

I cannot continue to live like this... it dominates my life. Those few hairs! argggh!! begone!

I am willing to quit doing it...

Advise? hugs?
Title: Re: Tired of facial hair removal...
Post by: Dee Marshall on April 01, 2015, 10:02:48 AM
Quote from: 2cherry on April 01, 2015, 09:39:49 AM
I am already had 3 years of facial hair removal. 2 years laser, 1 year electrolysis.

And I am getting tired of it... because some parts seem to grow back.  :(

When will this end?

Electrolysis is good, but I cannot shave for two whole days before an appointment. It is wearing me down, because I am so far in my transition that it's weird to walk around with facial hair. I just hide for two days inside my home, afraid to go outside... and then 1 hour, they remove like 50 hairs or so, which are back the following week...  >:( ???

I cannot continue to live like this... it dominates my life. Those few hairs! argggh!! begone!

I am willing to quit doing it...

Advise? hugs?
big, big, hug! Was this all at the same place? Have you seen reviews from there?
Title: Re: Tired of facial hair removal...
Post by: 2cherry on April 01, 2015, 10:06:05 AM

I've been to 3 places, before landing with my current electrologist.

I am reconsidering laser again... as I notice that about 50% of regrowth is still "black", well black.. no hair is truly black I guess... just dark.

I don't mind electro, it's the non-shaving part that gets me... it interferes with my life, mainly because I try to live stealth currently.
Title: Re: Tired of facial hair removal...
Post by: 2cherry on April 02, 2015, 09:28:51 AM
Had another session last week. I think she removed 30-40 hairs or so in 1 hour. Kinda slacking I guess...

You know, I have a degree in electrical engineering. I am thinking about designing my own device. It's really simple to design a device for electrology. Unlike difficult IPL/Laser technology, electrolysis is a fairly simple physical chemical reaction of lye, produced by a DC current passed through a needle. Not exactly rocket science.

I did have one before, and was proficient enough to do my arms and legs for a while. Not my face though, but I am thinking about trying. Not only will it save me a lot of money, I can do it from home and whenever I feel like and for 2-3 hours if I want to.

Title: Re: Tired of facial hair removal...
Post by: suzifrommd on April 02, 2015, 09:49:08 AM
Hugs Cherry. It's taking forever for me too. My laser took a year, and electrolysis is pushing a year and a half with no end in sight. I'm doing 4 hours a week, and it seems like the regrowth is thinning a bit.

I HATE having to walk around with beard stubble.