Community Conversation => Transitioning => Legal Matters => Topic started by: Leah443 on April 01, 2015, 10:56:47 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Im not sure
Post by: Leah443 on April 01, 2015, 10:56:47 AM
So I recently made an appointment to get my name/gender changed, and I had gotten my paperwork done, all i needed to do was send it to the courthouse and wait for a reply. Well before i had sent it i asked the person who was part of the name and gender change office at the Gender Health Center if i could drop it off at the Sacramento Courthouse because i was already in sacramento at the time. Figured if i was already there id take care of it right away. To be clear i live in a different county then sacrament county. She said that it would be fine. well a month ago i got a letter back from the court saying that yes i was ok for my name change, and then i noticed what county it said i lived in. It showed it as Sacramento County, which is NOT where I live. By the time i could try to rectify the mistake i had already got a letter saying that my name was successfully changed. I am both upset and i little unsettled by this. is this going to be a problem? what should i do? any help would be greatly appreciated.