Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Non-Transitioning and Detransitioning => Topic started by: Zoe the Obscure on April 05, 2015, 03:45:25 AM Return to Full Version

Title: An impossible decision.
Post by: Zoe the Obscure on April 05, 2015, 03:45:25 AM
Well i am at a crossroads where i have to decide whether to continue transition or not.  The problem for me is i lost the genetic lottery, and i feel the benefits of transition are crushed by the negatives.  The reality is not being passable destroys every chance of me achieving the things i want in life.  Is it realistically possible to live a functional life and not transition?   I think my outlook is messed up.
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: Cindy on April 05, 2015, 03:53:23 AM
Hon, take a look at the Before and After section you have plenty ability to pass!!!
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: michelle_kelly on April 05, 2015, 05:31:30 AM
I like to think its possible to live a functional life and not transition.  If not then I took the wrong fork in the road :P

For me its not about my body and how it appears or that it is passable.  Its more about being the person I am and not live up to the expectations of others based on how my body appears to them.  But that is just my journey and maybe that allows me to live a functional life without physical transition. 

But that doesn't mean my way of viewing it is right for anyone else.  It is just right for me.  So maybe that question about a functional life has different answer for each person and all of them being the right answer. 
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: JoanneB on April 05, 2015, 06:44:07 AM
Quote from: michelle_kelly on April 05, 2015, 05:31:30 AM
I like to think its possible to live a functional life and not transition.  If not then I took the wrong fork in the road :P

For me its not about my body and how it appears or that it is passable.  Its more about being the person I am and not live up to the expectations of others based on how my body appears to them. But that is just my journey and maybe that allows me to live a functional life without physical transition. 

But that doesn't mean my way of viewing it is right for anyone else.  It is just right for me.  So maybe that question about a functional life has different answer for each person and all of them being the right answer.
I also came to the fork in the road and took it. Twice.

The above precisely applies no matter which fork you take. One can never live up to the expectations of others. We started our lives trying that route and where did it get us? And when looked at "Transition" as a path to happiness, just what was the driver? It was to be "Yourself". Yourself, however, is far far more then what that person is dressed in and looks like.

When faced with any major life decision I found asking one simple question and HONESTLY answering it will tell you what you need to do:
Which Pain is Worse?

Gender is just one aspect of how we see ourselves. Many other factors go into making us, us. If Not achieving the things you want in life is more painfull then not living a life in your desired gender, then you have your answer....maybe. It just may be today's answer. When asked again in the future you can change your mind.

I spent 50 years living up and projecting an image of what I believed others "expected" of me. I spent 50 years "Achieving the things I want". By any measure from any other observer I achieved far more then my own expectations for what I wanted. I am sure my life and abilities were envied by others. Only one small problem. I could not believe I had. I could not take ownership of those achievements.  I was not Me, therefore Me did not achieve anything. Except all the disasters that came about from how I was Not handling being trans.

I spent 5 years now learning who Me is. I took the trans-beast head on. My End-Game was to figure out how to get these two seemingly divergent, yet core, aspects of myself to join together into one whole healthy and happy person. I knew from two previous experiments No-Way could I transition. No way could I ever pass. Besides loosing the gene pool lottery, I did win the T lottery. Burying or suppressing to the best of my ability the female side of me was not working, big time. THe only way to continue on living as a male, not falling into financial ruin by loosing a job that I love, that defines me, likely loosing my wife, who is my BFF and reality therapist, the only way to make it all work was to make it all work together peacefully.

Plan A worked. Not without a few hitches though. HRT helps, A Lot. A couple of angels in my TG support group were instrumental in helping me turn my life around for the better. A for real gender therapist also is helping me hang in there. A general therapist helped me to shed a ton of emotional baggage I accumulated for those 50 years.

Today I feel mostly 90% genuine and present male. I wrestle most days about the potential cost to get to 100%. To see Joanne in the mirror more then just a couple of times a day. That cost can be a good 50% of genuine as I loose other very important aspects of my life.

My wife constantly says "The heart wants what the heart wants". She fully expects me to drop the thermonuclear T-Bomb announcing I am going full-time and dumping her because I either want a man in my life or fell in love with another transwoman. Only on one count is she right. I would love to go full-time. Today I am so lucky that I do not Have-To go full time to manage my GD. Though there have been some close calls.
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: Ms Grace on April 05, 2015, 07:17:11 AM
I took that fork in the road. Believed I didn't pass (I did) and that the HRT had done nothing (it had) and had very little confidence, so after two years on hormones I stopped. Believed myself "cured" and tried to make a go of living as a guy. Years passed and I was able to throw myself into many distractions and just wade on through the despair of not being able to live as a woman. What I failed to realise was that I was wading in a big spiral into ever increasing depression until it just kind of swamped me. And here I am a couple of years later - fully transitioned and finally happy. Maybe if I had decided not to detransition I could of made a go of it. Maybe not. Unfortunately you can't go back and change things so you only get one shot at it at the age you are. It has to be your decision, 100%.
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: Devlyn on April 05, 2015, 07:23:47 AM
Quote from: Zoe the Obscure on April 05, 2015, 03:45:25 AM
Well i am at a crossroads where i have to decide whether to continue transition or not.  The problem for me is i lost the genetic lottery, and i feel the benefits of transition are crushed by the negatives.  The reality is not being passable destroys every chance of me achieving the things i want in life.  Is it realistically possible to live a functional life and not transition?   I think my outlook is messed up.

I'm a non-transitioner, I live a functional life presenting  as a person of mixed gender.I have the things I want in life. The issue is definitely with your outlook. You haven't lost the genetic lottery, you won you, the best prize of all!  :)

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: Nikki_Taz on April 05, 2015, 08:26:47 AM
we all have this decision, its like the fork in the road that you keep driving by. Eventually it comes up every turn and you constantly want to make a choice.  Well you can chose to ignore it or try it.  I chose to try HRT and I have no regrets.  I mean I do really care about looking whatever way but I care WAY more about how I emotionally feel on HRT.  I feel so so so much better and that's really all that should matter, but in our society and the time we live in it can be harder for some.
Title: Re: An impossible decision.
Post by: Rachel on April 05, 2015, 08:43:13 AM
QuoteThe reality is not being passable destroys every chance of me achieving the things i want in life.  Is it realistically possible to live a functional life and not transition?   I think my outlook is messed up.

Only you can answer if you can have a functional life and not transition. For me, no. I had reached the point of either addressing and being who I am or stopping the pain.

I want FFS to ease the issues I find unacceptable but my wife is not at the point to understand the need. I have a choice, be myself and look in my mind male and present or continue to hide. I can not continue to hide so I will present. The stress and pain this will cause me will be very very high. Yet, for me I think it is the best alternative; I have outgrown the stage I am at presently. My alternatives and expectations are different than yours and only you can answer your questions.