Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: Pizzaparty78 on April 12, 2015, 12:47:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Are you getting surgery?"
Post by: Pizzaparty78 on April 12, 2015, 12:47:22 AM
This is really annoying me now. I've been starting to come out to my friends and family, and every one of my friends who I've come out to now has said, "So you're getting surgery/ when are you getting surgery?/ etc.". Is that all that people think of when they hear of a transgender person?  And then, what's worse, after I say not for a long while, if at all, they say, "Well you'll never be a man then. Why even use masculine pronouns?". That really stings.

Why is it so hard to think that someone can be called "he" without getting surgery first. My best friend of almost 10 years said, "Well if you don't get surgery you aren't a "he" then". I was really hoping for him to kinda understand more than that, but he didn't. I'm staying over at his house for almost 2 weeks over the summer (we live in different states now) so I was hoping to have him calling me "he" be then, but I'm not sure how to get him to do that now. I'm afraid to come out to my next close friend as well because he's a bit homophobic (only to gay men for some reason), but I'm already coming out to our other friends, who've asked if I was getting surgery.. all of this has really brought up a lot of dysphoria now. I'm just really frustrated that there have only been about 4 people who haven't asked about surgery and actual seem to get it, which is really awesome, but I was especially hoping my best friends would be more understanding.

Just a few days ago I told my parents to try to call me by masculine pronouns, but hearing them say 'she' even with it being so early still is upsetting. I can't even correct them without them getting kinda upset. They havent really done much to help me out, even after I've asked a million times for a therapist. They even told me that surgery was the only way to be a "real man" and that I'm physically a lesbian even if I identify as a straight man. Sorry, I just need to rant and vent. Thank you
Title: Re: "Are you getting surgery?"
Post by: Cindy on April 12, 2015, 12:58:51 AM
Yes, it is a very annoying idiocy that so many of us get asked.

Nowadays I respond by just telling people that I am not interested in showing them what is in my knickers even if they feel an urge to display their genitals.

This tends to work rather well on males who are asking me such an inappropriate question.

When I went for surgery many people asked me stuff and I got very annoyed and finally just told people that I had made no decision what I was having done and I wasn't go to tell them anything afterwards. In my case that seems to be now respected.

Pronouns are very hard. Particularly from family.

You can try "Why do you wish to insult me by not accepting me as your son, brother (etc)?"

But family is a toughie.

Hang in there young man, it does get better. Always remember the opinion of only one person counts and that is yours.
Title: Re: "Are you getting surgery?"
Post by: suzifrommd on April 12, 2015, 04:48:38 AM
Quote from: Pizzaparty78 on April 12, 2015, 12:47:22 AM
Just a few days ago I told my parents to try to call me by masculine pronouns, but hearing them say 'she' even with it being so early still is upsetting. I can't even correct them without them getting kinda upset. They havent really done much to help me out, even after I've asked a million times for a therapist. They even told me that surgery was the only way to be a "real man" and that I'm physically a lesbian even if I identify as a straight man. Sorry, I just need to rant and vent. Thank you

One thing to try might be to try to educate your family. Make sure they know that people's brains are wired to be the gender you are, and that there is no way you can change that. Also make sure they know that it is painful to you and disrespectful on their part when they misgender you. Continue repeating that - often people need to hear things multiple times before they sink in.

What they are doing is unfair. Important for you to know that

Title: Re: "Are you getting surgery?"
Post by: Pizzaparty78 on April 12, 2015, 06:57:07 PM
Thank you Cindy and Suzi, I needed that. The family sure is tough. My sister is doing really well though, she's awesome. I'm going to try to show them some information like you said Suzi, hopefully they'll get a better understanding through that.

I was talking to my mom today and she is going to call some 3 therapists about an appointment, so hopefully that will work out well. Thanks again.