General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Dee Marshall on June 04, 2015, 12:13:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Matter/Antimatter
Post by: Dee Marshall on June 04, 2015, 12:13:06 PM
This is something I wrote the last time I seriously approached feeling suicidal. Perhaps not well edited because shortly after I finished it the mood passed and I couldn't stare back into that abyss. The mood is coming upon me again, I fear. Read no further if you might be triggered.



Real Fake
Truth Lie
Male Female
Nature Nurture

Each to itself is the only truth
Two sides, one coin?
Two coins... of no real value, like tokens in an arcade?
Representation. Or Reality?

Two sides of me
in ways the common herd struggle to understand and fail
or don't even try, dismissing me as irrelevant, broken
"explaining" with their myths of gods and science
No true illumination

Two sides of me
Slowly drawn together
or violently impacted
By myself?
By others?
in either case not willingly.
forced to fit.

Mutual annihilation.
Such heat and light!
Illuminating the steps of those behind.
Illuminating the view of those on the sidelines, watching in horror or rapture...
or both.

The heat
The light
They quickly fade

Does anything remain?
If not...

Who sits weeping in the darkness?

Title: Re: Matter/Antimatter
Post by: Jacqueline on June 04, 2015, 02:09:01 PM

I worked my way to that place earlier. Not any plans to do anything.

I love it. It feels so on the money. I don't know how Hedwig and the Angry Inch is accepted in this community but there is a song called the Origin of Love. Your work is not that at all, but something fired a memory of the dichotomy in the lyrics of that.

Thanks you for sharing,
