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Title: What makes a topic popular?
Post by: Mia and Marq on September 05, 2007, 04:32:05 AM
Hey everyone.
I was throwing around some thoughts tonight and I wanted to get some other opinions on it.
The question is what makes one topic way more popular (or read and responded to more) then another?

Here are some of the things I think have large effect on the activity of a given topic.

One might guess that the actual topic would have the most effect on the activity of that topic. Its important but I think a number of factors affect activity as well significantly.

1. Interesting or intriquing topic title
This is a big one because first impressions go a long way. We've all seen topics that have just jumped out at us and even if it wasn't something we were interested in posting on, jumping in to read some of it is almost a must. The opposite though are posts that have topic titles that don't stick out. Some very good topics have been all but ignored based on a less then attractive title. Theres no real concrete rules on this one, you just have to learn from experience what interests people as a topic title. Presenting the question in the title is a good way to get your idea across right from the start.

2. Section of the topic
Where as I check the posts since last visit and the responses to posts I've been involved on as soon as I log on, I'm told a number only ever check different sections of the forums for any new posts. That being said, if a topic ends up on a section people don't frequent too often, they're less likely to find the topic.

3. Topic starter
Name recognition about who started the post influences whether that topic is going to be read. People with proven track records for interesting posts usually attract repeat readers on any of their new posts. This also works on the opposite side. If you see a post started by someone you've never seen post before, especially in the introductions section, a good group of folks are interested in meeting the newcomers and will take interest in those welcome stories.

4. What the topic actually is
Yes what the topic actually is about does play into its popularity. Posts that are "hot", "taboo", or "heated debates" tend to draw in many because of the volitility of whats being said. Topics that don't leave much room for opinion tend to lean towards the low side of responses because sometimes you just can't add much. Well thought out concepts also sometimes seem to get few responses because no one disagrees and only so many "I agree totally" posts can occur.

5. What type of person the user is
People that have a lot of opinions to share usually get around to see their fair share of a variety of different topics. People only interested in certain types of posts will not look as much for the other types of posts.

I've brought this question up because I see sometimes some very good topics get horribly neglated for the most part. I offer the question up to both give people an opportunity to understand what may make their posts get neglected as well as let people elaborate on what attracts them to read a post or not read a post.

And hopefully this isn't one that gets overlooked.
I like irony ...... but not that much.
Marq and Mia
Title: Re: What makes a topic popular?
Post by: candifla on September 05, 2007, 04:55:09 AM
Here here, well thought out. I agree :D
Title: Re: What makes a topic popular?
Post by: Tay on September 05, 2007, 04:43:33 PM
there are some topics, however, that cause people to shy away.  That people know are addressed to them, even though it isn't stated, but they're too chicken to post there because they fear that they might be disproven or their beliefs might be challenged.

To those of you who are too scared?  I'm not impressed.
Title: Re: What makes a topic popular?
Post by: Lisbeth on September 05, 2007, 06:57:54 PM
I just thought it depended on whether it was about sex, breasts, or hormones and was stated in a way that makes people want to insult each other.   >:D