Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: dearwatson on June 06, 2015, 02:40:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: dearwatson on June 06, 2015, 02:40:22 AM

I previously posted a question here about my situation (,126892.20.html (,126892.20.html))

Basically, I am a skinny biological male with 29 inches waist and 35 inches hips, which gives me an hourglass body shape. I am living in a tropical country and therefore have to wear light clothing all the time, which makes it difficult to conceal my wide hips. In that thread, I was asking whether 'supplement' testosterone might help give me a more straight body shape, assuming I have low T. And the reason I posted the question in this forum is that I believe some FtM men may be dealing with a similar problem.

In any event, following the advice received, I had my hormone tests done  and the result (which was reported in that thread) was that my t level was within the normal range. And the doctor could not do anything to help me. He also examined my body and found that there was no cause for suspicion of Klinefelter syndrome.

I also received advice in that thread on how to dress to make the hourglass body shape less obvious. And this is what I have been doing to cope with the problem.

Some additional info about me: height 175 cm (5 ft eight); weight 58 kg (128lb); with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which makes gaining weight very difficult.

Recently a new idea hit me - after I read about a man who used implants on his shoulders and chest as 'fake muscles'.

This is the idea:

Since it is not possible to reduce pelvic bones ( a surgery to narrow pelvic bones would severely reduce one's mobility and therefore not an option), would it be possible to use implants (or some other method such as fat grafting) to increase waist size? This will not completely solve the problem, but at least it will help reduce the curves, right? I have posted a picture below to illustrate what I mean --  the arrows are where the implants can go (This picture is from the internet and the person in the picture is not me). How feasible would this be?

I asked a physician yesterday and she said she had never heard of anything like this (my problem or the hypothesized procedure) . She asked me to consult a cosmetic surgeon but she is doubtful such a surgery would be allowed where I live. She suggested that I explore this option in other countries such as Thailand.

I want  to get as much input on this as possible. So please feel free to reply to the following 2 questions, or give any relevant comments on the topic.

1. (Especially if you are a surgeon, or someone with medical training) How feasible is it to put implants on your obliques (that's what the area is called, right?) to make the waist look wider?  Does such a procedure exist? What would the complications be?

2. If you are a FtM man, what advice did your doctor give you regarding the hips issue (if you have it, ie), apart from clothing and workhout (but it is very difficult to develop oblique muscles, right?).

Thanks a lot!!

(note: The person in the picture below is not me. I got the picture from the internet. I am using this photo only to illustrate what the problem might look like (mine is more serious than his actually), and where the implants can go. If you are interested in seeing my picture, here is the link: (


Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: Jennygirl on June 06, 2015, 05:34:56 AM
To me it just looks like you are very trim, and your waist is very defined. Looking at shoulder to hip ratio it seems you are well within range from that pic.

FWIW, my measurements before starting HRT were exactly the same as you, same height and everything. I had absolutely no problem passing as a dude.

Yes there are muscular implants, but it seems kind of extreme if you ask me. I would think an implant in the oblique area would also severely limit your range of motion.

You could try to get better control over IBS and put 5 lbs on, which would likely go straight to your waist... It would probably help with the balance you seem to be looking for? Sorry if that's not the kind of suggestion you're looking for!
Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: dearwatson on June 06, 2015, 05:44:41 AM
Thanks Jennygirl for your quick response. The person in the picture is not me. I used it only to illustrate the positions where the implants can go. I will add a caption to make that clear.

Quote from: Jennygirl on June 06, 2015, 05:34:56 AM
To me it just looks like you are very trim, and your waist is very defined. Looking at shoulder to hip ratio it seems you are well within range from that pic.

FWIW, my measurements before starting HRT were exactly the same as you, same height and everything. I had absolutely no problem passing as a dude.

Yes there are muscular implants, but it seems kind of extreme if you ask me. I would think an implant in the oblique area would also severely limit your range of motion.

You could try to get better control over IBS and put 5 lbs on, which would likely go straight to your waist... It would probably help with the balance you seem to be looking for? Sorry if that's not the kind of suggestion you're looking for!
Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: Jennygirl on June 06, 2015, 05:49:02 AM
No problem.

Sheesh, yeah. The more I think about it, gaining 5lbs sounds waay easier to me! Are you very trim? Or do you already have a decent amount of body fat? I'm just finding it hard to picture you having large hips since I had the same measurements and never thought twice about it (when I was still dude-ing).
Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: dearwatson on June 06, 2015, 06:01:09 AM
Hi Jenny. I have always been very skinny, and for some reason it's been difficult for me to gain weight (perhaps IBS is one reason; perhaps being Asian is another).  And I would say I have little fat. I do wish to gain some weight though.
I can send you a picture of mine. I tried pm-ing you (assuming pictures can be pm-ed), but I am not allowed. But yes, I do have feminine wide hips.

Quote from: Jennygirl on June 06, 2015, 05:49:02 AM
No problem.

Sheesh, yeah. The more I think about it, gaining 5lbs sounds waay easier to me! Are you very trim? Or do you already have a decent amount of body fat? I'm just finding it hard to picture you having large hips since I had the same measurements and never thought twice about it (when I was still dude-ing).
Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: amber roskamp on June 06, 2015, 06:32:39 AM
Many people believe an hour glass body shape is sexy on a guy tbh. It's actually viewed as a an athletic figure for men and women. There us nothing wrong with being an hour glass shape. I was a 28-35 before hrt ( 27-35 now despite gaining weight :-D) and no one ever commented on the fact that I had a semi girlish figure :-(

I think that you should be ok. And six inches spread isn't a ton especially sense much of that is from the butt bubbling out some at least that was the case for me as I have narrow hips.

Also I don't know what society tells men they need to be to achieve hour glass figure but for women they need to have an 8+ inch spread plus their chest has to be the same size as the hips. Or an inch bigger. So I don't think you have the women's hour glass shape so I say there is nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: (Biological) Male with Hourglass body; Implants to increase waist to hips ratio
Post by: mmmmm on June 06, 2015, 07:46:09 AM
This is not hourglass body or feminine... I think this is pretty normal masculine type of body, it's just that because of your weight, and lack muscle mass, your waist looks thin.

You should think about starting fitness or any other active sport which will increase your muscle mass, instead of thinking about fat grafting or implants...

My before HRT measurements were 29 inches waist and 40 inches hips ... reason being lack of any muscle mass and larger pelvis.