Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: 6ix on July 09, 2015, 05:24:40 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Androcur Experiences
Post by: 6ix on July 09, 2015, 05:24:40 AM
Recently I started taking cypro and I was so excited that in no time I was able to begin HRT. Words cannot describe how happy I am to finally take control of my life and work on my happiness instead of focusing all my energy into others' happiness. Definitely excited to begin estrogen in a couple of weeks.

With that being said, what I notice thus far is a drastic decrease in the sebum produced on my face. I was literally an oily mess all the time, having to resort to milk of magnesia to keep my face from looking like a greasy frying pan whenever I wear makeup. It was that serious; but I definitely produce less oil and my face is clearing up which is really exciting.

So in terms of other things I am noticing.. I definitely have experienced headaches more than I usually do. And the most concerning thing is my moods. I could not believe how extreme my moods were yesterday at work. I'm usually able to keep calm whenever I'm under stress, but yesterday I was flipping out. My poor supervisor probably did not know what the hell was going on with me. I even went to the washroom to cry twice and everyone noticed that I was definitely not acting the same.

I'm hoping that I was just having a moment but I'm pretty sure it's because of cypro lol. So for those who are planning on taking it, just be prepared for some uncontrollable emotions. Definitely did not believe people's experiences with it, but I definitely do now! xD