General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: StrykerXIII on July 16, 2015, 08:58:46 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Bloody mailman...
Post by: StrykerXIII on July 16, 2015, 08:58:46 PM
I've been expecting a shipment of wigs, a gift from another member here, for a few days now. Well, yesterday, I find out that the package arrived yesterday, but the mail man returned it to the post office because there was "no secure location" to place it.

I have a covered, screened-in front porch.

The package is addressed to my chosen name. If my girlfriend or I have to provide a photo ID, that package may never find its way to me. My ID is an Alabama driver's license with my given name on it, and hers, well, her legal name isn't Julia either.

All because my mail man is a blithering idiot who doesn't want to walk from the street to the front porch.
Title: Re: Bloody mailman...
Post by: Jessie Ann on July 22, 2015, 12:51:40 AM
Any luck on finding out which post office it went to and being able to pick it up?