Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: Murplethepurple on July 19, 2015, 09:54:26 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 19, 2015, 09:54:26 PM
I am a 15 year old boy and every night when I go to bed I have fantasies that last up to and sometimes exceeding 2 hours about living as a girl. I wear panties and bras under my clothes almost 24/7 but have yet to tell my parents because i do not know what I am. Whenever I get the chance I look at Vogue and Shape magazines and I find myself looking at the clothes and not the girls like other boys my age. I love to have my hair long and to wear girly bracelets and necklaces. If I could I would also pierce my ears so I could wear earrings. I also love to hang out with girls and my best friends are a group of girls in my school. If you need more information please let me know.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: stephaniec on July 19, 2015, 10:02:20 PM
It's hard when your young. I was like that myself from very early childhood to the present.
I'd say that if there is any way you can talk to a psychologist it would help organize your thoughts on the matter.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Mariah on July 19, 2015, 10:05:10 PM
Hi Murplethepurple, welcome to Susan's. Many of us, including myself, had similar experiences growing up. I look forward to seeing you around the forums. Good luck and Hugs

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Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 19, 2015, 10:20:39 PM
Do you think I should tell my parents? I am just afraid that they will not understand any of this. Also just as extra info if it could help is I love the more 'girly' colors such as pink and purple.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Mariah on July 19, 2015, 10:31:54 PM
I think that is up to you. One of the big thing is if your ready or not to tell them and what are you prepared to do after telling them. The list goes on. I'm not sure I would have had the strength the tell them, but the key is to tell them when your ready to. Hugs
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Marlee on July 19, 2015, 10:49:03 PM
I know that when I was 15, I was confused about what to do or says as well. I chose to do nothing about it. But I cannot tell you whether that was a good thing, or bad for me. A lot depends on your circumstances. But it is possible that your parents have already sensed something about you. Try to gauge this for yourself. It is possible that they wouldn't understand. But perhaps they are the kind who would try to?
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 20, 2015, 12:01:00 AM
Thank you all for all of your help. After thinking about it I have decided that I am going to tell my two best friends so that way I have a support group to fall back on if my parents do not accept me for who I am.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Dena on July 20, 2015, 12:49:39 AM
Welcome to Susan's Place. I don't know how long you have been lurking, but if it hasn't been long you might want to hang around a few more days and ask a few more questions. There is only one person who can answer the question you ask and that is you. If your parents put you in therapy you will have help in the form questions that will help you answer the question yourself. I suspect you are Trans something. It might be transexual or transgender but to determine that will take a far better idea of where you see your self in 10 or 20 years if you could make your future what you want it to be. In my case it was pretty simple. I knew almost from the start I wanted to be a woman. The fact you don't know yet means for the most part you haven't ask yourself the right question yet. Your convictions could be every bit as strong as mine where, but just a little late in coming to the surface. Good luck exploring yourself and your future. If I can help you, feel free to let me know.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: katrinaw on July 20, 2015, 01:17:33 AM
Big warm welcome to Susan's Murplethepurple

With you on the magazines bit... even when I was a kid too  ;D

If you trust your friends its a great place to start but make sure, if you are still uncomfortable, that they are close to you and will be confidential if you request that. Best wishes in sharing with them.

Look forward to seeing you about the forum's

L Katy  :-*
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 20, 2015, 03:58:09 PM
Would it be an indication that I am Transsexual because I love to watch makeup tutorials on Youtube and I also happen to like looking at the jewelry section in stores? One of my biggest questions is I like "boy" stuff. Playing videogames, computer programming and things like that. Does liking that stuff make me a crossdresser or would I still be considered transgender? 
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: suzifrommd on July 20, 2015, 06:59:00 PM
Quote from: Murplethepurple on July 20, 2015, 03:58:09 PM
Would it be an indication that I am Transsexual because I love to watch makeup tutorials on Youtube and I also happen to like looking at the jewelry section in stores? One of my biggest questions is I like "boy" stuff. Playing videogames, computer programming and things like that. Does liking that stuff make me a crossdresser or would I still be considered transgender?

My therapist suggests that I can literally wear myself out trying to label myself. It was much more helpful in the end to figure out how I wanted to live. Did I want to stay a male, did I want to dress periodically, did I want to present non-binary, did I want to fully transition?

If you could wave a wand and make your life what you wanted to be, how would you want to live?
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Claraaa on July 20, 2015, 07:04:03 PM
MurpleThePurple,  be careful about classifying yourself based on likes and dislikes.   There are plenty of girls out there who like video games,  sports,  car repair and there are those
who don't fuss much with the makeup.   What I have been learning is that's it's more about who you take your self as.   My gender therapist has been super helpful in helping me work through the "noise".

Good luck to you. 


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Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Promethea on July 20, 2015, 07:39:43 PM
There are no indicators for being or not being transsexual. Well, except "are you 100% sure you want to start  living full time as a woman?", and even that, if the answer is no, it may just be a matter of circumstances and being ready.

I like some "boy" things, and some "girl" things. I know a couple of truck driver trans ladies. And some cis women who also drive trucks for a living.

I also know some boys who like watching makeup videos. And doing makeup. And some of them like WEARING makeup. Without a hint of transness in them.

Don't look for the answer in some stranger from the internet, nor in your behaviours or likes. It's not outside. It's inside you. Start asking yourself questions. Get a therapist to ask you questions. Listen to what you feel, pay a lot of attention to that. The answer will come in its time.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Dena on July 20, 2015, 08:03:37 PM
First you do belong here so if I hit aa nerve, please stay here and explore some more. Transexual is one extreme and implies somebody who wants to change their gender to match their mind. There are a number of other terms between that end of the scale and a CIS person and you will find people here who define themselves by all those terms. At 15 years old you are still exploring your feelings and at some point a label will appear that fits what you are.
People are not nice neat packings. In my own case I was a transexual and had surgery 33 years ago but I am a mix of the old male and the new female. I have interests in many normally female activities and I retain the activities I did as a male. It drives my neighbor up the wall a little bit when I replace her door hardware and hung her ceiling fans. I also cook, shoot competitively, garden and know how to repair my car. Here you get to define what you want your life to be and worry about a label latter if it becomes important to you.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 20, 2015, 08:26:51 PM
Thank you all for your great responses. I really do want to be female but I dont want people to think or look at me differently. I would still be the same person they knew except I would have a different name. I also always felt alone until I found this forum where I can finally talk to people who understand me and what I am going through.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: HoneyStrums on July 20, 2015, 08:31:01 PM
Firstly It diesnt matter wether your a crossdresser or a futer transexual or any other kind of person.

what matters is, you do these things and you want to know why, but the answer to that is closer to the reasons you have a favourate food, or like a perticuler activity.

when I make a choice, i step away from gender, ive found that focussing to much on guys are like this and girls are like that just adds to my confusion.

what helped me clear my head, was instead of looking at my behaviours and my likes and dislikes as girl things or boy things, I started looking at me as a person.

itstead of, I like these jeans, but there girls jeans, why do i like girls jeans.
It was easeyer looking at it like, I like these jeans, why do I like these jeans, because these are the jeans I like.

somtimes, My sister askes me things like, why do i still play vedio games, if i want to be a girl.
I tell her, I play games because I like playing games, and its not about being girly, it about being me.

my long hair
my nail polish,
my heel boots,
the clothes I like,
my perfumes
my vedio games,
and my not likeing to have facial hair,
in addition to evrything ells about me.

their not girl things, or boy things, there me things.

When I was about your age, I did pretty much the same things.
what matters is what your comfatable with as a person, and if wearing bras and panties under your clothes is enough for you at this time??

do you need to start doing other things?

If you do, you can achieve some other things without having to go all girly with them.

you say you would like to get your ears pierced, you can get your ears pierced without having to have girly earings, you can get, some basic studs, (gender neutral earings)

and then if you ever feel like you have to have girly ones, you ears will allready be pierced.
(if that is what you want)

Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Jessica Merriman on July 20, 2015, 08:56:53 PM
Oh sweetie! I feel a ton of confusion inside you. First, BIG HUGG! Ok, now.....First breathe. Feel better? We all need it for life. Now first thing you need to learn is a great deal of patience. I know it is hard, but if you are even considering transition of any kind learn it and learn it well. Transition is the slowest, most frustrating and expensive journey one could ever take. Start slow and do it right. Think long and hard about how it will affect your life, hopes and dreams. Think of how it could affect your relationship to family. Write all this down and go over and over it. Learn all you can here about the process of transition. Every aspect of it. Then write a plan and answers to questions your parents may ask. Then sit down with them. I personally thought notifying (I hate the term coming out) was the single hardest step in transition. Talk calmly and stick to what you need. Then have them help you find a really good therapist who preferable has gender issue experience. Stick with a Psychologist as Psychiatrists just want to medicate the problem away. In your talks with a therapist a plan can be made for whatever you decide needs done. Have I mentioned to learn patience yet? Hang in there and ask as much here as you need to. :)

PS All of us will always be trans. None of us wake up magically Cis gender even after transition.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 20, 2015, 09:37:05 PM
Once again thank you all for all of your support and help in my long confusing journey. I know now what I must do before even thinking about notyifing anyone about who I am. I am eternally grateful for finding this site and be able to talk to people who are like me and know what it is like to have nobody to relate to. I hope to notify at least my best friends and family before school starts so I can at least live as the person I want to be when I am at home and in public. I should also probably add that when I laugh I start to cry because I have not felt true happiness ever in my life. I have only ever wanted to be something I am not and due to this forum I finally know what I never knew I lacked- a loving group of people who only see me for who I want to be seen as.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: stephaniec on July 20, 2015, 11:03:44 PM
I wish there was a forum like this when I was your age. We didn't even know what a computer was.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Dena on July 21, 2015, 12:38:32 AM
Murple, you have to understand what it's like for us. I knew around the mid 1960's that something was wrong but the only information source I had was when something was printed in the newspaper. In the mid 1970's I was seeking treatment and had to move 400 miles from home to find it leaving behind everybody I knew. It wasn't until about 1978 I even met somebody like me.
I am here because I understand how valuable information and assistance can be to someone as young as you and it brings joy to my heart when I can help somebody like you short cut all the years I had to spend getting help. You are doing me a big favor spending your time to learn from my successes and failures.
Always feel free to ask for help here and I suspect sometime in the future you will be on the other side providing advice to somebody younger than you.
Good luck and hope to see you around.
Title: Re: 15yo M/F Am I Trans or a crossdresser
Post by: Murplethepurple on July 21, 2015, 11:21:12 AM
Thank you.