Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: -Justine- on July 21, 2015, 11:29:19 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: -Justine- on July 21, 2015, 11:29:19 AM
HI everyone,
I have been cross dressing for my entire life because I wanted to be a woman however I could never seem to muster up the courage to admit it...until recently, Yay!!! I'm looking to joining a few TG support groups/clubs in my area. I am very comfortable with being out as myself however I must still work as guy  :( ikk (I am not in a tolerant work environment) As I have only recently decided to transition and have not started HRT yet I hope to do so in about 6months but that's another story I still have short hair and no boobies.  Part of what makes me feel comfortable being out is my wig and my breast forms. Here is my concern Will I offend my sister TG's by wearing my wig and a breast forms I want to been seen as TG and not CD I don't want people in my new community to think I am a "Poser" . As time goes on and my transition takes place my wig and breast forms will go away...I hope, but until then is it acceptable for me to wear them?
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: KristinaM on July 21, 2015, 12:16:57 PM
In my opinion, my opinion only.

Most trans people realize that it's a struggle to find ourselves and our ideal presentation, so they shouldn't be offended.  That's not to say people won't look at you like, "mmhmm, cross-dresser," depending on how you present yourself.

In my minimal and limited experience, being trans is typically about trying to blend in with society.  Not necessarily being ashamed of being trans and overtly trying to hide that fact to the point of lying, but keep things simple and dialed down.  Keep the makeup and hair styles simple, keep the clothes simple.  Don't be the drag-queen with the sparkly dress and big hair and costume jewelry, unless you want to be seen as that way, then go right ahead.

Nobody is going to be offended by breast-forms, some girls use/need them.  Nobody is going to be offended by a wig, some girls don't have hair and need them, or just like to change their hairstyle like I change my panties.

Put the whole package together with taste and elegance, that's the key.
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: JLT1 on July 21, 2015, 12:29:16 PM

I've been at this a while longer.....3 years actually.

You have to start somewhere.  Welcome.  I take no offense.


Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: Dena on July 21, 2015, 12:30:58 PM
We have several military members who as of yet are still living in the closet. I would never call them cross dressers because they have to use aids to appear in private or public. I used a wig until I had the hair length. My boob are just over a A cup and I would benefit greatly from a little padding but I am comfortable so I go with what nature and the Endo have provided. The important thing is in the community, be honest with the others and they will understand where you are in life. It will be hard for you to find one of them who didn't at some point dress up in their mothers or sisters clothes and we may refer to the act as cross dressing but we don't call them cross dressers because of it.
Conditions do change and it is possible in a few short years you will be able to transition and all of this will be a distant memory.
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: suzifrommd on July 21, 2015, 02:14:45 PM
Hi Justine. Welcome to Susan's.  :icon_wave:

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I wear a wig everywhere I go, and continued to wear breast forms even after my breasts grew to their current 36A (i.e. still tiny). A lot of trans people do, so I can't imagine anyone would be offended.

If they are, it's really their problem, not yours, isn't it?

Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: Jacqueline on July 21, 2015, 03:20:41 PM

I  have little contact with local support groups. I can't speak to them.

I think it is a personal thing for you. I don't plan to use breast forms at this point. Perhaps that will change in the future.
However, there is no way my hair will be able to grow enough at this point(way prematurely grey then badly balding in addition) Wig will be the only option when I get the gumption to go public.

Don't know if that helps. I hope you have a smooth self realization and path.

Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: Ms Grace on July 21, 2015, 04:18:26 PM
Welcome to the forum! Some will judge, many won't. A lot of people at trans groups are usually worrying if they will pass some imagined test for being trans. At Susan's are inclusive of all people under the transberella, which includes people who cross dress, people who wear breast forms and/or wigs, etc.
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: Jill F on July 21, 2015, 04:28:14 PM
I'm only pretending to be a TG poser.  ;)

No, seriously, I have a wig and breast forms in a drawer from the early days, and still wear "turkey cutlets".  I am, and have always been 100% genuine, authentic, non-imitation, bona fide transgender.   Your true gender is what's between your ears, and not necessarily your legs. 
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: kittenpower on July 21, 2015, 05:36:13 PM
From my experience, it's pretty much anything goes at transgender support groups. And a lot of the trans women there will probably be wearing wigs and/or breast forms, so it's really not something you will be judged for.
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: Mariah on July 21, 2015, 05:50:34 PM
Hi Justine, welcome to Susan's. No one is going to think that here. As others have mentioned the umbrella hear is all inclusive. Many start out cross dressing and later on learn that they crossdressing by itself isn't getting it done while others only do that all along. I use wig everyday and well it's chicken cutlets around here now too. I look forward to seeing you around the forums. Good luck and Hugs
Title: Re: Don't want to be a TG Poser
Post by: -Justine- on July 21, 2015, 11:21:24 PM
Thanks for all of the great replies. I'm still on the fence about the wig, been working on some short hair styles. The cutlets however are in. I think it is hilarious that some of you referred to them as that since that's what my wife calls them. The main things I will remember from this are

I'm now under the transberella  :)

Your true gender is what's between your ears, and not necessarily your legs.

Keep things simple and dialed down