Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: AbbyDS74 on September 04, 2015, 06:19:35 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dr James Chappell
Post by: AbbyDS74 on September 04, 2015, 06:19:35 PM
I was wondering if anybody has had SRS, know anybody that has had SRS, or ever heard of this doctor. He is the only  surgeon that is in network on my insurance that is anywhere near my location. I'd talked to someone there that proudly said that "he's done A LOT of them". I asked how many, she said four, "in a month?", "no, since I'd started working here, about a year." my heart sank. I'm not opposed the going to a less experienced doctor but I certainly don't want to go to a surgeon that says sure, I'll take a whack at it. (literally or figuratively).

Title: Re: Dr James Chappell
Post by: Dena on September 04, 2015, 06:23:28 PM
You might ask where he worked before and what his surgery count was there. I do agree with being careful because you only get one shot at this. You also might ask if the other patients are willing to talk with you about their surgery,
Title: Re: Dr James Chappell
Post by: AbbyDS74 on September 04, 2015, 06:32:12 PM
Thanks Dena. Someone that is better qualified to answer my questions is supposed to call me back. I'll add previous work to my list of questions.
Title: Re: Dr James Chappell
Post by: Jenna Marie on September 04, 2015, 06:40:40 PM
All I can really say is that the surgeon I chose does five in a DAY... and the general wisdom (not just about GRS, but all surgery) is to pick someone who does genuinely do a lot of them and it's routine to them.
Title: Re: Dr James Chappell
Post by: Joi on September 05, 2015, 03:44:51 PM
The criteria that I based my choice of surgeon on had many factors:

How long has he/she been doing GRS?
How many has he/she performed?  This will give an indication of how his/her skill levels and techniques have progressed
Has he/she been in one location for a long time? Or bounced around from place to place.
What kind of facility does he/she operate from?  (Clinic/Hospital/Office)
Does he/she have a reputation among the Trans community?  Good, Fair, Negative
Does he/she specialize in M to F? Or try to perform both?
Are there adequate facilities for post op care nearby?
Have you seen an example of his/her work?  I'm not talking about photos either ie. a post op friend in person.
How thorough is his/her pre-op. qualification process?
Lastly - How much will it cost?  Including any last minute additional fees required due to individual circumstances.

Hope this helps!