General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: lostcharlie on September 05, 2015, 11:16:27 PM Return to Full Version

Title: OMG B.O. !
Post by: lostcharlie on September 05, 2015, 11:16:27 PM
What in the world is going on ? I seem to be noticing a lot more men with really bad body oder when out and about. Can't figure out what's going on. Don't think my nose is getting any better. Unlike a lot of the girls here that say their sense of smell gets keener when on hrt I'm pre everything so can't imagine that's the case.Has bathing regular become an optional activity and I never got the e-mail ?
Title: Re: OMG B.O. !
Post by: Dena on September 05, 2015, 11:24:15 PM
Moisture in the air improves how sense travel. The first time I went from Arizona to California there was an explosion of senses when I got out of the car. Just a 15% change in humidity made a huge difference. The other possibility is you might be caring for yourself better eliminating your own funk.
Title: Re: OMG B.O. !
Post by: warlockmaker on September 06, 2015, 12:06:40 AM
Remember when you eat garlic you don't smell another who also eats it with you. However, when you don't eat garlic then you can strongly smell those that have eaten it. Men and women smell different, the sweat especially smells different and these are all new smells to a former male. You get used to it after a while and it's not so bad.