General Discussions => Education => Philosophy => Topic started by: katia on September 14, 2007, 08:54:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: katia on September 14, 2007, 08:54:08 AM
to me, life is like a rainbow. i'd have every color imaginable in my life mural, yet i think that you would see a lot of black and dark red during certain very hard times in my life and lots of pink and light blue during the very happy times.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Fer on September 14, 2007, 11:26:10 AM
A lot of pink and orange because it represents life and being fabulous, and some brownish for those moments.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: lisagurl on September 14, 2007, 11:54:16 AM
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: tinkerbell on September 14, 2007, 11:11:32 PM
Hmmmm.....Let's wouldn't only be one color for sure.  For the times I've been in tune with my anger, it would be a spectrum of dark gray, brick red, loud yellow, dark red.  For the times I've been indifferent, it would have to be gray blue and gray, and for exuberant times, spring green of course... ;)

tink :icon_chick:
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: RebeccaFog on September 14, 2007, 11:19:05 PM
the color of whatever is going on with my liver.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 12:28:45 PM
Black because I'm a pretty dark person on the inside.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: BlonT on March 20, 2012, 12:47:05 PM
Blue :)  just love that color
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Kitty_Babe on March 20, 2012, 12:52:05 PM
Purple/Violet/Pink - warm colours, helps me relax, and feel more positive. I wear a lot of black/Brown though, but I use that more of a deflection thing, to hide a multitude of things. :D
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: supremecatoverlord on March 20, 2012, 01:48:09 PM
Quote from: Malachite on March 20, 2012, 12:28:45 PM
Black because I'm a pretty dark person on the inside.

Black isn't a color, Malachite.
It is the absence of color and shade.

Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 05:36:35 PM
Quote from: JasonRX on March 20, 2012, 01:48:09 PM
Black isn't a color, Malachite.
It is the absence of color and shade.


diarrhea brown then  >:-)
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Shang on March 20, 2012, 05:53:00 PM
Quote from: JasonRX on March 20, 2012, 01:48:09 PM
Black isn't a color, Malachite.
It is the absence of color and shade.


It's also a combination of various colors in some instances. :3  It depends on if you're talking about light or a pigment.  In the first, black is the absence of light.  In the second, black is a combination of colors (link one (, link two (   A neat way to see it as a mixture of colors is by taking various paints and mixing them together. 

If I had to paint my life a color, I'd paint it black because my life is a mixture of a variety of things to create one single life.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: supremecatoverlord on March 20, 2012, 05:59:13 PM
Quote from: Lynn Gabriel on March 20, 2012, 05:53:00 PM
It's also a combination of various colors in some instances. :3  It depends on if you're talking about light or a pigment.  In the first, black is the absence of light.  In the second, black is a combination of colors (link one (, link two (   A neat way to see it as a mixture of colors is by taking various paints and mixing them together. 

If I had to paint my life a color, I'd paint it black because my life is a mixture of a variety of things to create one single life.
In order for there to be color, there has to be refraction and reflection of light. If black is the absence of light, wouldn't black not be a color? I'm sure something close to black could be a color, but it wouldn't actually be totally black even if it seemed like it was. It would be an extremely dark shade of gray. lolol I am being a pretentious nerd. I need to stop.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Shang on March 20, 2012, 06:04:45 PM
Quote from: JasonRX on March 20, 2012, 05:59:13 PM
In order for there to be color, there has to be refraction and reflection of light. If black is the absence of light, wouldn't black not be a color? I'm sure something close to black could be a color, but it wouldn't actually be totally black even if it seemed like it was. It would be an extremely dark shade of gray. lolol I am being a pretentious nerd. I need to stop.

Lol, it really depends on what you are using in describing black.  In the pigment sense (used in art), it's a color made up of other colors.  In regards to light (used in science), it's an absence of light.  (Oversimplification, but I'm only mainly familiar with how it is used in regards to pigment and other colors.)
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: King Malachite on March 20, 2012, 06:06:21 PM
Quote from: Lynn Gabriel on March 20, 2012, 06:04:45 PM
Lol, it really depends on what you are using in describing black.  In the pigment sense (used in art), it's a color made up of other colors.  In regards to light (used in science), it's an absence of light.  (Oversimplification, but I'm only mainly familiar with how it is used in regards to pigment and other colors.)

Back to black now :D
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Adamford on August 31, 2012, 01:14:43 AM
I would like to add the white and pink color because white is the sign of peace and pink is the sign of being positive. In our life we need peace and I want to be positive.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Edge on August 31, 2012, 10:46:59 PM
I'd like deep, jewel tones of red, green, blue, and purple. Maybe throw some gold, silver, or bronze in there too. And black. That may just be because I like those colours although the intensity of them seems to fit.
Lots of purple because purple represents power.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Felix on September 01, 2012, 12:34:37 AM
I would use green because I'm all verdant and overgrown and weedy. I'm kudzu.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: jesse on September 01, 2012, 01:57:11 AM
my colors would be progressive from the cobalt blue of pre teen years to the overcast paynes grey washed out by the salty tears of water and blue undertones of my twenties when i learned of pediphiles and violence rape and pain of the outcast to the black blue and silver of the storm clouds nearing the end of it
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Carolina1983 on September 01, 2012, 02:10:23 AM
Dark red and black, maybe some pink stains and some white ones.

Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Penny Gurl on September 01, 2012, 12:00:03 PM
My life would be shades of green from dark to light.. if i had to pick only one color.  I love green, it can be such a happy color and it's the color of life!
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: LordKAT on September 01, 2012, 10:20:32 PM
Black isn't absence of light so much as absence of reflection of light.

As to my color and reasons, I'm amazed but someone said it exactly right.

Quote from: Edge on August 31, 2012, 10:46:59 PM
I'd like deep, jewel tones of red, green, blue, and purple. Maybe throw some gold, silver, or bronze in there too. And black. That may just be because I like those colours although the intensity of them seems to fit.
Lots of purple because purple represents power  and royalty*.

Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Kate G on September 22, 2013, 03:22:10 AM
This moment I would paint it this color


I have no idea why.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: V M on September 22, 2013, 03:39:53 AM
It would have be a collage of colors that changes from day to day based upon my mood at the time
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Jamie D on September 22, 2013, 05:20:28 AM

Gray tones
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: bethany on September 22, 2013, 08:43:16 AM
I love this question. If I were asked this before starting my transition my world would be painted black with a hint of red here and there to represent the fire that once tortured me. But now it's colors of yellow, green, and blue. Yellow for the sun light that warms my soul. Green for the grass and leaves on the trees. And finally blue for the water that quenches my thirst for life, and the sky that I look up to and dream of what lies beyond the realm of Earth that awaits me the moment I leave my body behind.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: KabitTarah on September 22, 2013, 08:52:29 AM
Green for how I am... growing, learning ...

Lavender for what I am... a trans girl.

Yellow for how I look at life... a bright, positive outlook

I also really like these colors... though I think brighter purples would compliment me better.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Ferretty on January 02, 2015, 02:17:42 AM
All the colors except black and white, after while life just isn't all black and white, life isn't static for me it's a rainbow of emotions thoughts and actions.

However if it is limited to only one color, definitely blue, it is calming and serene and helps me think things through
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Bazer63 on January 31, 2015, 12:03:23 PM
Red for the blood that keeps me alive and the pain I get from being bullied. Orange for creativity and freethought; going against the norm. Yellow for those fleeting moments where I forget my troubles through friendship rather than projecting them onto fictional charcters. Green for woods where I would love to hide and be free, and the dinosaurs that are my biggest obbsession. Blue for my intelligence and my life online and in video games. Pink for the norms and stereotypes I have rejected as a small child and fight as a feminist for myself and every person they affect. Black for the challenges I face. White for the knowledge I search for.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Skyler on February 02, 2015, 09:33:22 PM
black and blue... I can be quite a gloomy person that no one sees.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: Tessa James on February 02, 2015, 09:39:29 PM
I have worn this tutu about three times but you know I love the rainbow and the strength and freedom felt through solidarity and identity.
Title: Re: if you could paint your life, what colour will you use and why?
Post by: stephaniec on February 02, 2015, 10:33:06 PM
pre HRT would be red for the anger I had, post beginning HRT would be sky blue for the rebirth from the water about.