General Discussions => Hobbies => Topic started by: Vendetta on September 18, 2015, 11:30:06 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: Vendetta on September 18, 2015, 11:30:06 AM
Here is a few of my hobbies its kind of guy stuff but heck why does that matter I enjoy them in girl mode and boy mode

Most recent hobby remote control airplanes always wanted one when I was a kid I've wanted to fly a real plane but until then I style for these fun little planes
The second link shows the light modification I made so I can fly at night

My other favorite hobby is shooting guns there is something  about going into mountains and taking out all your frustrations on a poor unexpecting target safely of course and nothing alive I could never hunt I'd feel too guilty I love animals lol

If anyone in the Colorado area ever wants to check this stuff out or get a lessen in gun handling and self defence send me a message would be fun to teach my fellow girls and guys some new things
Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: Devlyn on September 18, 2015, 11:59:18 AM
Nice hardware!  :)

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: Vendetta on September 18, 2015, 12:12:26 PM
Thank you im actually taking some newbies up Saturday for some target practice its their first time so I'm super excited I love watching people's reactions the first time they use a shotgun lol
Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: Kylie1 on October 06, 2015, 07:26:07 AM
Nice load out!  I'm an avid shooter with a splash of WWII rifle collection as well.  I'm the same way with animals too.  I like to shoot paper and clay, but that's about it.  I don't want to kill stuff just to kill stuff.

You're a zombie bug out truck away from being ready for the zombie apocalypse. :)
Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: transjoe on October 06, 2015, 07:35:00 AM
Ah, that Looks like a cool truck and cool Equipment - are all the guns (except the pistols of course) shotguns? Looks the way from the barrel and feeding openings.

In Europe where I live it is not easy to possess a semi-automatic rifle, as this is very, very regulated, I however am lucky to be allowed to own a Winchester SX3 Shotgun  ;)

ahh and also a Pickup  ;D

Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: sawlinsky on January 26, 2016, 07:02:44 PM
i really love the planes. ive been thinking for while to start myself. since im a big plane addicted
Title: Re: A couple of my hobbies
Post by: Kacie Lynne on February 07, 2016, 01:45:48 AM
i have been a RC pilot for a few years before starting my transition and still continue to do so, im in the process of building a 90 size p-47 thinking of using a 23cc gas engine and avoid the messy nitro on this plane