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Title: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on September 29, 2015, 02:23:33 AM
Been a long night, but i got to get this out!  please fix and move if needed so all can see..  I found a possible solution that has not been addressed here to the VA tg issue for those not getting the care they need:)  Please bare with me on this one, feel free to pm me with questions..  will post news as i get it on the progress at the VA..

So today after going all the legal routes and for the most part got my transition help on the outside of the VA.   I still recommend that it is easier to use medicare to transition than the VA.  I wrote the following of what has transpired the last 2 weeks to come to this..  I am asking Vets who want to make a difference for us transgendered in the system to please check your local va and see if they have implemented va-2013-003..  If not I will have a solution on how to check and fix the solution :)  Together we can make a change in the system! (I hope?  I'm so loaded with morphine from the pain tonightSad smile)

This part is to explain how I got to what I did today:

Last week I saw my primary care and psychiatrist to help me but neither had no idea how to help me with my transgender needs.  they have not heard they can do anything for it and fear trouble if they do help!

Just this month, i started having issues getting cheap hormones rt now, I decided it's time to push them through the VA..  Both of my drs literally did not know what todo and we're afraid to go any further trying to get me hormones,  and asked that I contact patient advocate..  My psychiatrist was under the impression that you can only get hormones if your transition was service connected?  Wow, she's a nice lady but that shows the current issues with the VA training down here..

Last week, the issue with stroheckers pharmacy loosing their liscense,  my estradiol meds have gone from 60 to 300 bucks overnight..  Or so I thought when I found no pharmacy in town carry estradiol injection type..  So now is the time for me to push for pellets or goto the VA for help:) If anyone knows a cheap compounding pharmacy that has their license currently, please post!

Today, I finally was down at the el paso VA to talk with patient advocate.  The lady who's name eludes me tonight,  was glad to help me but had no idea of the va directive 2013-003.  If you do not know about it, or have not read it, please see the following link:

I explained to her that no matter how much my dr was trying to help me, it was her superiors who are not doing their job implementing this directive to create a safe working environment for the drs to treat the patients and make sure the patients get the level of care they deserve..  She was shocked to find this was not happening now, but most things in the VA are behind  :(

Below is what the VA by law has to already provide to you!  If you feel you are not getting this service, please keep reading below to find a safe solution I came across to help implement it:)

va directive 2013-003 basically ensures that:
a. Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Director. Each VISN Director must ensure that necessary and appropriate health care is provided to all enrolled or otherwise eligible Veterans based on the Veteran's self-identified gender, regardless of sex or sex reassignment status.

b. Medical Facility Director, Chief of Staff, and Associate Director for Patient Care Services or Nurse Executive. The medical facility Director, Chief of Staff, and Associate Director for Patient Care Services or Nurse Executive are responsible for ensuring: (1) Transgender patients and intersex individuals are provided all care included in VA's medical benefits package including but not limited to: hormonal therapy, mental health care, preoperative evaluation, and medically necessary post-operative and long-term care following sex reassignment surgery to the extent that the appropriate health care professional determines that the care is needed to promote, preserve or restore the health of the individual and is in accord with generally-accepted standards of medical practice.

This is what I did today to get the ball rolling!  Hopefully you can use some of the same stuff to further our progress!  I did this to help everyone in the El Paso district..  The patient advocate was shocked to know there are others and some not transitioning because of the local VA's inaction!  I am doing this to, besides help me, to help others in their transition too.  I'm tired of being the only one walking the halls there:)  People at this VA and the las cruces branch are very respectful, I hope at your va too!

getting back to the solution:
1. goto the patient advocate and find someone who you are comfortable talking to
2. bring a copy of the va directive 2013-003 with you, ask the advocate if they know of this directive and has it been implemented?
3.  if they say it has been implemented, ask them for a point of contact to call if denied care..
4.  Ask to make sure the directive gets implemented and get a response back after it does.  once this is implemented, all vets will (hopefully) receive transgender health care in your area!

if you are worried to ask your local va due to repercussions, feel free to pm me, but please find your va's local patient advocate phone number and I will gladly call and verify this program for you and tell you how to get into it..

ok, I hope this all makes sense..  I was in pain today when I got home and slept..  I just need to get this info out asap so we can get the ball moving..  My advocate even had the impression that "why go through the va, because we would have to pay for the service and meds anyway?"  I explained to her that I'm 100% service connected.  Any disabled vet are entitled these services for free!  (Another piece of info to go loaded with)  To be honest, my transition may be the one reason i'm around still!  I want to see how this all turns out:)  feeling good about my dysphoria does more help than any pain meds and mood pills any day!  Yea, I still hurt bad and feel like i came out a meat grinder, but I don't have that "give in" attitude anymore!   I hope this may help a vet on the edge too!

please let me know if I need to change any of this info, but I think I got it right!
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: blue_firefly on September 29, 2015, 05:27:11 PM
I too went through the VA although it was much less difficult getting care... I didn't even have to bring up the directive I just talked to my primary, They transfered me to my endo, and I've been on for nine months... with the blessing of a phyc of course... JD

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on September 29, 2015, 06:25:31 PM
Hi blue_firefly, may I ask where you are located?  Some VA'S are going to have this directive implimented already..  I found the elpaso one wasnt..  I'm sure there are more out there.  These are the ones we need put online with this directive. .  As long as they know about it and drs are willing to work with you, but when the drs seem scared and lost on what todo, that what we have to fix..  I have a fellow vet who is transgender but will not transition because she works at this va, and scared she would loose her job..  now that's sad, but it's also texas! 

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: blue_firefly on September 29, 2015, 08:18:38 PM
I live in iowa and due to Dr patient confidentiality I am currently transitioning and am also employed through central iowa VA helthcare and as far as I know noone at my job knows. I will keep it that way as long as I can because it doesn't matter in the kitchen... we all wear the same uniform and the same hair nets and no one is allowed to wear makeup or polish or things of that sort.

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on September 29, 2015, 08:41:44 PM
:)  thank you..  hopefully everyone around your area has no issues too:)  now if all the va's will model after your va:)

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Jessica Merriman on September 29, 2015, 11:30:21 PM
Just an example. If I did not have Medicare Depo Estradiol (Cypionate) for 90 day supply $89.00. With Medicare $2.55. Shawnee Oklahoma.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on September 30, 2015, 01:03:50 AM
May I ask where you get your estradiol, and is it in stock?  Even a local Wal mart, I can find a way to get my prescription to them, but everywhere I call is out of stock around here:(   Thank you for the heads up:)  although I will be eventually going through the va, I'm not holding my breath anytime soon!
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on September 30, 2015, 05:29:26 PM
Hi Cynobyte:

I have been receiving MH counseling from the Hou VA for nearly a yr.  Once I indicated that I was Trans. and wanted to initiate transition, they started the process leading to an Endo + hormones + RX medication to reduce facial hair, + Lidocaine ointment to ease the pain of electrolysis +referral to an outside provider for "Voice therapy" training + guidance on changing my gender and name in the VA system (done)  I participated in an 8 week group therapy program for Trans vets. in the Spring and just started with a new group scheduled for 8 weeks on Monday.  Although it may seem that Houston has it all together and they've done a lot, I did run into a roadblock when it came to securing a letter from my prime care phys. clearing me medically for GRS.  I'm having my surgery done in Bangkok and they wouldn't provide the letter I needed saying that I was healthy enough to undergo the surgery.  Said if I was having the surgery done in the USA would not be a problem.  Had to go to a "private" phys. to get it.  (done).  They are however providing me with all of the tests, x-rays, EKG's etc. that I will need prior to surgery.  MH was great providing me with the letter that I needed for my surgeon in Bangkok. All in all, would rate them 8 out of 10.  Hope this info helps.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on September 30, 2015, 10:21:04 PM
I'm jealous:)  I need to check, but I thought Texas was all one district?  If it is, I may need to call a little higher up if things don't go right to push this through:)

I thank you for that info..  I don't know what to say about the foreign medical clearance, most surgeries you don't recommend out of the country, and maybe that's what they were going by?  I'll look more into this this week and get back with you..  just had a liver biopsy, I would have rather broke my rib again!  Wow, it still stings:(  laters, j

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: audreelyn on September 30, 2015, 11:27:54 PM
Living in Los Angeles, I was surprised that there were so many hurdles in trying to get treatment for Gender Dysphoria at the VA. Ultimately, I couldn't navigate the labyrinth of obstacles to make it happen. I went through my civilian job's Kaiser HMO plan, and it worked out wonderfully.

However, just the same, if I only knew where to start, and if the care personnel knew how to direct service members and vets... we could help others. Sadly, I haven't the slightest idea either, but I am willing to help!

Needless to say, as I tried googling some solutions, I found this interesting article:
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: KittyKat on October 01, 2015, 12:07:22 AM
I just had most of my healthcare taken over by the Oklahoma City VA, including my HRT. My primary care doctor actually never had a transgender patient before, but he was very kind and thought I was CIS at first. On my first visit he filled my prescriptions to last until the endocrinologist consult he had put in. The doctor at the endo clinic was more knowledgeable. I've only seen her once and will be following up next month. My name hasn't been fully changed in the VA hospital system I was told it can take up to 2 months, but when I show anyone my ID to check in for appointments they make corrections on their paperwork.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on October 01, 2015, 12:11:29 AM
Cynobyte:  I wasn't asking them for a clearance, just a letter stating that I had no underlying medical conditions that would preclude my ability to undergo the surgery.  After repeated requests, my prime care Dr., moved it up the chain to the Admin. folks at the Houston VA.  Their response was to have the Dr.'s in Thailand that were going to perform the surgery make that call.  What a joke! As they were the one's asking me to obtain the information in the first place.  That's when I gave up and went outside.

My LGBT therapist at the VA felt that it would be done in time with some additional input from other VA system providers.  In fact he cited one of his contacts in San Fran. who said it was commonly done there.

What the system fails to get is that most Vets. don't have additional private insurance and although Medicare has agreed to cover these surgeries, there is not an MD in the US that will accept Medicare.  I tried this route first.  I knew that Medicare was covering GRS effective in 2014, and I have a supplemental policy that will cover what Medicare doesn't.  Catch 22 - the MD's still wouldn't consider Medicare.  They are in for the $$'s  and most of them are not very experienced when compared to the Dr.s in Bangkok.  I'm getting my surgery for 50 to 70% less than it would cost in the USA and from a surgeon who developed the techniques that the US surgeons are using.

Hope u feel better tomorrow!



Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on October 01, 2015, 12:15:58 AM
Kitty Kat:  The policy that they follow for the name change requires a court order verifying the legal name change.  Once I submitted that my name was changed in less that two weeks  Got my new "corrected" ID card soon after.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 01, 2015, 05:21:27 PM
Glad you answered the medicare issue..  I have been pulling my hair out looking for one, if even just to pay the hospital stay and other such things?  I can barely travel to vegas when I fell better, but overseas is out..  I can't fly due to heart and lung issues, but got drs wavers todo these surgeries more as a hospice thing?

Just now to find out they pay your lidocaine for electrolosis?   I'd really be steamed if they paid for that too..  although mine is 200 to 300 a month, after a few years that could have paid for a surgery!

Right now since all my drs say a gastric bypass will help my health more than my weight, I cannot get one via them for another 2 years or more, they wanted to put me in the move program, which I went to the starter class to sign up, it starts in jan now, but I see that that has been now canceled to move further:(  I have a profile by my rhumatologist not to do too much because the lupus causes inflammation. .  They recommend a swimspa for me and tried to set me up 3 days a week at a spa place in El paso..  oh yea, drive 200 miles a day to swim?  Why not just buy me one like it says in their guidelines..  water under 85 messes up my muscles and joints, then they have to inject me with corticosteroids which then mess up my bloodsugar for a week..  I just cannot win:( 

I even fall through the cracks for a private nurse..  I do qualify for aid and attendance,  but that has been botched on their ends til I got a rep finally!  I'm so pissed now I'm going for r2!  At least it will pay for the extras I need to survive..  I finally hired a kid who I have taught about medical stuff, he will be moving his family here next week and living next door..  it's not cheap, but he's gonna help sell my stuff off so I can downsize and live a simple life to enjoy:)

3 days have gone by, no word from  patient advocate, they are supposed to give initial response within 24 hrs and more after, I'm going to start calling tomorrow... 

Thank you all for your info and inputs so far..  I will be using it as bullets to fight them if I must..  I will not use any names unless you don't mind if I need to..   

Finally feeling better today after yesterday's hell..  don't get a biopsy if you don't need one, but I'm sure 5 years on fentynol and heavy pain meds I take has lowered my pain tolerance :(  they even put 10mg of morphine in my IV and I never felt a difference :(  I had to wait til they let me on my back and could have liquids, where I grabbed my bag and palmed a couple oxy I keep in stock..  looks like I need to get my pain dr write a letter to keep w me for surgery and other stuff to say why to raise my pain doses and why with my history..  I feel like an addict, but I have no choice:(

I'm still looking for info on more districts and will help if needing to push the directive for anyone..

Ok, chat later:)  j

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on October 02, 2015, 09:39:35 AM

When & if you request the "numbing" cream from the VA, be sure to ask for "Lidocaine and Prilocaine Cream" 2.5%/2.5%
As far as I know it's the strongest  they dispense.  I had a script for "Lidocaine" but it was only .5% and not effective.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 02, 2015, 12:58:38 PM
Quote from: Joi on October 02, 2015, 09:39:35 AM

When & if you request the "numbing" cream from the VA, be sure to ask for "Lidocaine and Prilocaine Cream" 2.5%/2.5%
As far as I know it's the strongest  they dispense.  I had a script for "Lidocaine" but it was only .5% and not effective.
Literally,  thanks for replying.  I fell asleep in the hottub.. the alert woke me up, then went back to bed:(  been a bad morning for me..  Sometimes I wake up and literally don't remember going out to the tub..  Fortunately I got a smaller tub a couple years ago so it is hard to get my head under the water when stretched out napping:)

Ok, as for the lidocaine,  thanks for the reply on that..  I've been wanting to try a new type.  I currently get lidocaine w eppy at 2%.  I also have regular 2% lidocaine, but it wears off in a matter of minutes.  The eppy causes the blood vessels to restrict making the lidocaine last up to 40 minutes..  I can get lidocaine,  but it has not been easy to find any other type of injectable anastetic beyond the lidocaine.  I can get topicals in any formula, but they don't scratch the surface for me:(  I found one type on ebay, it's rather cheap, i cannot feel any cutting or needle pokes, but the heat burns bad!  So I just use as numbing agent before my session.  We then pick the areas to work on, and I shoot them up..    thanks for the new stuff to try:)

Will post a finding about the va in a while, nothing great yet, but possibly an lgbt email address for the va:)  j

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: KittyKat on October 04, 2015, 10:43:21 PM
Quote from: Joi on October 01, 2015, 12:15:58 AM
Kitty Kat:  The policy that they follow for the name change requires a court order verifying the legal name change.  Once I submitted that my name was changed in less that two weeks  Got my new "corrected" ID card soon after.

I submitted my court order and it still hasn't been updated in the VA system. I recently got my birth certificate corrected so I'm going to go over with that to get my gender updated as well. Hopefully when I bring everything this time it'll go through faster. I'm just waiting to recover from having my gallbladder removed.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 04, 2015, 11:22:55 PM
Quote from: KittyKat on October 04, 2015, 10:43:21 PM
I submitted my court order and it still hasn't been updated in the VA system. I recently got my birth certificate corrected so I'm going to go over with that to get my gender updated as well. Hopefully when I bring everything this time it'll go through faster. I'm just waiting to recover from having my gallbladder removed.
I found an email to an actual lgbt office in the va system that supposedly makes sure the va's are complying.  I sent them an email wed, but nothing as of yet, so I'm going to call a number I found to that office..  sad I lost it, but will find it later tonight and post both email and number so we can start putting a bug in their butt!  It will be a week tomorrow and I better hear from patient advocate too?  It's el paso tx, I sadly found that the lgbt and support groups are kinda hidden since hate groups post on large signs around there..  I am full time transgender and not scared because of my size, but I do watch more carefully around that town!  I have strategies and defensive stuff I carry with me just incase..  no, I don't Cary a gun or knife, I've been diagnosed with ptsd, take heavy pain and neurological meds, plus  packing estrogen, so a gun or knife is not a good idea to carry..  it would land me or most of you in jail before helping us.  I definitely would not survive in jail due to the medical attention I need, so I just play it smart, and try to use the buddy system too!

Kittykat, I hope you get your papers fixed..  I'm not going todo a name change, but I have been thinking of changing my gender so I get better attention..  I been seeing it may be possible todo this just by submitting my medical records to medicare, they will change my gender marker..  we shall see, it's what their site wants todo it..  I just worry about changing my name rt now in case something happens to me in between change..  I've already seen the va at its worst just from a simple error on a report..  it could cost my family their support, insurance, the house, or any other thing a government agency can mess with..  sad:(

Let's see this week if the el paso va starts recognizing the transgender directive.  Only thing I saw them do lgbt was put a poster up on lgbt awareness month..  big deal, actions are better than a pretty poster!  This supposed office I found better stick up for us, or we need to clean them out and take it over!  I'll volunteer if I can do it from home and get some authority in the va on these issues:)  I just bet they tell this office to just look pretty, but they have no pull:(  I will report back in a couple days with as much detail as I can.. hopefully it's good info.. 

Btw, we are going to make a flier that debunks transgenderism, from hormones to mental issues.  A guide how to deal with haters.  If you have issues you would like addressed, please pm me on it..  I plan to use data from the 2015 tg survey to data from those who write the world health standards of care for us..  I'm sad from people not being able to stand up to lies about us. We don't need to fight, but we have the right to tell the truth to defend ourselves..  i hope to continue to modify it as the lies change over time..  it will not always work, but I hope it helps promote the truth for us..  If it can save the life of just one person, from either suicide or hate inflicted on them, then it will have been worth the effort!

Night all, jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on October 05, 2015, 11:46:16 PM
RE:  Medicare/ Soc . Sec. & name change etc.

I legally changed my name and after submitting the "Court Order" at my local SS office received my new card in less that a month.

Soon after, I signed up for online access to SS using my new name.  This went fine.  That's where you can request a replacement Medicare ID card.  Sent in my request.  A few weeks later, I received a mailing from Medicare addressed to my new name.  When I opened it up it contained a replacement card with my former name on it. Go figure!

Called Medicare and they said that the new name request had to come to them from SS.  DUH!

Planning to have my gender marker changed at SS and understand that this can be done by presenting a document to them stating that I had completed my transition to the female gender.  Have the letter already.

This is the same letter that I submitted to Dept. of State for the changes to my Passport.  Should be receiving that soon.

FYI: In my experience thus far, I find that the LGBT therapists at the VA are recently graduated Ph.D's serving fellowships at the VA (1yr.) Perhaps they are pursuing "Board Memberships" They are then posted to other locations in the VA system. They mean well, but don't seem to have much clout and are closely supervised.  Could be that the LBGT therapists in "El Paso" are being handcuffed by their supervisors who are not fully implementing the TG directives. Wouldn't surprise me a bit as politicized as they at the top. Just a suggestion, but you might want to play their "game"  Contact your US Reps. or Senators and see what kind of response you get. Times awasting!
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 06, 2015, 01:51:07 AM
Spent the day settling my new medical aid into there place.  Gotta get ready for the winter.  This is going to be an expense in itself, since I've yet to get aid and attendance..  soon as the weather drops a little more, I'm stuck in bed over 90 percent of the time trying to stop the flairups..  yet the va says it's not service connected!   They admit my lupus, polyarteritis nodosa, rhumatoid arthritis, ranaulds, Asia syndrome, and several masses in my body are all service connected, but the fibromyalgia that would get me aid and attendance is not service connected..  and yet fibromyalgia is a broad term used for most of the stuff listed above!  Wow, I love beaurocrats!

I still would love to do the legal name change, but just going after my sex marker..  there is already up to 150k in backpay if I can play their game..  I can imagine if my named change and them saying "james is not here to get the money anymore!"  They are that evil.. 

I still love the va, but just the drs and nurses.  It's the supervisors and ceo's who should only have jobs at the va only if they served!  These scumbags cut corners for bonuses for them!  The drs and nurses should only get good pay and bonuses in a hospital, and that based on patient satisfaction surveys..

As for lgbt counselors or shrinks at the el paso va, there are none..  I've been told this by several shrinks there already:( 

So, today I was busy, and came home and crashed.  My helper has a wife and newborn, who want to help us too..  they are going to do ebay to help me sell everything, so if I choose to move or such:)  I've been thinking of moving closer to a va, but a trans friendly va..  yet it has to be where it is warm all the time to help my lupus!

Last, no call from patient advocate or the lgbt office yet?  I have the rest of the week to start calling?  Let's see if anyone listens..  most don't answer phones or return emails..  I seem to only get responses for this kind of stuff by directly confronting them..  right now, I have no apts in El paso for 3 weeks..  I have several apts here in town, but that won't help:(

And here I was so proud of my va and thought they were doing good:(  I will get them back on track:)  It maybe just the morphine, fentynol,  oxy, cymbalta, and med pot to top it that's giving me this confidence?  By tomorrow,  I'll be miserable from the weather and my adhd will make it hard to decide what todo:(  I'm trying to make a plan tonight, but the only thing I can predict is that things never go as planned!  I'm good at alternatives, but this time, I'm even running out of those?  I hate to just go in complaining without facts..  I just wonder if I should give more time for them to respond when I already know they never do and they are past the date they said they would respond..  I'm trying to win them over with being on the ball about this, eager to help others and trying to no get people in trouble..  but part of me is beginning to think throwing these people under the bus for not doing their job is the only way to get a response..  that's just not me!  Ok, I'm yammering on too much..  I've fixed my issues for now, I don't really need the VA, but this is not right!  I have a right like the rest of you vets to get the treatment that is guaranteed to me..  is there a "Kim davis" sitting on the other end, blocking my actions?  Ok, going to stop tonight..  any ideas and opinions are appreciated..  I just want to know if I make a stink and cause trouble for them, is it the right thing.  We have the last va news thing from a vet who is having issues, but some of their issues seem simple and I think they went too far.  I just don't want to be that next person, yet I want to fix this for us all!  I've been thinking of a lgbt patient advocate system for the va?  They do have reps for women and race, so why not a lgbt section to make sure our rights are enforced?  Maybe there is one, like the lgbt group I've been talking about..  I just won't know until I talk to someone..  ok, nighty night all:)  it's going to rain all night, so it's going to be hell 4 me:(

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Michelle-G on October 06, 2015, 10:19:04 AM
Quote from: Cynobyte on September 30, 2015, 10:21:04 PM
I'm jealous:)  I need to check, but I thought Texas was all one district?  If it is, I may need to call a little higher up if things don't go right to push this through:)

No. I am in the Central Texas district, Houston is another, and I suppose El Paso is in yet another.

FWIW, I have had ZERO issues with Central Texas. Hormones, check. Voice therapy, provided. Mental health, excellent. They have provided all needed letters for surgery, they have done my pre-surgery lab work, and they provide any post-op care needed (I didn't need any, but it was there). No issues changing my name and gender in VA records (did this while I was pre-op). I get called Ma'am all day long by VA staff and doctors.

So, yeah, the VA is not the issue. It's your VA that's not on the ball. You'll have to set them straight.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 06, 2015, 05:08:23 PM
here is a twist to the story!  I'm very upset and trying to make sure i figure this out before he calls..  patient advocate  called and said the el paso va director told her they do not give any support to transgenders, hormones, therapy, or anything!  wtf!  I told her that the directive 2013-003 is va wide to all the va's.  most of the va's have complied or are in the works.  she asked me if i knew any vas, and i mentioned the va in houston that gave counceling, hormones, and voice therapy at the va!  I can list more if given time, but they just have to look, its mandated?

She then said the director tried to call me a while ago, yea, i got a call, 1 ring.. no voice mail.. she said he tried to call and i have no voicemail, yet ive had the same phone for a couple years and my voicemail works great to all the other people at that va when i dont answer it..  I was expecting their call and tried to get it..  it was only 1 ring, what game is this!

I can already see there may be an issue.. do i have a leg to stand on if he refuses to comply?  do i go over his head or goto the press?  I'm not scared about this, yet i really dont want to go public unless its necessary..   my phone records phone calls when i dont use the bluetooth.. unfortunatly i had my headset on for her call, but if he calls, im recording it..  maybe good ammo to post if he says something wrong.. in new mexico, its legal to record as long as one party knows they are being recorded:)  if he is just the anti lgbt type, this may dispose of him?  but then this will get ugly, im scared of my health, if they can mess with my care because of this.. i can fight him, but my meds and stuff are thousands each month for all the meds and care..  this is besides the tg stuff..  hmm, any ideas? jamie
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 06, 2015, 06:48:45 PM
Ok, 1735 here.  They leave by 530..  I bet this guy is saying he has tried to call me again..  I got til tomorrow to come up with facts as ammo to use to prove my case if he is close minded as I fear..  I contacted the nm lgbt center, but they take a while to respond.  I think I may look for a lawyer to write them a letter demanding they comply with a directive they already have to..  hmm, this sounds familiar :(  I just don't want my name involved ad the stress.  It makes my lupus flair worse to where pain meds don't help:(  I just cannot let this happen though..  here I was giving praises to this va.  I still do, but just the drs!  After this, I'm pressing everything the va has denied me, yet I deserved..  I just chalked it up to other vets in need,  but if they have  money for bonuses for these people who do not help us vets, then they have money for equipment for vets! 

I'm just hoping it's just their misunderstanding,  but don't see how..  I will post tomorrow on how it goes down..  any help on legally fighting them is appreciated..  I hope I can do it, if more tg vets In my area stepped up, we could push them, but the ones I do know are scared of what can happen.  Esp where they live.. I'll still do it, just if anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears!  I cant wait though, i can live for a decade, i can die tomorrow!  Im 2 years past my expiration date..  because of that, i think i get the right to enjoy my life now.. maybe im wrong, but its my opinion, to live like there maybe no tomorrow..  it's just because of my health issues:)  Jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Michelle-G on October 06, 2015, 10:39:43 PM
Well, you already know that Houston, Central Texas (Austin, Waco and Temple) are on the ball, so that's 4 facilities in Texas alone.

If you don't get satisfaction then call your congressperson, but don't tell the VA that you're doing it. Just listen, take notes, thank him for his time and then send a nuclear rocket right up his tailpipe.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 12:12:22 AM
Oh, I'll will be nice..  the call will be posted here for all to see if there is something wrong with his logic.  We can devise a plan, and I'll execute him, I mean it:)  but, he has to grow a pair and call me first..  I can send him my nuts, they are in a jar downstairs still:)

Sorry, I just don't like her response today, like he had a choice not to help us!  All I though of was that homeland terrorist Kim davis and her scarecrow looking husband..  if this is the case, I will be down there making sure he is packing his bags..  People can believe anything they want as long as they do not inflict their delusions on anyone else to cause them suffering..  they may suffer that I may get the treatment that they are against, but I'm suffering that their stupidity is wasting my time!  I'm going to bed, took some xanax on top of my pain meds and just going to relax..  can't do anything about this tonight.  Good night all, let's just hope he had some miscommunication with reality and it's fixed tomorrow, or we will have to make his life hell.  J

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 12:29:15 AM
Anyone that has legal experience,  can they look up

This I believes says I cannot be descriminated against in any federal building because I'm transgender!  I could use this against him if needed because he failed to implimented directive 2013-003?  Tnx

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Michelle-G on October 07, 2015, 09:44:51 AM
Your first directive is the right one. That's the one that tells VA facilities to give us the treatment we need (short of gender affirming surgery). This one is a general non-discrimination memo. There are similar memos in all other federal agencies as well.

Not that these are not worth having. Under Obama all federal facilities were required to provide full access to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, physical ability, gender identity, etc. The immediate payoff for us is that we can pee in the right restroom.

Quote from: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 12:12:22 AMSorry, I just don't like her response today, like he had a choice not to help us!

No, he does not have a choice. But rather than assume this is due to some sort of religious bigotry just leave it at incompetence. That is what you know is true, the first one is an unfounded assumption.

Stick with the first directive, and go nail this joker to the wall.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 02:58:46 PM
been a bad morning with the weather, not good for lupus:(  nobody has called yet from the va?  I called patient advocate, just to get a voicemail as usual..  I did contact a lgbt rep for the va out of dallas by the name of laura k.  She is rather informative on the lgbt rights.  maybe i can get her to be a poc of vets on here? 

She confirmed that the directive 2013-003 is basically a federal mandate that all va's must comply with..  She also informed me that if i cannot get the director to listen, to goto the visn which is the el paso directors boss:) i have already found a contact number for them.. 

to make sure im fair and dont jump the gun, i called the director for the el paso va and left a number to contact me again!  its odd that the patient advocate said it was a sir, yet the contact i got off the va website for el paso was a gail graham?  I left a message and will give her another day. if no reply(which is usual) I will call the visn in az.. 

now, as usual, its the waiting game!  But, thank you ms laura k. for your time if you read this:)  jamie 
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 04:46:00 PM
Victory!  It feels like it, but then I feel guilty like I was stepping on toes..  I have a poc for the el paso and las cruces va if you are having issues with them complying with directive 2013-003.  Basically transgender vets will have medical care done by the va (except surgery!)  I'm 100 percent, so it's fully covered, but if you are not 100 percent disabled service connected, I do not know if there is a fee.. 

She told me there will be a memo going out to all drs..  the pharmacy has been contacted to add hormones to their lists for those of us who are diagnosed as transgender..  mental health and screening services shall be available too...

Anyone who has issues with the va about your transgender status, please feel free to contact me if you do not want to confront patient advocate.  I can help you through the process to get your va up to speed:)  I can't promise how long it will take..  but basically it's the law!  They have to conform to regulations and just need a little push.  Either in the right direction, or out of a job so someone can do the right thing..  but it can be done:)  you just cannot give up, you earned these benefits too!

Last, I want to thank all how have emailed and posted during this process:)  if you ever need anything, I hope I can return the favor:) 

To all who are shy to take on this fight to the va, please contact me!  These are your va's too..  once we open it up all the va's to accept you, the drs cannot give out your status or make you uncomfortable..  if you feel shamed or disrespected,  we need to let these drs know.. 

Last, don't give up on this!  Just because I've fixed my va, there are still those that have not complied with the directive and think it's just a suggestion..  fire this forum back up and let's fix their wagon!  Thanx all:)  jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Michelle-G on October 08, 2015, 08:23:46 AM
That's great! Good job on your part, and I'm glad that you're getting what you need.

Quote from: Cynobyte on October 07, 2015, 04:46:00 PM
Victory!  It feels like it, but then I feel guilty like I was stepping on toes.. 

no, No, NO, NO!

You need NEVER feel guilty for making people do their jobs!
NEVER feel guilty for standing up for your rights!
NEVER feel guilty for advocating for trans people and helping our country move towards a more equal, just and decent society!

You did good. Now enjoy the victory and go get your meds.
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 09, 2015, 07:22:41 AM
Quote from: Michelle-G on October 08, 2015, 08:23:46 AM
That's great! Good job on your part, and I'm glad that you're getting what you need.

no, No, NO, NO!

You need NEVER feel guilty for making people do their jobs!
NEVER feel guilty for standing up for your rights!
NEVER feel guilty for advocating for trans people and helping our country move towards a more equal, just and decent society!

You did good. Now enjoy the victory and go get your meds.
I'm such a big believer in karma, but yesterday I got this letter on my aid and attendance.  Not only did they still botch the link between my aid and attendance,  but now they say I received seperation pay when I got out in 2001 over 7k?  I voluntarily seperated before Sept 11th after my 2nd term because I was had better opportunities..  my dd214 shows the same..  you don't get seperation pay unless they were doing drawdowns, my afsc was in demand too..  but this was 15 years ago..  I would have remembered such a thing, esp my wife.. 
How do I prove this and why did this pop up after 15 years? Omg, want to take my full pay for next 2 months to repay something I don't know how to prove fake!

Then they also said the DAV was my rep, but I have Chris combs a different vet rep since the DAV botched it last time..  3 things this paper addresses and 3 things botched..  talk about depression..  my wife helped me medicate lastnight because I couldn't quit crying..  I guess better that a fit of rage?  I really don't remember much past 6pm..  I just need to figure how to get on this before the depression gets worse..  it makes my lupus 10x worse!  What did I do to deserve this:(  if I was wrong, I understand,  but my drs are on board, what are these va idiots up to..  they give this bad info, yet leave no names or contacts?  Pretty scummy:(  Jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on October 28, 2015, 01:40:47 AM
I'm still working on this, but a line of bad things has happened since the day I got the va to comply with the directive.  I'm sure they are not related, but it hurts to my core what is going on and I just want to explode.  my va rep says not to approach the va with this until after I am awarded my aid and attendance, but I want to see this %$@#@# hang!  I went in for an evaluation for my hearing for aid and attendance by this female Iranian dr.  First she calls my name, but this old guy gets up and goes with her.  I figured if its not him, then they will be back soon.. it took her 15 min to figure out he was not me!  Next issue, she was asking me these questions that didn't make sense, so I looked at her computer screen and found she was putting my info on another vets file!  what an idiot!  after this, I was a little scared, so I quietly grabbed my phone when she stepped out to get something and started to record the interview!

first she writes that I refused an exam, when you can hear in my recording that she examined me and we were talking about a second part that she said didn't need an exam.. 

also she stated I was not taking my immunosuppressant drugs!  on take she asked me if I was taking immuran, which I never had, but I told her I took aziothioprine which was an immunosuppressant drug! 

she then said I do not have fibromyalgia because my dr says I do not have fibromyalgia..  well duh, I told her my dr does not believe in fibromyalgia.  I have lupus, if you have lupus or any other immune type disease and they cannot diagnose it, you have fibromyalgia!

then this quack said I missed no work time and did not goto the er for my disease, when i told her i am bedridder 90% of my time and cannot work!  and i do not goto the local er since i have all my meds and extra since nobody understands my disease.  if it is not under control, i have to rush to the va in el paso and get special help.  so i guess she was right i didn't miss work and goto local er, but that sounds rather bad for me! 

ok, i have this golden ticket to prove she falsified a federal document!  i think every eval should be recorded and the vet has a right to get the tape if he/she wishes..  i want her to hang!!!!!  I'm soo mad, my lupus is flairing so bad and I'm going through pain meds like pez, so I'm using pot and Xanax and its not helping..  i need someone to talk to, but i don't know how to do this..  i am told if the va finds out they can make it hard on me:(  so, my fellow vets, what do i do?  here i want to help all of you, and now i cannot see past my own rage and hate to fix my own issue:( 

I want to call the media, i want to call the police, fbi, who knows..  its legal to record here in nm and texas if that is a concern..

i do say to all of you, record everything from now on!  they are crooks:(  hopefully i can see past this soon, so i can help you guys..  i want to take 3 things before the gov to get fixed for us..  i think we can do it, but i gotta get my head strait first:(  hate gets nowhere..  lost
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joi on October 28, 2015, 10:32:13 AM
Sorry to hear about all of your problems.  I know the feeling, I had a Dr. (of real African descent) for several yrs. (& believe me I'm not a racist)  He was not qualified to be a primary care Dr. at the VA, tried to get another prime care Dr. to no avail.  Even the clerical people in the lab would joke about his incompetence when I showed up for blood work and the orders were wrong.  Then, one day, I showed up for my semi-annual check-up and I had a new Dr.  I asked about him & the clerk said he had been transferred to an out patient clinic.  Then the clerk asked me if I wanted to go there for treatment by him.  I politely declined, but in my head I was thinking good  F*****king riddance.  My new Dr. a female and also a foreigner  (Pakistani or Indian) is wonderful by comparison. Not sure what your options are, but if you're being seen in an outpatient clinic, just think about what I said above.  As we know the VA doesn't fire employees - especially Dr.'s.  I hate to use this analogy, but think of the all powerful Bishops in the Catholic, when faced with a priest who was a pedophile.  What happened?  They were transferred away from the scene of their transgressions.  Soon to visit them on victims in there new location.  This is likely what the VA does.  If you can't get another Dr. there you may have to go to El Paso for treatment.
Good Luck!
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Jamie2.0 on October 28, 2015, 01:08:22 PM
So sorry to hear about the problems your having.
I myself have not had any problems with the V A s that I have been to in ,(Wis &NE)
Stick with it and hopefully things will get better !!


;) ;)
Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 05, 2015, 12:41:42 AM
Thanks ladies, this was not my gp, but those drs who evaluate you for service connection,  but in my case "aid and attendance" to get a nurse in when I'm sick!  Ohhh, this dingbat dr really messed up.  And now they dug a deeper hole that I'm do messed up from I can't see anything but revenge somehow.

I took my case to the patient advocate.  Like the dr, she was really nice.  I told her the story and she wrote it down.  This week, I heard nothing, so I called and left a message and said I was going to be fiwn tuesday, do if she needed anything, and I was going to drop off a copy of the exam..  she never replied, so yesterday I stopped by.  She had a patient in her office, and her helper said it would be a while.  I said ok and asked if I could go drop off my med scripts.  It only took 10 minutes!  When I got back, her helper said she had to leave early and she didn't need anything from me right now?

Ok. So I get this call from the claims and pensions office, this drs boss!  She says she got the info from the patient advocate and basically was stating I need to fill out this long form and kiss their butt and they will give my info to this dr who messed it up on purpose and see if she will change her review of my exam?  I was like, I don't need her review, that this is all about how she lied and messed up my entire report on purpose and maliciously!  I do not know why, but if you read her report and hear the actual exam. You would think it was not the same person!  I told her boss that to mess this up so bad, that how many others did she do this to.  She goes "I have to prove her report is wrong!"  I told her just to listen to the recording I made just after she first took 15 minutes to figure out she called the wrong patient, then another 10 to 15 minutes out to finally listen to me that she was working on the wrong patients report!  She even saved some of my data on some other vets report that will mess him up someday..

After all this, her stupid boss told me I was not supposed to be recording in the exam room.  Hmm, I wonder why!  Her damn boss stuck up for her!  It won't matter what I write:(  what's even worse how her lack of caring on the phone.  My phone records every call and has her call and her sticking up for this crook!

So now I have to file a report to her that will take over a year and go into file13..  noooo way!  I need to put these calls and her report online for every vet to see.  This idiot was hung up on the fact I take estrogen and pot!  She then writes I refuse to take my immunosupressive drugs, when you c an hear me tell her what drug I'm taking when she thinks I'm taking something else.  She also states I refused an exam when you can hear her giving me a 5 minute exam!  Then to top it to mess my case up, she states that I state that I have not missed a day of work due to my disease!  I cannot work and have not since 2008! 
This is wrong, immoral, and illegal!  I need to find help and hang this scum before I totally loose it and do something bad.  My pain has doubled from this stress, I'm on more pain meds and xanax just so I dont flip out and drag them to hell with me..  can you imagine how many vets she has done this to, and they have no proof of this fraud!  They need to be in jail, not just fired now!  I just am soo mad I cannot think clearly about this.  I'm paying for help out of my own pocket, and doubt I will get the help I deserve. They think I should have waited until I get the aid from them..  now that just sounds stupid.  I'm sick now, not after they pay me:(   I don't care, but they deserve worse!  This is soo wrong..  if you read this, record everything you do with drs or admin! 
They need to pass a law to put cameras in these exam rooms.  If the recording does not exist, then what the vet claims will exist by law!  These people are not real drs.  They are paid to cut us back to save the va money!  They get bonuses to mess with us..  this lady who did my case, she is from iran and Muslim!  I had nothing against her, but if you read my report and heard the tape, that seems like a new form of terror!

I have to quit now.  I'm upset and crying..  I'm going back to bed..  I've been trying to help all the vets out.  You saw my last act getting the directive at the local va.  I'm a big believer in karma, but too many bad things have happened in one month.  What did I do wrong to anyone?  I can't mentally take this anymore..  I can prove all my actions, all my health.  They don't care and it's like I'm the bad person now!  Trust me, I don't own a gun and don't believe in hurting people, but come on!  My heart is filled with hate, I've been avoiding my wife , my son, and my new help because I want to take it out on someone..  is this how those nut jobs who go postal start out?  I showed my councelor who I actually served with the tape and papers today.  She is sad about it, but lost in what todo either.  But she doesn't even know the level of hate I have inside from this.  Last night I had a dream about this guy who was laughing at me for some reason, I literally put a hatchet in his head and we oke up with a smile!  This is not me, but everyone dismissed it like it's just a dream.  I've never murdered someone in high Def and felt good about it..  this is not normal! 
I'm going to bed..  I just need to find how to bring justice to this.  The right way will just be a failure..  you all know, it's the va..  I believed in them..  yea they have problems,  but I hate the thought of going back now! Knowing my efforts to fix it will be a waste:(

Night all, I just hope you have honest people on your case..  jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 08, 2015, 06:58:06 PM
My local VA Center has not seemed to implement it or try to understand it. It's been about four months of waiting because they said they (the specialist) didn't know how to treat me, so they were sending me somewhere else. Which has taken over three months in itself. It's been a mess. They have OBGYN and Endocrinologist.... I'm stuck at what I should do next. Charlie Norwood VA.

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 08, 2015, 06:59:17 PM
Three months and I'm still waiting for that outside appointment.**

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 08, 2015, 09:01:52 PM
It's that stupid contracting they setup!  First call your Dr's nurse and make sure they put in for the consult.  Not sure who you are trying to see (endocrinologist? )  then if consult was put in, within a couple weeks you should get this stupid paper to opt in or out.  These idiots could save time and money just calling the vets directly,  but what do I know:)  call them and opt in to where you pick the endocrinologist..  (I hope it's opt in)..  read the paper, call contracting to make sure.. 

Make sure "you" call around to pick your endocrenologist!  Ask them:
1.  Do you do Transgender hormones
2.  Do you take VA contracts
3.  Do you have patient slots, how soon?
4.  Ask if they do hormone implants (read up on that for future if interested:)

After you pick your dr, contracting should be calling you to ask who do you want, give them the Dr's name and info.. 

If contracting has done none of the above, call them! 

Please find your own endo, those idiots tried to farm me out to an endo who wanted to put me on a 6 month waiting list..  I just happened to ask them the questions I told you only to find out the Dr was some Muslim extremist who's religious crappie would have denied me although I waited for him..  I filed a complaint with contracting so no vet has to deal with him!  You can have your religion as your freedom,  but don't preach that cap to me(that's my freedom!)

Ok, hope this helps..  pm me if you need more help..  some vas can be tricky..  wait til you see what I'm looking at doing..  they will hate me, but I deserve respect and honesty since I do that to them..  you deserve it to, so don't think you are doing them a favor waiting..  your waiting is only a bonus to some scumbag pencil pusher who never served!  We are more than numbers!

Good luck:) jamie

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 08, 2015, 11:12:18 PM
I had to personally call and set the appointment up with the outside provider because I STILL haven't received any mail from the VA. I know, using snail-mail instead of catching up with modern technology. It's frustrating. I got so upset that I kept my appointment on October 18th for a  clinic I've been going to since April and started HRT the day after (Oct 18th). $115.00 later I felt pretty stupid, but now I think I made the right decision for me.

Oh no, the VA found that one place and they weren't receptive to looking around elsewhere. My primary care told me I needed to be patient because this is a long process. He said that in response to me telling him my appointment was supposed, by the regulations I read, to be within 30 Days of approval for outside care.  Not 3+ months. That lead to me educating him on the subject and not to suggest that I'm being impatient, but being treated like I don't matter was unacceptable.

I guess I might start shopping around, but since my OBGYN/Endo is November 18th, I might see how that goes since I've waited so long. This might sound dumb, but how do I PM on here? Haha. I've been debating reaching out to the Patient Advocate to inform them of the VA Directives and that their facility and faculty are/is MORE than capable to provide care to transgender patients and that they should start by educating their specialist on diversity in health care. (Oh, and that the VA specifically put out educational pieces for the medical providers.)

Thank you times a million for your response, I look forward to talking with you more.

-Kara A. I.

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joelene9 on November 09, 2015, 12:27:56 AM
  We vets do not get a lot of the proper services we are entitled to. I got a good doctor who put me on Medicaid instead. We got a new VA hospital under construction, over budget, way past due and it pisses me off every time I go past it on I-225.

  The new Children's Hospital was laid down nearby at the same time. We had my special niece's death vigil at Children's 4 years back. The light rail service next to VA is under construction and will be done next year for service. VA hospital 2018, if we are lucky?

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 09, 2015, 12:28:35 AM
Click on my name or icon if using tapatalk or web.  The us pm or send email to my email address if you need dear.. 

You may have to goto patient advocate, but they don't always work sadly..  you may have to contact the director of that VA and tell them "they are not in compliance with directive 2013-003"..

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 09, 2015, 12:59:32 AM
Hi Joelene, hope I got that right.  Too many letters to remember on a night with pain and ton of meds.  Yes you are right.  For any vet who is 100 percent service connected, you are guaranteed medicare right now!  Maybe medicade for some, I don't qualify since I make too much via va..  but it was my medicare that started everything.  If the VA messes up, I use both and "Dr shop" until I get the correct response..  my disease was supposed to kill me, so I quit listening to Dr's, did my own research and on my own treatment..  2 years past my expiration date:) 

So, do remember medicare is there.  If not 100 percent service connection,  you still have a chance, why not try:)

Also to those vets having issues with service connection,  I vet rep named Chad combs out of Ohio is helping me.  Don't get a lawyer, you don't have to pay in advance for shabby service.  There are vet reps that work for 20% of your back pay when you do get it..  I mention Chris because he knows my gender issues and has no problems..  damn, I sound like an ad:)  hey, I can do a viagra commercial!   The pulmonary Dr wants me to take 3 viagra pills a day for my pulmonary fibrosis..  it gets me off the o2, but that's just cruel in itself if you know what I mean:(  I only take 1 a day..  2 causes headaches anyways..  but 3 would just cause mental trauma[emoji26]

Ok, hope I went over everything..  I'm seeing my gastric bypass shrink tomorrow out of town.  Btw, Goodluck if you want a bypass through the va, 2 plus years, but only 3 months medicare.  Given that I need it to try to cut my meds, and get off the insulin and o2 (hence the viagra too)  plus it would make my figure very cute:)  so knowing I should be dead and need it for real health things besides just being fat and lazy (that's how I feel they see it)..  they don't care, probably gambling on I'll be dead so they don't have to pay out?  Well, I have medicare, so I'll just move on..  some battles with the VA are pointless if you can find better routes..  you can fix a broken system, but it takes time and I don't have it!  So, I love making them squirm and change, but I do it out of my hate for their ignorance.  I have a friend who is tg working at my va and is too scared to come out in fear of her job and medical help.  I go visit her every time making sure her workplace has no problems with me to help her know who to watch out for..  Why do people hate:(

Ok, time to get out of tub..  meds kicking in and I'm babbling too much..  hope you get your VA stuff going..  don't ever quit!  Don't trust patient advocate!  Try them first, but if they fail, don't think it's you..  they just failed me again, and I'm thinking about doing something nasty to them..  I haven't decided if to post the audio on YouTube or on the news?  Either way it will scare millions of vets who should record every Dr visit after seeing this!  This lady should be in jail, but her boss yelled at me for recording the fraud!  Then you would think that her boss would know I record everything, like her call to me blaming me for recording it?  Wow[emoji13] their idea is to keep you in paperwork so the Dr has a year then they move her on before the verdict gets to her.  The media is faster[emoji48]   so my dears, you always have options in the new age of gender equality..  the media is hungry for this while hospitals hate scandals!  You fought before, so pencil pusher geeks are easy!  Laters, j

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joelene9 on November 09, 2015, 04:01:12 AM

  I am on Medicaid. That how I am getting the treatment for the neuropathy. The treatment is very expensive. I only pay a dollar per visit from the visiting nurse with 995 ml of immunoglobulin infusions I take every 4 weeks. I will apply for disability with the VA to get some payments due to the acute tinnitus I got from serving aboard the aircraft carrier. My nephew's wife keeps goading me to do so. My nephew did serve in Baghdad and his wife knows the VA better than I do.

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 09, 2015, 05:14:33 AM
Just depends on if your injuries are service connected, how the va treats you.  I have spinal neuropathy,  but they just overlook it for some reason.  I take immunosuppressive drugs and tons of other meds. 

Do note some states medicade will stop if you get va disability and medicare.  They think you are double dipping.  With how Dr's all taking different insurance, it's good to have as many forms of insurance..  medicade is by far to me better than medicare and the va.  It's odd that here in new Mexico you can only get it when low income or nobody will insure you..  I had it just before the va and medicare a few years back.  I was so sick, on chemo, but I wish I knew more about my dysphoria, I would have had the srs.  The only insurance of all this mess that covers it..  I do get a good monthly compensation from medicare and the va monthly, but I'd prefer my health and old life back too..  people think it's great making 4k between the 2, but sucks when I was pulling 12k and loved my job.  Now I haven't slept more than 2 hrs at a time for 5 years and have 3 to 5 Dr's Apts a week that tire me out more than when I was working 12hrs?

I'm just holding out for when the perfect brain transplants.  Kids are dumb these days and would trade bodies with me...  they would take the life of not having to work, while I would disappear back into skunk work projects:)  at least this time I know what stuff will kill me! 
Enjoy medicaid joelene9, you can play with the va, but I'd say you have a better deal..  yes you deserve the va, but sometimes it's just a pain.  I hope you at least have the medicaid I had, or I'm pushing you twards doom..  But as long as you are getting the care you need.. 
I'm still thinking of the neuropathy,  is yours from a blocked nerve?  They have this laser treatment with little scaring.  I wished it was around when I had a spinal fusion.  It started as a squeezed nerve and went from 1 vertebrae to fusing 4 in my neck at the age of 29..  all from bone growth now figured out from those anthrax vaccines.  My immune system went nuts, was on iv chemo for a year to knock it down.  Oh, but back to the spinal fusion, that surgery was over 100k, I was on medicaid:)  didn't cost a dime.  Would have killed me on medicare at that time!  Bet the va would have gave me asprin:)  I woke up from that surgery and it was like a cloud was lifted.  Only lasted a year before the pain started again though:(
Ok, think meds are working and I'm wrinkled from the hot water:)  night again.. j

Postcards from the other side:)

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 09, 2015, 11:33:00 AM
Joelane9: I completely understand what you're talking about. I love parts of my local VA, but they seem so disorganized and not caught up to recent times. I'm not trying to shame them or anything. Apparently I can't get Medicaid because I'm 24.... I'm sorry about them taking so long to finish it, ya know, the good ole hurry up and wait. I'm also sorry to hear about your niece, but congrats on the vigil. Fingers crossed!

Cynobyte: Thank you! I got it!! Yeah, I've been procrastinating speaking to any higher ups because I don't want to step on anyone's toes or piss someone off. ;(


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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 09, 2015, 02:09:03 PM
Yea at 24, they may look past you.  Find me if you have problems..  I'll try to help. 

Postcards from the other side:)

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Joelene9 on November 09, 2015, 03:35:40 PM

  Mine is Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). It is an autoimmune disorder attacking the myelin sheath on the nerves. They use Prednasone (oral cortisone) for the younger set and Immunogloublin infusions for us older set. Both are quite effective for this disorder. This rare disorder covers all age groups and has no known cause as it was diagnosed in patients sometime before the 1950's. The related Guillian-Barre syndrome is far more common and has a fast onset of 2 hours to 2 weeks and requires intense medical care. Usually caused by the after effects of the flu, 90% of those patients get over it and they rarely relapse or morph into CIDP. CIDP has a slow onset of 3 months to decades and is often misdiagnosed as some other neuropathy. Relapses after treatment with CIDP are 20% in my over 60 age group.

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 09, 2015, 05:01:14 PM
Thank you cynobyte! Hopefully I'll get the job I just applied to and won't have to worry about insurance or the VA. But I would still like to help any of my future local trans veterans be able to easily get care and feel like a regular human being.

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Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Cynobyte on November 09, 2015, 08:43:02 PM
What ever you need dear, just pm me the va's location, and I can call around later this week..

And Joelene, ouch, I know where you are comming:(  I got the nerve issue, but it didn't stop there. It did early onset of my diabetes, so prednisone is out..  it was in my lungs, spinal column, brain, testes, and muscle n joints.  I was on iv cytoxan for a year then on cellcept pills and other immunosuppressive drugs.  To be honest, the pot works great when the other drugs fail..  I'm going to look in cipd.  I've only heard of copd..  I use viagra for my lungs for whatever my lung issue is..  torture on the old dysphoria :(

Ok. Thanks guys..  I'm tired for once.. a 15 minute with a shrink turned out to be 2 hrs.  She said I was "interesting "?  Wish my wife would say that:)  laters

Postcards from the other side:)

Title: Re: calling all Vets for action!
Post by: Kara.A.I on November 12, 2015, 02:30:50 AM
Cynobyte: With how busy this week has been, and with today being V.D., it's been a little slow. After I go to bed and formally wake up, =p=p=p, I'm going to try and reach out to them. It's the one in Augusta, GA. I do appreciate them, but they seem a little behind. 

I'm sorry that y'all have the nerve issues and even further medical issues. My Local VA seems to think because I have depression/anxiety that everything else is just in my head, that's the only reason I have pain, that's the only reason my feet are messed up, that's the only reason I "might" be trans. Etc... 

Sleep well and sweet dreams! xD

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