Community Conversation => Transitioning => Legal Matters => Topic started by: ActionLiz on September 30, 2015, 11:24:56 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Good news for New Hampshire residents
Post by: ActionLiz on September 30, 2015, 11:24:56 AM
There's some good news on the driver's license front for those of us fortunate enough to live and work in the great state of New Hampshire. :)  Changing gender on an NH driver's license is now as simple as filling out a standard "Change of Gender Designation" form.  (Google "nh dsmv 626" to find a copy online.)  There's a section your health provider will need to fill out, attesting that your gender "can reasonably be expected to continue as [male/female] in the foreseeable future", but there is *no* proof of surgery required.

Posting here because this is apparently a very recent change -- it's not on the wiki yet, and searching the forum indicates that the process was much more problematic as recently as two years ago.  I read threads from a couple of members who had to jump through some crazy hoops to get their NH license updated.  Looks like that's no longer the case.

Yay New Hampshire!  I love you more than ever now. :D

Title: Re: Good news for New Hampshire residents
Post by: Sydney_NYC on September 30, 2015, 01:16:35 PM
As progressive as NH is I don't know what took them so long.

A close friend of mine who transition 8 years ago in NH, had Male on her license after she transitioned with her female name. When she went to renew her license 3 years ago with her new female passport (and still pre-op, but blends really well) she was surprised when the DMV clerk said: "Oh look, they have the wrong gender on your license, let me correct that for you." She responded with: "Oh, I didn't notice, thank you." And then she had female on her license.
Title: Re: Good news for New Hampshire residents
Post by: iKate on September 30, 2015, 03:08:34 PM
They made the rule change last year November.

NH is not really "progressive" as they are libertarian.

LOL@ the passport thing