Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: Lisbeth on September 19, 2007, 10:08:46 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I went and put my foot in it.
Post by: Lisbeth on September 19, 2007, 10:08:46 AM
So I'm in class last night, and we end up in this discussion of gender parity in sports teams.  And I pipe up and talk about growing up in Iowa, home of girls' basketball.

Then on the way out the door I take this wadded up piece of paper, and do a hook shot, banking it off the wall into the trash.  So I open my mouth and make a comment about still being able to do that after these years, and now my professor thinks I played girls' basketball in high school!

G*d!  I've got to go back and review everything I can recall about it, now.