General Discussions => Health => Fitness => Topic started by: Sandy74 on October 10, 2015, 04:32:00 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Sandy74 on October 10, 2015, 04:32:00 PM
I have decided that before I see a gender therapist or even consider making a transition that I need to get in shape.

Not to impress other people but for my own being and my own health. I mean when I am dressed up in female clothes I just look like a bulky guy in a dress or etc and I just don't feel like that is me. I mean I already have angst that I have to stay being a guy for the time being but I also hate that I am so out of shape right now.

I do get lots of exercise when I am skiing in the winter which I will be doing lots of this winter since I work and live at the ski resort and I work outside and do lots of snow work and what not so that will be easy, but I want to keep the pounds off and I recently saw a video called 'Body Feminization Exercises For Transsexuals' and its just simple workouts that you can do to get excess fat off that you don't want.

So I am curious what kind of workouts other folks have done to lose weight and look more feminine per say. I know that for one I need to get rid of my love handles, those need to go and plus overall I just need to eat healthier as well and I just need some pointers and help.

All views are welcome
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Ms Grace on October 10, 2015, 05:00:36 PM
You just need to avoid exercise that builds muscle bulk, otherwise you'll have that problem to contend with. I never was very muscly before but what little I did have, notably in my upper arms, is proving very difficult to reduce even having been on HRT for two years. You should also look at changing your diet if you want to lose weight.
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Jill F on October 10, 2015, 05:02:50 PM
Not just before, but during, after and always.  Keeping yourself in check is something you will always need to do.
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: FTMax on October 10, 2015, 09:16:09 PM
Piles of cardio. Running will help you lose weight and give some good shape to your legs without adding muscle to the upper body. Diet is more important than exercise though. Can't outrun a bad diet.
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Sarah82 on October 10, 2015, 11:36:25 PM
I have been getting into shape this year and have made good progress this year, I have lost almost 25kg(55lbs), thanks to my doctor, sports physio, and gym trainers.
My GP and sports physio said the best way to loose weight is to diet and reduce caloric intake.
They also devised a workout plan for me for toning and fat burning.
I start with 20 minutes on an exercise bike to get the heart rate up and kick the metabolism working. You need to get your heart rate up to about 70-80% of its maximum.
Next I do a resistance routine: 35kg pull downs, 30kg seated rows, 40kg seated press, and 25kgcable straight arm pull downs, 3 sets of 20 for each exercise.
Then I do 3x20 step knee raises with a 7kg bicep curl, 3x10 weighted squats, 3x20 walking lunges.
After that is ground work; 3x40 table top touches, 3x20 mountain climbers, And finish with 3 sets of bridging.
I do that 3 times a week.
Good luck with your weight loss and transition.
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Megan. on November 29, 2015, 09:39:41 AM
In 12 months I went from 280lbs to 160lbs. 1500 cals/day, and I learned to love running (Google C25K). I never got it before, but I'm now a complete addict. Aside impact on knees/hips it's about the best cardio you can get, and aside from some unwanted shoulder/back muscle development, it's given me quite a slender build, I'm now trying to add in cycling to keep the cardio without the impact. I started my diet and with my therapist with a week of each other, as they both take time, a year later, I'm in both a physically and mentally better place, though still a long road to travel.
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: kittenpower on November 29, 2015, 11:51:31 AM
I do cardio, stretching for flexibility, and I watch what I eat and count my calories; aside from those things I weigh myself daily. 
Title: Re: Before anything I need to get in shape....
Post by: Stevie on November 29, 2015, 01:09:17 PM
 I know you want to get in shape before transitioning but seeing a therapist can be helpful. Also as others here can attest it is never to soon to start electrolysis if your facial hair is too light a color for laser removal.