Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: Aazhie on October 12, 2015, 03:58:37 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I might have started something good! :D
Post by: Aazhie on October 12, 2015, 03:58:37 AM
So I was using one of the "gender neutral" bathrooms at work.  I use quotes, because ever since the new section of the building opened up, the little paper where the janitors mark off the cleaning schedule had "men's first floor" or "Women's Lower Level"  basically, a gender assignment (arbitrarily done as far as I can tell) and the floor it is on. 

This started to bother me, so one day I crossed out the men's and women's and wrote "Gender Neutral" and a smilie face. Kind of trying to be playful about it, especially since the signs on all the doors were both figures and the wheelchair access symbol and there were no set signs saying M/F! So I was mostly being fasticious since no one really paid the paper sheet any mind and both men and women would use whichever.

When I next used that RR, someone had CROSSED OUT what I wrote and wrote back, "No, You have to choose one"  (paraphrasing a bit)  and that really bummed me out :(

But this last weekend I noticed that ALL of the gender neutral bathrooms had numbers on the paper slips now... So I have to wonder if someone saw the exchange and complained!  I hope they were very loud and angry about it too, muah ha...  >:D
Title: Re: I might have started something good! :D
Post by: nicole99 on October 13, 2015, 04:05:45 AM