Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Michaela Whimsy on October 12, 2015, 08:06:09 PM Return to Full Version

Title: some entertaining things from first weekend "out"
Post by: Michaela Whimsy on October 12, 2015, 08:06:09 PM
transition for me has been a slow go honestly, but this weekend was the first full weekend that I spent presenting as female.  Some things I never thought of preparing myself for happened.  I never went out by myself but I went to a good mix of places in town.  A few different bars on Friday night a couple of restaurants, auto parts store, Wal-Mart (I know, I am a horrible person for that one), and a few clothing stores.  I don't easily pass, but I don't get stares from across the store either (if passing is a question).  I enjoyed the hell out of myself, it was like being on vacation.  I have presented as female to go to this or that but never for a whole weekend.
       the entertainment came from taking my 4 year old out presenting as female. She had some problems and I had to take her to urgent care.  Talking to the lady at check in I had to explain my insurance and her mothers insurance and that I was her father.  my daughters medical issue was of a female nature and the conversation with the doctor was a little awkward telling him that I don't really have any knowledge or really how to talk about why my 4 year old is having pain between her legs.  the doctors office was wonderful with how they treated me though it just felt weird because the doctor did let me struggle through the description.  then I went to try to pick up my daughters prescriptions and since it was after hours I had to go to a different pharmacy.  the lady at the pharmacy seemed nice enough but for whatever reason she couldn't use the computer at the counter she had to use the 15 feet back into the pharmacy from the counter and yell the questions to me so that everyone in line could hear.  "so you are her father"  what is your full name?"  "do you need me to put in your female name?"  "oh wait I don't know how to do that"  "you aren't her mother you are her father right?"  "the address in here is...."  "oh, that's wrong?  what is your address" and all kinds of other question that I would rather not broadcast.  I have frequently been stopped by strangers telling me that I have a radio voice, or movie announcer voice, or that I should sing- male singers don't have deep voices anymore.  my voice is not trained really at all and not only is it not feminine it is hyper-masculine. 

After the half hour trying to get my daughters prescription and being stared at by the skeezy-sketchy patrons my daughter had to go potty really really bad.  I took her to the bathroom, the women's bathroom at the entrance to the restroom my daughter pulled at my arm and said "no daddy that's the wrong bathroom!" and then continued to ask me inside the restroom why it was ok for "a boy" to be in the ladies room.  in a stall mind you, with my booming voice.