General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Amelia Phoenix on October 20, 2015, 01:01:04 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Wanting to lose some weight
Post by: Amelia Phoenix on October 20, 2015, 01:01:04 AM
I've decided that I want to start losing weight. I'm 5'11 and 190 lbs. I'm not muscular at all so all that weight is just excess fat. I feel like it's a setback to me looking feminine. I want to lose weight to achieve a more feminine healthy weight. I especially want to lose weight around my neck and face. I feel like that's making me look bulkier than the rest of my body really is. Also I'd like to lose weight around my waist so I can get a bit more of an hourglass versus my current straight boxy waist.

I want to get around to around 145 - 150. I know nothing about losing weight and unfortunately I can't really work out at a gym because my breasts are starting to grow and it would be noticeable while working out in a t-shirt.

Any advice for dieting and exercise that I can do within my bedroom would be appreciated. Thanks.

Title: Re: Wanting to lose some weight
Post by: Obfuskatie on October 20, 2015, 03:14:39 AM
You don't have to be at a gym to work out, and you should start wearing sports bras for exercise anyway. They help with chafing and bouncing and generally reduce their prominence. Apart from that, even just walking for 30 minutes after meals will make a big difference.
Stay away from fast food, and microwaveable garbage. Pay close attention. To your sugar intake, and try to balance your diet to include a lot of vegetables and fruits with more protein sources and shun having bread or pastries or baked goods with everything.
Drink a lot of water, if not only water. Soda is soooooooooooo bad for you, even diet soda. I have soda occasionally, because I'm not so good at keeping out of my routine completely. Tea, Coffee, and infused waters are also good. Stay away from fruit juices without pulp. The pulp is where your dietary fiber from the fruit comes from, without it you're just drinking sugar.
Stay away from bananas and other potassium sources, and eat more salt if you're on Spironolactone. It's a diuretic and messes with your sodium/potassium balance in your blood. It makes you retain potassium and lose sodium with all the increased urination.
Ummm, I like the the Atkins diet, but pizza and Chinese food tend to lure me away from being perfectly healthy. Find what works for you and adopt it as your new diet. Dieting doesn't work, but changing your diet does.
I can't think of anything else at the moment, but good luck!

- Katie
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Wanting to lose some weight
Post by: Cindy on October 20, 2015, 03:18:49 AM

Weight loss is a simple equation:
less energy in + more energy used = less fat.

So how?

Stop sugary drinks totally - no soda, no coke, no pepsi etc. fruit juice with no sugar. I only drink mineral water, because I like some fizz. Remove processed foods from your diet; eat veggies preferably raw or at least not overcooked. Cut out bread. Get rid of take away food or 'instant meals' no matter who makes them.

Exercise. It's is easy - walk! Never use the elevator use the stairs. Walk to the store - or get a bike and ride.

When your legs get stronger, jog. I now go for a run every morning at 6.15 am. It is great! Fresh air, people smile, I'm alive and the day is mine.

No booze, or at best a glass of wine every now and again, and I don't mean every 20 minutes! :laugh:

Motivation is the key. I wanted a body I was proud of. I wanted to look awesome in a dress. I wanted people to stop eating their dinner in the restaurant as I shashyed across the room. I wanted to see lust in mens' eyes and jealousy in those of womens'.

I'm by no means attractive. But I get those looks nowadays!

(OK I'm now a gym junkie but that came with time.)

Transgender people are so lucky - we get two goes at life: looking like our natal birth gender and looking like our affirmed gender. We can't choose the first but we can the later!

Join in the weight watch group on the Forum for more motivation.

You can do this!
Title: Re: Wanting to lose some weight
Post by: Tilly on January 06, 2016, 02:48:54 AM
Here is some tips for lose weight 
Eat More Protein    
Eat More Protein tips to losing weight:
Get a Sufficient Amount of Sleep
Think Before You Eat
Lift Weights
Eat More Protein
Exercise your way to health
Think Realistically and Positively  :)