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Title: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2015, 12:10:53 AM
I was having a crappy time this afternoon and really wanted to reach out and talk with someone...not just anyone but someone who could understand how I felt, had experienced similar things to me or even different but within the trans experience. Its one thing to talk to a family member or friend but they can never really understand how you feel or what it's like to experience the kind of trauma's we experience. I am not looking to cry on anyone's shoulder but for those times when you feel like crap and really want the human connection.

Sarah T
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: Cindy on November 04, 2015, 12:15:59 AM
Hugs Sarah,

I'm here if you want to talk
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2015, 01:09:26 AM
Just having one of those days...thanks Cindy I don't even know why I am feeling crappy...I shouldn't be
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: Cindy on November 04, 2015, 01:32:20 AM
Sometimes we do, sometimes we are so alone, sometimes the horizon is too far.

Sometimes we need to lean on each other.

Welcome to Susan's :-*

That is why we are here for each other.
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2015, 01:42:41 AM
 :icon_cry2: :icon_cry2: I had a good cry and felt much better after that!! :) :) Feels very is great to come here and get the support you need...thanks
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: Ms Grace on November 04, 2015, 04:31:09 AM
Yeah, some days just suck for no apparent reason... often they're the most frustrating because it's so hard to put a finder on what the problem may be. I usually put it down to a whole bunch of little to middling things kind of welling up at the same time, it creates quite a dissonance. It makes sense for those things to show up when we think we should be good, they usually fade into the background when we've got the super bad stuff going on in our life - but demand to be dealt with when it seems to be plain sailing again.
Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: Sarah82 on November 04, 2015, 06:57:04 AM
I have felt this way a couple of times in the last month but after a good cry I always felt better.
Never underestimate the theraputic value of a good cry.

I do hope you are feeling OK now.

Title: Re: Sometimes I just need the human touch...
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2015, 07:17:18 AM
Hugs to you all and I am feeling much better now. I really have done myself injustice over the years by not allowing myself a therapeutic cry...I find I use it more now that I ever have...I think the constant stress of the dysphoric feelings gets to me after awhile today started because I was thinking about the different things I had to do as part of transition along with the enormity of transition...Ms Grace I do like your reasoning behind why I felt so crappy despite thinking I shouldn't. It rings true for me.

Sarah T