Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Toddin3D on November 12, 2015, 01:59:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Toddin3D on November 12, 2015, 01:59:19 PM
I shouldn't say "race", but it does have to do with their respective cultures and their level of acceptance with those that fit the LGBT categories.

This was brought up by my political science professor when talking about how certain minorities tend to be more liberal and conservative than others, especially with gay marriage (ok, not related to trans stuff but still LGBT).

Basically, he said something about African-Americans being more conservative on LGBT topics, and that since we now have a black Republican candidate, they might vote for him.

...boy, if he's not being racist, he's definitely walking on the line of it.

Then again, I was thinking that I have heard that a lot of non-whites (lack of a better word, I hate grouping all of us like that) have it pretty hard because of their race and skin color, from not only white people, but also members of their own group.

Which brings up the question: Are some races/cultures more accepting or less accepting than others?

Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Laura_7 on November 12, 2015, 02:11:41 PM
Most ex traterrestrial races are accepting... especially the positive oriented ones, which are the majority...  :)

But coming back to topic...

imo some minorities tend to adhere more to some stricter behaviour to make them more adhesive as a group...
well telling being transgender is a birth condition might help...
so its nobodys fault, and its not contagious... or something they have to fear  :)

some minorities are very accepting...

imo it would be best to see people as people... as individuals... with individual but kind of normal needs and cravings...

Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: barbie on November 12, 2015, 02:26:34 PM
Race is a biological term, having nothing to do with the level of social acceptance or tolerance of minorities. Ethnographic group will be a better term. Culture, religion and tradition are important factors there.

BTW, here people are far more accepting than when I was in a conservative suburban, Catholics-dominated city of the U.S.

Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: lisarenee on November 12, 2015, 04:49:52 PM
While, I have gotten c**p from people of all races (White, Black, Middle Eastern, etc...), I have noticed that I would get misgendered more often by Black people early on when I didn't pass very well. I don't know if it is cultural, that they could clock me more easily, or something else.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Ms Grace on November 12, 2015, 04:53:36 PM
I think the word we are looking for is "culture" - some cultures around the world are more accepting of the concept of a third gender and even base their society around that. They are far and few in between.

As regards racial profiling be very mindful of what you say in this forum, no blatant stereotyping or racism will be tolerated.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Girl Beyond Doubt on November 12, 2015, 07:36:31 PM
Do a proper correlation with intelligence, religious affiliation and exposure to people foreign to the tribe.
If you don't know what I am fracking talking about you are free to look it up.

What a question in the posed form.
Sorry I have to go puke.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Girl Beyond Doubt on November 12, 2015, 07:40:06 PM
I am back.
My stomach hurts, and I have a sour taste in my mouth.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Cindy on November 13, 2015, 01:05:31 AM

While I think the OP phrased their post somewhat poorly it was not meant rudely or in a racist manner.

I see no reason for such a venomous reply.

If you disagree with such a post report it.

I am removing the smite.

Forum Admin
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: captains on November 13, 2015, 05:15:57 AM
Hey Todd. Interesting question.

A lot of people expect my Iranian family and friends to be worse about my gender and sexuality issues. White friends of mine always ask if I was scared of telling them, if there were religious issues in play, if I was safe (etc etc)... and they're usually surprised to hear that actually, I had no issues. Most people don't know that despite Iran's status as an Islamic state, as a people, we're not actually very religious and that the our culture has a long history of valuing education, art, and freedom of thought. Of course there are conservative Iranians -- many of them -- but like much of the '79 diaspora population, my family is very left leaning, urban, and frankly, fairly worldly. They did have trouble, and I have to acknowledge that being raised in the Middle East doesn't often provide an LGBTQ-friendly foundation, but they were open.

Conversely, I about poop my pants when I think about coming out to the Republican, Colorado state WASP side of the family. These people love me very much, but we're talking about folks who yell at their 5 year old son for playing with his sister's toy piano because it's "gay."

Are Persians better than Americans? Definitely not a conclusion I can draw broadly, haha. Stronger correlation to social liberalism vs social conservatism, imo. But what do I know!  ;D
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: warmbody28 on November 15, 2015, 08:13:44 AM
As someone who is half black I can say it's a tough road. My mom said she always knew and didn't care either way. But my dad blew up like a volcano. But he actually came around. Now as far as other people go in the black community... Let's just say check the media, rap videos, YouTube and so on. That will give you a answer
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Tristyn on November 15, 2015, 08:23:29 AM
Quote from: Toddin3D on November 12, 2015, 01:59:19 PM
Which brings up the question: Are some races/cultures more accepting or less accepting than others?

Simplest way to put it; yes, some are more accepting than others and some are less. I guess that's just how it is. It is what it is.


Quote from: warmbody28 on November 15, 2015, 08:13:44 AM
As someone who is hard black I can say it's a tough road. My mom said she always knew and didn't care either way. But my dad blew up like a volcano. But he actually came around.

Um. What does "hard black" even mean? :-\

Quote from: warmbody28 on November 15, 2015, 08:13:44 AM
Now as far as other people go in the black community... Let's just say check the media, rap videos, YouTube and so on. That will give you a answer

Damn. I must really not be black then because I don't engage in any of that crap that's supposed to target the "black community," as you phrased it. >.< This is a nasty stereotype. Even I do it. I compartmentalize my own race of people because its been done and still being done to us now by others and to each other. Oh when will this madness come to a halt? :(


Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: warmbody28 on November 15, 2015, 02:21:04 PM
My apologies. It was supposed to say half. Darn autocorrect on my iPhone. But I have noticed a trend in the African American community to be less than accepting of being trans. But they can also at times be very fast to come around and still love you. Just what I noticed in the upper middle class areas in the south and Pennsylvania.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: AnonyMs on November 15, 2015, 08:04:22 PM
Transgender people seem very well accepted in Thailand, with the exception of their government.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: warlockmaker on November 15, 2015, 09:30:44 PM
I like the word culture as opposed to race. I'm most familiar with Asian culture and there is a diverse level of acceptance. It is important that religion, government, developed or third world and the citizen's views be considered. As Anony says the Thai peole fully accept TG, or as they call them Katoey/Ladyboy. The government is a bhuddist and the religion does not need what they feel is right or wrong in laws. Thus their laws on TGs are demeaning only because they are not recognized in thier new gender by law, but there is a law to correct this on the agenda.

Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Phillipines are developed countries (so to speak) and peaceful places and the people, in general, do not to care. Each country have laws to protect and allow gender changes. The people may not be willing to accept so easily, due to family culture, when compared to the Thais. But they can be educated to learn and accept.

Then you have the Moslem countries; Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Well what can I say. They are not tolerant of many thingsand sex and sexual preference is a big issue. They do not share the same views ar Iran on TGs.. I would be careful travelling in these countries.

Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: AnonyMs on November 16, 2015, 04:51:43 AM
I've been avoiding flights though the middle east for years now due to their gender and drugs issues. Way to risky for me.

I've also started checking LGBT laws in countries before I'll even think about going there.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: warmbody28 on November 16, 2015, 07:59:51 AM
Quote from: AnonyMs on November 16, 2015, 04:51:43 AM
I've been avoiding flights though the middle east for years now due to their gender and drugs issues. Way to risky for me.

I've also started checking LGBT laws in countries before I'll even think about going there.
very smart move. I go to countries i Africa As well as the middle east. its so scary sometimes even if your post op
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: BlonT on November 20, 2015, 04:02:30 AM
Races ? What other races ? For as i know there is only one race roaming this planet for quite some time.
There are cultural divergences depending on the group you're in or surrounded by.
I am open to everybody try to have a ear for there way ,until the screw,lie,rob or threaten me THEN  >:-)
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Fids on November 20, 2015, 05:02:23 AM
I've heard from multiple sources that Native American culture strongly supports the existence of more than two genders, and also validates trans people.

Which is also one of the main arguments regarding why erasure of non-binary genders could be considered a form of racism.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: WorkingOnThomas on December 22, 2015, 07:45:45 AM
Quote from: Fids on November 20, 2015, 05:02:23 AM
I've heard from multiple sources that Native American culture strongly supports the existence of more than two genders, and also validates trans people.

Which is also one of the main arguments regarding why erasure of non-binary genders could be considered a form of racism.

Well, the problem there is that there isn't one Native American "culture", and while many different nations had a past history of being accepting of trans people or third genders, that wasn't always the case, didn't always apply equally to mtf's and ftm's, and what tolerance there was has now been eroded in places to the point that trans native kids are suiciding at high rates. :(
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Vinyl Scratch on December 22, 2015, 07:57:16 AM
Ignorance exists in all races, period.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Abbiem on January 07, 2017, 01:13:32 AM
Quote from: Vinyl Scratch on December 22, 2015, 07:57:16 AM
Ignorance exists in all races, period.

True, but i find the more the country is ISOLATED up NORTH, like somewhere near north pole line, the more they are scared from different cultures, this is according to experience.

Who wants to live between people who looks down at  people because they are from different race, have different pigmentation , race. I dont want that.
it is like living like a Jew all your life somewhere in Germany.
i just change country, no time to focus on toxic and trying to fix isolated close minds.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: biannne on January 16, 2017, 05:12:58 PM
As a kid I have traveled abroad and I like travelling extensively across the country. Love to travel and see different place. Discrimination depends on the regions of the country.
I love the quote from Smokey and Bandit
"When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the country you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are."

I have been to very isolated parts of the country. Some these people are more accepting that the ones that live the big cities with education.

It really depends on the individuals and not race, color or culture
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: xSMITHx on February 03, 2017, 09:41:34 AM
Humans are humans so we all have an excellent chance of being >-bleeped-<ty LOL but I will say, its been my experience that the ONLY people to have ever given me a hard time for gender stuff over the course of my life (I knew when I was 4, socially transitioned as a kid, was androgynous and read as male from teen years on. I'm nearly 47 now so this is a very long stretch of time I'm talking about) have been middle aged / baby boomer straight white cis women.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Kylo on February 03, 2017, 10:19:21 AM
I have no idea, but I have a black gay friend who says it is "more difficult" being black and gay because there is less acceptance in his community. Also hear it's more difficult for black trans people as well.
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Lunacorn on February 03, 2017, 11:37:09 AM
Quote from: Cindy on November 13, 2015, 01:05:31 AM

While I think the OP phrased their post somewhat poorly it was not meant rudely or in a racist manner.

I see no reason for such a venomous reply.

If you disagree with such a post report it.

I am removing the smite.

Forum Admin

Cindy hi and just thinking about this...

Though the question was not meant to appear racist and admitted posted poorly.  I do agree venomous responses are less than helpful however I would like to acknowladge how it may appear to those of us who have experience with or supporting people of color.  The concept that one race is more accepting is indeed a blanket statement and assumes that race / skin color plays a factor.  It's a tad ignorant and helpful reminders and calling out are cool imho yet agreed that the above posts were not helpful or calling out simply shaming which doesnt help people educate themselves.

I personally live in a very white area and being white I get the privelages that go along with it.   Yet I am not going to be neutral on an injustice.  I think its important to raise a hand and say 'that statement felt icky' when neccessary.  Yet I am unaware of how we would go about that in this forum.  Is there a 'how to call out thread'?  if not may i put one together for review?  preferably viewed by including people who experience oppression regularly? (qpoc, tqpoc) ?
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Lunacorn on February 03, 2017, 11:39:33 AM
Quote from: Kylo on February 03, 2017, 10:19:21 AM
I have no idea, but I have a black gay friend who says it is "more difficult" being black and gay because there is less acceptance in his community. Also hear it's more difficult for black trans people as well.

yea trans women of color have the least privelage according to statistics.  I think its important to do what we can to make it a space that feels safe to be such.  These are our sisters who are dying in states less progressive and BLM comments on it regularly
Title: Re: Are some races more accepting than others?
Post by: Dena on February 03, 2017, 04:29:35 PM
Quote from: Lunacorn on February 03, 2017, 11:37:09 AM
I personally live in a very white area and being white I get the privelages that go along with it.   Yet I am not going to be neutral on an injustice.  I think its important to raise a hand and say 'that statement felt icky' when neccessary.  Yet I am unaware of how we would go about that in this forum.  Is there a 'how to call out thread'?  if not may i put one together for review?  preferably viewed by including people who experience oppression regularly? (qpoc, tqpoc) ?
You may disagree in a thread as long as you keep it civil as we all have different opinions. If you feel the conversation is out of bounds, don't respond and become a part of it. Instead use the report to moderator button on the right of the post and record your issues. TOS 2 can be translated to leave the moderating to the moderators. You may discuss issues with a staff member by PM but you are not permitted to moderate the site.

One of the requirements of staff members is that they remain unbiassed in their judgement. If a staff member is unable to do this, they lose their staff status. I have very strong political views but it would be difficult for you to learn much about them on the open forum because I don't argue them here. In addition, on the forum, you have the right to appeal a moderator decision. They may be appealed to Cindy or Susan but their judgment will be final.