Community Conversation => Transitioning => Therapy => Topic started by: Hazumu on January 07, 2006, 05:01:09 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 'way bummed
Post by: Hazumu on January 07, 2006, 05:01:09 PM
I'm in limbo--

Therapist says that first we have to deal with a tyrannical superego before we can work on the TS diagnosis.  So I have to go into a holding pattern.

I'm so bummed...

Thanks for letting me post this.
Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Dennis on January 07, 2006, 05:14:57 PM
It's all progress and transitioning doesn't get rid of other issues. Hang in there and work hard with the therapist and you'll get there :)

You will be the person you want to be.

Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Terri-Gene on January 07, 2006, 05:45:18 PM
Not a super big problem, and what I try to say about Transsexual Therapy so often.  The effect of Gid on our reactions and the reactions of people in our environment towards us because of it does a pretty messy job of defining our relationship to the world.  there is so much that needs treatment because of this and to attempt such a dramatic change in the sense of gender under such circumstances as can be present in this regard can and often will be dangerous, not only to you but to people you deal with.

Don't look at this as a set back.  To much concern is directed towards finally growing breasts and such and the need for a full journey into why we are as we are in many mental senses is lost in the confusion of it all.

You can look at it this way, in studying "tyrannical superego before we can work on the TS diagnosis" actually is a step in TS diagnoses.  I feel so sad for those who can not accept not being instantly recognized and perscribed to who keep switching therapysts trying to get one who will provide instant agreement and a script for hormones.  They are simply fighting against themselves simply because they are not willing to cover the needed ground to fullfil thier desires.

Yes it is rough to have to put off the initial drive into hormones and all the expected development of it, but remember, the transition of mind and relation to experience is the major part of any transition and if you do exibit a superego problem, it will be enhanced during transition and may make you yourself your worst enemy.

I know that everything within Therapy went very well and quickly with myself, but I was able to keep much or all of aspects of my former carreer and it's effects on my away from the therapysts.  They saw a lot more of it then I realized though and gradually, after I myself began to realize I needed help with some of it, they began to work on those aspects and are gradually helping me to become more at ease with things I was involved in that I was never psychologically suited to have been a part of and I am a much more peaceful and happier person now at this time.

You are going to have to address a lot of problems in yourself that you may not even be aware of other then some wonders and doubts about what some friends have told you about yourself and it is far better to do it before having to face things you have no real idea about at this time.

All I'm saying Hazumu is don't consider it a holding pattern, but rather simply a part of the therapy process.  It doesn't necessarily effect the final diagnoses, it simply addresses some of the things associated with your life and your feelings about it.  And trust me.  If there was ever a person with Super Ego, it was me.  I know fully to well what such a mind set can get you into simply because of believing you can always win any and all battles or problems on your own terms.

Part of any legitimate therapy process of GID individuals is deep Psychoanalysis which can be very troublesome at times because it brings up things in your past which terrified and repelled you to the extent of your being, but you would niever admitt to or talk about with anyone.

Do not referr to yourself as in limbo or in any kind of holding pattern, You are simply going through a most valuable part of the therapy process of treating the GID problem.  As for myself, I only wish I hadn't been so good at hiding some very brutal circumstances that have always taken up to much of my concious and inner counctiousr thoughts and made me everything I was trying to leave behind during transition, but I am facing those conditions now in therapy and although much of it makes me afraid as working with it means a part of me in my mind will effectively have to die and be done with, but I welcome the difference in how I feel about life and people because of it.

You haven't been around here long enough to notice I make a lot of referrence about only actually truely beginning to transition after so many years of living full time and hormonially developing.  It is this type of therapy which has made that happen and I don't think It would have happened as it has if it were not being theraputically worked with in my best interest.  Always and forever keep in mind that it is the mind more then the body which makes you the woman you want to be.

Again, you are not in any kind of holding pattern, you will simply be dealing with things that are necessary to any "True" transition.  Be patient with it all, continue to persue the relevant issues of making the change in life possible once you are ready for RLT and be happy you are getting the treatment you need to make it all pass as easily and effectively as possible.

Talk to you in person about this after electro.  It's an important aspect and you must accept it and not see any doubt or discouragement about it.

Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Kimberly on January 07, 2006, 06:23:21 PM
Well, what Dennis and Terri have said...

Just remember that what makes us up is all different, some of us have had to hide more than others and others less. It is only natural that none of our paths to salvation are the same.

Or in fewer terms, don't be bummed... it's still a step forward and a step forward is still a step forward regardless. (You already knew that it wasn't going to be a cakewalk, no point in expecting it to be!)
Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Cassandra on January 08, 2006, 01:27:32 AM
Ditto's from my little corner of the universe as well. I'm sure you were probably hoping for a "yep you're GID heres your scrip. There are no free passes. Transition is a long and difficult journey, full of highs and lows. Every journey begins with a single step and there are many more steps which must be taken before we reach our destination. Don't be bummed. Your journey has just begun.

Good Journey,

Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: rana on January 08, 2006, 05:51:15 AM
I am impressed :)  whatever is a tyrannical superego & what does that signify? Do you terrorise yourself - or is that others?  and why would that be a problem re any TS diagnosis?
Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Dennis on January 08, 2006, 07:53:13 AM
Basically it means that the social control mechanism of your psyche - the one that makes you behave in socially acceptable ways despite animal instincts (the id being the animal instinct part) is overbearing and overly harsh on yourself. It's harsh self-criticism.

Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Hazumu on January 08, 2006, 07:00:13 PM
Thank you all for the replies and comments so far.

Terri especially, thanks for your post.  I pretty much knew all that, but it really helps to hear it from someone else.

Plus it was something of a release for me to make that initial posting.  For some reason, my mood matched the weather here in the California central valley -- sunny and bright.

To add to what Dennis said -- it's like going everywhere with a personal policeman that's just waiting to bust you if you stray from the path even a little bit.  But on top of that you're trying to ignore it (like ignoring an elephant in the livingroom) and telling yourself you have free will and can do anything you want...
Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: rana on January 12, 2006, 07:44:36 AM
Geez Hazumu, please accept my apology for my post - in view of what a tyrannical superego is, I sound so flippant & shallow - all I can say is I had no idea :(

But I will say this, its like you have thought police, and secret thought police at that - but just becoming aware that the situation exists is about 3/4 of the battle won :)

As far as being in limbo, thats not the case at all.  You are on a journey to self actualisation, and the greater part of that is the mental outlook.  Rather than floating about in a holding pattern, you are busily demolishing a huge barrier that before you did not know existed.

Wishing you a good & speedy journey Hazumu

Title: Re: 'way bummed
Post by: Hazumu on January 14, 2006, 11:47:24 PM
I'd like to kind of wrap this thread up (but more comments are welcome...)

There were several things the therapist said during the previous sesssion that sent me into (for want of a better term) a 'tail-spin'.

I found it difficult to sleep for a couple of days, with thoughts racing through my mind.  I realized that I'd been in this state several times before, but couldn't remember the conditions that put me there, with the exception of one time, when my mother had died suddenly.

The intellectual  part of me realized that this was something significant, and I spent Saturday writing a four-page FAX to my therapist.  In it I asked some basic questions about what might my tyrannical superego might consist of (I had a royal, super-sized SOB of a step-father when I was growing up...)

There was a lot more that went into the FAX, being an attempt to somehow document the thoughts and impressions racing though my mind and keeping me from decent sleep for three days.

After FAXing that to my therapist, I posted this thread.  After that, I felt much better, and on Sunday my mood matched the sunny weather here in my home-town.

At my next session, my therapist said he learned more about me from that FAX than from the patient history I'd completed the week before, and added that a TS diagnosis was now very likely.  But, we still needed to work on dismantling the tyrannical superego and replacing it with something much more benign.

I've left out a lot, and only included the highlights.  In the end I'm now guardedly optimistic.

Thank you everybody for the supportive posts!