General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: Alison on September 28, 2007, 05:31:36 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Baby weight/length percentiles?
Post by: Alison on September 28, 2007, 05:31:36 PM
I got sortof a disturbing call from my sister last night...

My neice went for her 1 year physical.... She was born around 50th percentile for height, and 40th for weight...  In 12 months she has dropped to 6th percentile for weight, her height percentile has remained relatively the same.  She has gained 11 lbs all year.

According to my sister.. The doctor is ok with waiting a month or so to see if she can put on more weight before doing tests to look for "more serious things"... To me? this seems like a waste of time, test now??!  I mean, if the kid has been consistently losing percentile points for a YEAR what makes you think all the sudden after her first birthday shes going to turn around?

I tried leaning on her to take the kid in for testing now.... and she said she'd really like to wait.

Opinions of parents here?

Am I just way too alarmed at this?  it just seems like losing that much ratio is crazy and gaining only 11 lbs sounds like nowhere near enough....