Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: XxCosmicEvan on January 10, 2016, 02:30:27 AM Return to Full Version

Title: (Name change/unknown) Do i say something?
Post by: XxCosmicEvan on January 10, 2016, 02:30:27 AM
First i apologies i'm unsure the best spot to put this one in but it relates to be coming out so i figured i'd put it here?
Iv'e came out Iv'e already stated what i'd like to be considered in pronouns and it was token in but it hasn't yet been said and i'm giving them time i won't go into that because it's another story. But whats going on is i'm thinking about changing my name to Evan on my ID problem is i don't know for sure if i want Evan as a name yet so i need to hold off anyways it works out. But the big issue is for some reason unknown to me my mother think's calling me my birth name split in half is hard enough to do and she doesn't think i'll change my name completely because i told them (When i was questioning) It was okay to use because spiting my name in half it becomes unisex. However they some how created this fake thing that i won't change my name and now there trying to use that version (I blame my aunt)
but that's another half of this basically you guy's it's very complicated i'm trying to keep up with my stuff and there creating their own assumptions already before i address anything my aunt asked the day i said call me he (Can we still call you  __ and i said yes sure) Because at the moment i don't got a clue but i feel pressured now!
What do i do sense my mother's trying this name thing do i tell her don't get connected?
But then i'm not even ready to tell anyone because i got a million thing's going on and my name stuff is complicated and will create emotions. I have a million doctors appointment's and thing's that don't relate to name i need to do.
Yet i feel horrible about this? do i say something? do i wait? any advice?