Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: - Rachel - on January 16, 2016, 03:00:41 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: - Rachel - on January 16, 2016, 03:00:41 PM
I switched from patches to IM Estradiol Valerate injections last Summer. I was getting injections every two weeks. After six injection cycles, my blood levels dropped to 32  pg/ml from 87 pg/ml. I felt awful, with hot flashes and mood swings. My doc had me increase my dose and frequency to weekly.

My blood levels went to 685 pg/ml. I felt great and my breast growth took off, astonishing my partner. My nipples itched like crazy and my breasts are super tender. My doc slowly lowered my dose little-by-little until it's now the same as my bi-weekly dose when I started. My blood levels are still on the high end. My doc wants to get me to somewhere around 300 pg/ml and says for transitioning, I should have higher levels than cis women.

Somewhere between the first and second week my E levels plummeted. I couldn't find any information on Estradiol levels over time with injections, but a two week cycle definitely doesn't work for me.

To you girls doing injections, how often do you do them?
What are your typical Estradiol levels when you get tested?
Does anyone have a link to charts showing how levels decrease over time with IM injections?

Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Ms Grace on January 16, 2016, 04:00:02 PM
I think the problem is that everybody's systems will metabolise the injections differently. It's been so long since I did injections I can offer any insight. I know though that when I was on injections that I had the mood swings and hot flushes you mentioned experiencing. Getting the levels right can be quite a juggling act.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Lara1969 on January 16, 2016, 04:20:28 PM
After one week the level drops sharply when using Estradiolvalerate. I inject weekly to have a more steadier level. I feel great with it. My body seems to like it too. I tried out to inject all five days but that did not brought any advantage mentally only the disadvantage to have to do it more often. I do it myself andvit became part of my live but not somethink I want to do more often. On a weekly timeframe it is okay, once a week dilation and once a week injection.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Randi on January 16, 2016, 04:29:04 PM
The half life of estradiol valerate is about 8 days.  I also had a problem with the second week and switched to weekly injections.

As you continue to do weekly injections, the various half-lives compound.  Remnants of the shot you took a month ago are still circulating.  Half of half of half of half is still there: 1/8th of the original injection.  As you continue for several months, the amount in your system "approaches" twice the weekly injected amounts.

(X= your weekly dose)

This week     X
Last week     X/2
three weeks  X/4
four weeks    X/8
five weeks     X/16

The amount still in you system is the total of all of these. Eventually they will add up to an amount very close to twice your weekly dose.


Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: - Rachel - on January 16, 2016, 04:40:01 PM
I did find an abstract of  an article ( that states with Estradiol Valerate, peak is 1-2 days, duration is 7-8 days and is basically gone after two weeks. No wonder I felt like crap after two weeks!

It seems that based on another article I found equating dosage with E levels, I need a larger than average dose to maintain good levels.

Thanks, Randi. I see why my doc checks my levels right before my 6th injection.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Lady_Oracle on January 16, 2016, 04:50:37 PM
On weekly injections and my levels are usually in the thousands
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: KayXo on January 17, 2016, 01:31:30 PM
Quote from: Lara1969 on January 16, 2016, 04:20:28 PMI inject weekly to have a more steadier level. I feel great with it. My body seems to like it too. I tried out to inject all five days but that did not brought any advantage mentally only the disadvantage to have to do it more often.

I think I will also switch to weekly injections instead of every 5 days. More convenient and I doubt it will make any difference. But, at the same time, I recently tested my levels on day 3 and then on day 5 and levels dropped quite markedly after 2 days, from 2,500 pg/ml to 1,300! I could try weekly and if I notice negative symptoms on days 6-7, switch back to every 5 days. I also want to switch to weekly to perhaps reignite breast growth that is still not satisfactory (and stagnant these days) because it is a well known fact that fluctuations help overcome desensitization to a substance although it already fluctuates quite a bit on a 5 day schedule. We'll see...

In the end, one must find the schedule and dose that works best for THEM.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Rachel on January 17, 2016, 05:24:44 PM
I inject every 9 days. When I did every 14 days I felt the lows and my doctor allowed me to inject on a lower frequency.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Jean24 on January 18, 2016, 04:22:30 AM
My levels are just below 200 and that's about middle of the road for what most women should expect... but I'm EXTREMELY frustrated to see that some people here have well over 3x my levels and apparently that's recommended. I've been on hrt for a year and not much has happened. I've had to fight, tooth and claw, for my doctors to keep my hormones as high as they are. They refuse to up my dosage anymore and recommend cutting it. There is literally nobody else in my area to turn to. Sometimes I really with these quacks knew what the hell they were doing because this is bull crap and all of this time I've been putting stock into YMMV, everyone's favorite fallback if things aren't going quite right. Maybe if everyone's doctors were so incompetent, their millage could vary too.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: KayXo on January 18, 2016, 02:04:21 PM

I'm really sorry for what is going on with you. You could try meeting with several doctors (gynecologist, GP, endo, etc.) and perhaps find someone who is open-minded and willing to learn. You have to work harder but in the end, will be worth it. Your doctors are simply following guidelines, out of fear, I'm afraid and they don't want to get in trouble so your well-being comes second. You need someone who's willing to question things, read a lot (and be passionate) about the subject and not be afraid to work outside the box, for whom your well-being comes first. What you can also do is do your own research, bring the research, articles to your doctor in a succinct form and see what they say. Don't be afraid to argue with them, it is your right and a good doctor will listen, be open. Best of luck!

Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: Lady_Oracle on January 18, 2016, 06:36:22 PM
Quote from: KayXo on January 17, 2016, 01:31:30 PM
In the end, one must find the schedule and dose that works best for THEM.

Truth! Wish there was more emphasis on this rather then trying to follow a general protocol for everyone. With the minimal research we have on trans health care, doctors should be listening to us more than anything.
Title: Re: Estradiol levels over time with IM injections
Post by: - Rachel - on February 19, 2016, 07:54:34 PM
My doctor had me slowly reduce my dose until my Estradiol levels are now at around 500, tested right before my 6th weekly injection. She feels that this level is acceptable as I'm not experiencing any adverse effects. I feel great and my breast growth has increased greatly. Several people have commented.