General Discussions => Spirituality => Topic started by: stephaniec on February 15, 2016, 03:35:30 AM Return to Full Version

Title: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: stephaniec on February 15, 2016, 03:35:30 AM
This is just a count on whether you think there is some sort of God or not.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Lilian J on February 15, 2016, 03:48:16 AM
I am fascinated by religion and religious history and have much respect for people of genuine faith but have never believed even one jot in anything supernatural like souls or spirits.

Sadly you meet so many people just "believe" what daddy told them or their local religious leader without ever questioning whether what they were being taught was even the doctrine of their church or holy book or even where these things came from. I've never understood this as if you were going to make a belif system such a large part of your life and a lens to view the world wouldn't you want to know as much as possible about it? 

Then again I grew up in an ecumenical agnostic family and in an area where anyone who was too serious about religion was seen as a bit loopy. Growing up religion was only seen as useful if it was a compassionate, charitable and positive force. Wasn't till I was older when I met people for which it was a negative, controlling and and shaming force.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: stephaniec on February 15, 2016, 04:02:58 AM
I grew up Catholic. Went to Catholic grade school , high school . college, university, I always leaned on a view of God because I was bullied and depressed, but I really never understood until I had kind of an awakening when I was 19 and immersed myself in studying my beliefs .  I have a great love of God ,but my Lord seems to be so much more understanding than how others perceive the Lord of my faith.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Eevee on February 15, 2016, 04:26:52 AM
The options in the poll are too limited to me, so I didn't answer. My answer would be a solid maybe. Some people just forget that us agnostics exist.  ;D
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: stephaniec on February 15, 2016, 04:40:36 AM
Of course honestly you could say that if there was some form of God it should be a lot easier to know if there was or not.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Eevee on February 15, 2016, 04:54:09 AM
Quote from: stephaniec on February 15, 2016, 04:40:36 AM
Of course honestly you could say that if there was some form of God it should be a lot easier to know if there was or not.
Then I would be an atheist, which I'm not. I suppose I'm not very faithful if you would like to steer me that way, but I'm not going to put all my eggs into one basket either. If there is a god, then I have no idea what form they really take and I'm not about to make that decision for them. If there is no god, then nothing really changes in my life as it is. I am a fan of science, but it doesn't have all of the answers yet. It does have the right process for finding the facts, but I doubt I'd live long enough for a definite answer on this one.

Of course, if there is a god and they had a hand in making me like I am, I might have a few choice words to share with them.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: warlockmaker on February 15, 2016, 05:21:44 AM
I believe that there is a supreme existence ....I don't like to call it god because I'm not a Christian, moslem or Jewish faith. Their God is not one I want to ever consider worshiping. I'm a zen bhuddist and I believe in many lives and many dimensions that I will be reborn into until I achieve enlightment.
Title: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Deborah on February 15, 2016, 05:24:04 AM
A spiritual source to which we can connect - Yes.  A God in the Judeo-Christian-Muslim sense most definitely not.

I didn't answer because nothing like that option is in the poll.

Sapere Aude
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: KathyLauren on February 15, 2016, 06:24:42 AM
It kind of hinges on definitions.  The standard line among theists with people like me is to get me to come up with some vague definition that allows me to answer yes.  I don't buy that; it seems like a cop-out.  Anything vague enough for me to answer yes is too vague to be meaningful. 

So I assume the question is referring to something like what is described in the Christian / Jewish / Muslim scriptures.  And the answer to that is definitely no: I don't believe in that (or anything remotely like that) at all.

Full disclosure: I am a Buddhist.  The Buddha was not a god; he was a man.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Kylo on March 04, 2016, 10:38:48 AM
Crap, I voted maybe but then "doesn't matter because no-one will ever know" occurred to me as a better answer.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: FreyasRedemption on March 04, 2016, 03:04:59 PM
A capital-G God, no. Lowercase-g gods, yes.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: MelloYellowSurge on March 05, 2016, 11:05:56 PM
Despite answering "no", I too must complain of the limited number of answers. I answered the way I did because, like it or not, the evidence for the existence of any such deity be it Yahweh/Allah/whatever word for "god" you wish to use, Krishna, Aphrodite, etc. is sorely lacking. While I must admit that it is impossible to disprove the existence of such deities, the onus for proof of a positive claim falls to those who make it. For me, it's clear that the likelihood of there being any gods is slim to none. A visit from such a deity might change my mind...emphasis on "might".
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Karen6-10inheels on March 31, 2016, 10:35:43 PM
May the force be with you.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: HappyMoni on March 31, 2016, 10:57:54 PM
I don't believe in God. I respect everyone else's opinion until they use it as a weapon to put other people down. I would like to believe in God. I am still waiting for the transgender Moses saying, "Let my people go!" I can picture it now, starting in North Carolina.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: arice on March 31, 2016, 11:02:19 PM
Quote from: MelloYellowSurge on March 05, 2016, 11:05:56 PM
Despite answering "no", I too must complain of the limited number of answers. I answered the way I did because, like it or not, the evidence for the existence of any such deity be it Yahweh/Allah/whatever word for "god" you wish to use, Krishna, Aphrodite, etc. is sorely lacking. While I must admit that it is impossible to disprove the existence of such deities, the onus for proof of a positive claim falls to those who make it. For me, it's clear that the likelihood of there being any gods is slim to none. A visit from such a deity might change my mind...emphasis on "might".
This is my opinion as well.

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Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: DanielleA on April 01, 2016, 05:55:45 AM
I believe in what I can touch and see. So I don't believe there is any god/gods. I do know that there are ghosts so there is another world out there that we can't see. The ghost in my unit moves my things around all the time.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: DogSpirit on April 09, 2016, 10:07:43 AM
I believe that everything in this universe all put together is God.

I believe that the Gods represented in religions are the best that people can achieve in expressing the vastness of God. Some people do better than others.

I believe that God doesn't care what name we use or what path we follow.
I liked what a rabbi said to Sammy Davis Jr. when he was considering converting: "God is a like a department store. He doesn't care what floor you shop on, as long as you buy something."

I like the metaphor of a hologram: If you create a hologram on glass, then break that glass, each piece contains the entire image (at a lower resolution than the original). In the holographic universe, we each contain the full image of the universe. We're each pieces of God.
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: Cindi Jones on April 09, 2016, 10:28:51 AM
I have a total lack of faith. That is very different from "not believing" in a god. A "not belief" is a belief in itself. There was a time when I was considered a gospel scholar by some. I do enjoy the study of ancient religion along with archeology and the politics of the times.

I also recognize that many people derive comfort and direction in their beliefs.

So, I suppose I fit the classic definition of an atheist. So, I didn't make my mark either. ;)
Title: Re: just a poll no more no less on whether there is a God , yes or no
Post by: CrazyCatMan on April 16, 2016, 12:38:17 PM
I believe in a non-divine creator, but not a God. ;D