General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: nemutai on February 16, 2016, 04:08:57 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dieting on hormones?
Post by: nemutai on February 16, 2016, 04:08:57 PM
Hi - sorry if I'm spamming the board, I just had a lot of questions and wasn't sure if it was considered alright to ask all of them in one thread. Also, sorry if this has already been asked; I tried searching to see if any results matched but couldn't find anything.

I've been on a normal adult dose of testosterone since December 2013, but haven't had a hysto yet, etc. I was wondering how that works with "gender"-specific calorie estimations, since I wasn't sure if it'd differ due to testosterone or just sex-based genetics.

I'm currently using MyFitnessPal, but I'm not quite sure whether to set it as female or male - I'm worried male might give me more calories than would help me lose weight, but setting it as female gives me pretty bad dysphoria.
I can't ask my doctor since she's booked clear out until July, so I hoped someone here might know.

Thanks a ton in advance (+ for putting up with me, haha) :)
Title: Re: Dieting on hormones?
Post by: RobynD on March 03, 2016, 05:52:41 PM
Personally, i would set it at what your identified gender is. I did for mine. Than just aim to keep your calories in the lower end of that range.
Title: Re: Dieting on hormones?
Post by: Hikari on March 04, 2016, 05:58:31 AM
I don't think sex based genetics really means much of anything. After a while on hormones went down to female calorie ranges for certain if I had kept to the male ones I would have gained weight.

I think, you should be safe to use male calculations assuming your T level is right, but remember that every persons rate of calorie consumption does vary, some people simply have a higher or lower base metabolism than others so I wouldn't take those calorie charts or calculators as gospel, so you might need to modify it a bit no matter which one you were going by.
Title: Re: Dieting on hormones?
Post by: nemutai on March 04, 2016, 11:45:38 PM
Quote from: Hikari on March 04, 2016, 05:58:31 AM
I don't think sex based genetics really means much of anything. After a while on hormones went down to female calorie ranges for certain if I had kept to the male ones I would have gained weight.

I think, you should be safe to use male calculations assuming your T level is right, but remember that every persons rate of calorie consumption does vary, some people simply have a higher or lower base metabolism than others so I wouldn't take those calorie charts or calculators as gospel, so you might need to modify it a bit no matter which one you were going by.

That's a really good point - I'm hopefully going to meet a nutritionist soon so I'll definitely ask about the calorie needs :) Thank you so much! I feel a lot more relieved about using male now, haha.