Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: Abbieabbie on February 21, 2016, 07:33:57 PM Return to Full Version

Title: UK-Gender Recognition Certificate Application
Post by: Abbieabbie on February 21, 2016, 07:33:57 PM
Hi I have been searching for information regarding this subject so I can submit my application. I have been full time since January 2013 and Post Op since August 2015 and married in transition while full time in June 2014 (we are still married and together-Yes they know I am trans its not a issue and they will sign my spouse veto).

I have been gathering documents since Febuary 2013 in my new name saving every single piece of paper I got with my name on so I have a big box of letters and documents. I have a letter from Dr Bellringer saying what procedures I have had and I am planning to get a letter from Dr James Barrett who treated me at Charing Cross.

I want to make this application go well so I came here to ask questions to address any potential weak points I have on my application that I am planning to put in. Is their any recommendations anyone can make here? Any potential issues I should be aware of that caught you by suprise? I ask this so I can avoid these problems. Did anyone get refused here? If so would you kindly be able if you are comfortable to explain why if you prefer privately I will keep any information I receive confidential 100%.

Thank You.
Title: Re: UK-Gender Recognition Certificate Application
Post by: calicarly on February 23, 2016, 08:33:46 AM
Hi Hun, I am at the same point to get things for my GRC as you, except I also have my GRS next week so I decided to focus mostly on that for now. I have the part of the application that my consultant was meant to fill out ready and filed. I still don't have some of the stuff that has to be signed by a lawyer. There's no need to overwhelm them with proof of your new name  or so I've heard. They like to see proof of the name change itself and only 2 or 3 supporting documents preferably that are occupation or bank linked. So bank statement. Payslips from your work or college certificates things like that. They will want that letter you have from Bellringer. See if you have had GRS, that's when they only need one specialist's report.

I'm afraid I can't help a whole lot being as I don't have mine yet either. But we can always bounce ideas back and forth if it helps. I'm sure someone else will be able to let us know from their own experience.