General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: lashingkarma on March 17, 2016, 09:14:14 PM Return to Full Version

Title: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: lashingkarma on March 17, 2016, 09:14:14 PM
I'm Currently between 305 and 308 Lbs and trying to get down to the 146 to 150 Lb range i am also 6'2 tall and eating 1752 Calories a day average how fast would i lose weight at this level also im walking almost everyday

Edit: im also drinking water and tea only and no soda or sweets
Title: Re: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: Dena on March 17, 2016, 09:31:24 PM
I am 6'2" as well and I have found that 160-170 seems to be a good weight range to be in. At 140 pounds, you are at the bottom of the healthy range and 190 is the upper end. I did a check on the web and there seems to be some argument about this. The old rule was 3500 calories per pound and the new rule is somewhat higher. Assuming you are reasonably active, you would need about 2200 calories a day giving you about a 500 calorie short fall. Over a week, that would be about a pound. If you are a bit more active you could lose more, possibly between 1.5 and 2 pounds a week. Be careful not to be upset if you don't lose weight at a weigh in. Sometimes the body will replace the fat with water maintaining your weigh and latter you may drop several pounds in one week. In addition, if you drop your intake to low, your body will go into starvation mode and it will become harder to lose weight. Slow weight loss is healthier and you are more likely to keep it off than a crash diet.
Title: Re: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: lashingkarma on March 17, 2016, 09:42:01 PM
Personally id be happy with 150-165 lbs and i did adjust my calorie limit now i figured 2160 i had been walking an hour and a half a day but im thinking to reduce that to an hour
Title: Re: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: Dena on March 17, 2016, 09:51:38 PM
I do half an hour a day but it's more for fitness than weight loss. You could be burning up to 400 calories a day with your walking pushing your deficit to between 800 and 900 calories a day. That would put you close to the 2 pound a week weight loss. Even if you only walk an hour, you should be above the 1.5 pound loss rate. I found a  calculator ( that might be useful.
Title: Re: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: lashingkarma on March 17, 2016, 09:56:41 PM
thats a helpful tool i got google fit on my phone so it does all the math for me
Title: trying to lose alot of weight
Post by: Deborah on March 18, 2016, 12:18:51 AM
You should find weight loss easier at first and then progressively harder as you enter the healthy weight range.  There are several reasons for this but it seems to be true for everyone.  At this point you can safely get away with a pretty big calorie deficit of 1000 cal or perhaps a little more.  The reason is simply that you have a lot of stored energy in the form of fat readily available.  Once you lose a lot of that large daily deficits can lead to problems as Dena described.  My recommendation is to join a site like myfitnesspal and track all your exercise and all your food maintaining a deficit of 1000 cal.  Once you get to within about 50 pounds of your healthy weight start progressively reducing the deficit until you reach your goal.  You will also find a lot of good diet and fitness related information as well as a very active forum there with many success stories from people who started out at a much higher weight than you.  I've been a member of that site for years and it really is a good place.  It's free with a paid option.

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