General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: Deborah on April 02, 2016, 11:30:17 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Muscle & Fat loss on HRT
Post by: Deborah on April 02, 2016, 11:30:17 AM
This gets talked about a lot so here are some hard numbers in my experiment of one.

Start Jan 15
Height 71"
Weight 205 lbs
BMI 28.6
Bodyfat 26% (Measured as Male)
Fat weight 53 lbs
Lean weight 152 lbs

Now Apr 16 (14.5 months HRT)
Height 71"
Weight 160 lbs
BMI 22.3
Bodyfat 14.3% (Measured as female)
Fat Weight 23 lbs
Lean Weight 137 lbs

Height None
Weight -45 lbs
BMI -6.3
Bodyfat% -12%
Fat Weight -30 lbs
Lean Weight -15 lbs

The body fat % measurements are pretty accurate I think.  The original one was by a body fat impedance scale.  The current is by body fat impedance scale confirmed by calipers.  The scale and calipers differed by only .24%.

From Jan through May last year I dieted and ran to get in shape.  I continued running through Aug without diet.  Then I got lazy and did nothing until this Jan.  in that time I gained some weight  back up to about 178.

Since the beginning of Feb I have been dieting and exercising heavily and have lost about 18 lbs.  Since Feb the diet is a 1000 cal daily deficit (that is higher than generally recommended).  The exercise program is a lot of walking, about 25 miles running per week, abs work 5 days a week, and body weight exercise 3 days a week.  Currently I'm up to 200 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, and 100 squats.  The big irony of all this is that I have a 6 pack for the first time in my life and I got it on HRT.

Other than that HRT alone has taken care of muscle loss although I lost so much fat it's hard to say exactly what was fat loss and what was muscle loss in any particular area.

As far as body feminization goes I have gotten to a lower body fat level than ideal.  My ribcage measures 36" and my bust 41" and they look really small to me.  They were bigger back in Jan by nearly 2".  I have other motives though in wanting to run well and find my "ideal" running weight.  Regardless, after I lose 5 more pounds (12% BF) I'll probably allow myself to gain some back and hope it goes to good places.  I'll be able to gain up to about 25 lbs and remain in the "healthy-fitness" BF category <24% if my lean mass doesn't change much further.  Maybe it will though; I'll have to wait and see what more HRT does there.

Lastly, weight loss IS NOT harder on HRT.  At least no harder than before HRT.  In both cases it sucks but it will happen with a calorie deficit.

Sapere Aude
Title: Re: Muscle & Fat loss on HRT
Post by: Rachel_Christina on April 02, 2016, 12:26:30 PM
You have made some good gains by the sound of it! I would love to start some fitness, but since I'm not on HRT yet I don't want to gain muscle mass in the rong areas!
All I do is control what I eat, I'm 68 Kilos now!
But still my arm and shoulder strength is quiet high!
You seem to be doing a lot of upper body strength excercises, I hope it coresponds to loss in size in the region worked, not muscle gain! D:
Any before and after pics?
Hugs, Christine
Title: Re: Muscle & Fat loss on HRT
Post by: Deborah on April 02, 2016, 02:14:31 PM
I'll take some pics later.  I have noticed though that push-ups are really much harder than before.  Although I'm doing 100 it's in 5 sets and the last two sets are a big struggle.  Abs and legs seem as strong as ever. My biceps now are 11.25" unflexed although they were not huge before either.  My only real sticking point is my shoulder girth which is at 44.25".  Most of that is bone structure though.  Maybe I could lose an inch or two if I stopped the push-ups.  My waist too still looks blocky to me.  Maybe HRT will help that with more time.  Or maybe it's just my body shape (mesomorph).  I'm not sure.

Sapere Aude
Title: Re: Muscle & Fat loss on HRT
Post by: Lady_Oracle on April 03, 2016, 02:27:37 AM
Congrats on your gains! I always tell everyone to keep track of their measurements cause it helps keep things in perspective, lets you know things are changing even if its subtle. 

Yeah I would definitely stop doing the pushups for awhile. You need the muscles to atrophy not keep them in shape else it'll take that much longer for your muscle mass in your shoulders to decrease. You will definitely lose some in the shoulders. I'm like really thin and I had significant changes in my shoulders. I thought the same since that area is mostly bone so it wouldnt change much but I was wrong. As the fat redistribution kicks in more, you'll see what I'm talking about. Cis women with broad shoulders still have a certain softness and roundness to them, thats what happens eventually to our shoulders. They round out significantly but its only after years of hrt.