General Discussions => Beauty => Makeup => Topic started by: blossom on April 02, 2016, 06:30:43 PM Return to Full Version

Title: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: blossom on April 02, 2016, 06:30:43 PM
I don't know the proper technique and what happens when the pencil tip wears down, do you sharpen it?
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: Laura_7 on April 02, 2016, 07:17:27 PM

Here is a howto ... just start with method 1 ...

Make sure you have a pencil sharpener on hand if you are using an eyeliner pencil, or a clean eyeliner brush for a cream or liquid liner.

Just take your time while trying it out ...

Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: blossom on April 03, 2016, 06:51:43 PM
Thank you Laura!
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: Nicole on June 22, 2016, 02:20:22 AM
Can I say, one of the best buys you'll ever invest in is a great set of brushes.

A good set will come with a good sharpener, I've found just a simple sharpener you buy for a office store will break the liner.

I say also, try a gel liner, I love them
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: Sspar on June 22, 2016, 12:03:36 PM
I am too old and too lazy.. got tattoo eyeliner... best 500 ever spent..
but go to a reputable specialist..
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: 2cherry on June 22, 2016, 12:26:50 PM
I use coconut oil to remove makeup. Cheap, easy and healthy for the skin.  ;)
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: julogden on October 22, 2016, 03:37:42 PM
Yes, definitely get a sharpener made specifically for cosmetic pencils. And make sure that your pencil isn't old and dried out. You want a fairly soft pencil, a hard pencil will tug and not leave enough product on your lid.

Here's a sharpener that I just bought on Amazon, works really well.
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: MjaGi on January 10, 2017, 06:45:58 PM
I hated liquid eyeliner so I just used a very fine brush and black eyeshadow. Looks good too and doesnt need any skills  ;)
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: danats2 on June 10, 2017, 09:33:41 AM
Before I sharpen a pencil eyeliner I put it in the freezer for approx. 10 mins. It keeps it from breaking and the sharpener works way better.
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: MdmButterfly on February 21, 2018, 07:38:44 AM
I enjoy gel liners because they're easier to apply and to remove. Usually i take a cotton pad cut it in half so they're like watermelon wedges. I smear it with a good Oil based makeup remover I like Co clean it Zero Cleanser. I Close my eye add the cotton pad with the product on it, let it sit for a min then slightly start moving it to loosen up any mascara or liner. Its great because it also conditions your eyelashes :) and to apply eyeliner well my eyesight sucks so i don't go crazy also I have small eyes so I only line half my eye and just a small wing to elongate my lash line. I hope that helps.
Title: Re: How do I put on and get off eye liner?
Post by: Jenntrans on February 28, 2018, 01:45:08 PM
Eyeliner? Holy crap!!! When you put it where you really need to put it, it may burn a little bit. If you need to take anything off without any residue then never ever buy waterproof. That is also mascara. I think someone invented waterproof because of wine and drinking too much.... Butthole boyfriends too. Women are emotional and we cry. Without waterproof makeup when we cry then our mascara and eyeliner will run.

Personally I don't like the waterproof makeup unless I am going swimming with a guy one on one in a "blue hole" Then when I cry because I am sad then most men and guys I have dated it has melted their hearts. So swimming one on one? Waterproof. Summer and sweat going to work then waterproof. Going clubbing then waterproof. On a date with a man? Then you have to decide. Personally I go with non waterproof. I cry when I see an animal hit, dead on the road, someone in a wreck and so on. The black lines that run down my face just instills in him if he is and always was willing to date me that I was a girl and now a woman. He would turn around or give me the option to go out after going back to apply more makeup if need be. I always carried Noxzema and Kleenex. So no. But he may have to wait a little while though before we went in.

So if you want to get it off easily then never buy waterproof eyeliner. It is the same with Mascara too.

I have a sharpener for an eyebrow pencil. But eyeliner is usually one sixe and way softer than a brow pencil. Eyeliner you can turn to push up more if need be. When I apply eyeliner I put it right next to my eyelids where the pink begins. That is closer to the Actual eye and I do not want a sharpened pencil thingy there applying it. So I think some may be getting eyebrow pencils and actual eyeliner confused.

Actually I go to Wal Mart and buy a brown or black Sharpies to color my brows. OMG my actual hair color is dishwater blond but prefer black So I go to a stylists quite often at least to do my lighter roots. He is really good.

Look hon. The best thing to do is to see a real professional makeup artist. My band spent our gig money to send me to a professional so I could come back and teach them. And they thought trannies were "pussies" LOL. I as a "sissy" and know ">-bleeped-<" before Transgender was really realized in Arkansas. My best friend when young turned out to be gay. I am trans and I never knew he was gay but had suspicions and he had his own about me. Yet he has a hard time understanding Trans. He calls me gay yet I am a straight trans woman. The only time I have been gay was marrying a woman and having sex with her and that was pretty much being a lesbian.

I know we get a late start on some of this that our mothers should have taught us and then our friends. But we don't have that advantage if we hide. I was lucky because all of my cousins a little over my age would "torture" me and dress me totally up. To me it wasn't so much torture though. Since they were older, they made me the daughter. Go figure when one girl would be the "daddy"... They all were more than happy when I was 15 and joined a band to teach me how to look like CC Deville on the cover jacket of Look What the Cat Dragged In. Then more than ready to do more. Then the band paid and a lot of things those girls were doing wrong I learned how to do right.

We don't have the same advantages of girls especially from our moms. Mine considered me an "abomination". Yet when posed why God created me the way "He" created me she had no answer. So when it comes to make up then see a professional. It is well worth the money and they generally do not judge just like wig shops and so on. So definitely ask a professional and don't be shy. They will sell you their product and they may judge but you are making them a paycheck.

If you are ashamed of wearing it and have to remove all evidence then don't wear it. Even with lighter colored hair I always did and still do wear mascara to accentuate my lashes. Now they are getting lighter and grayer even. I still wear it. Not the "tarantula" look but to accentuate my eyes. It is hard to get off so leave it on that you can't get off.

Wow I talk too much. >:-) :-\ ??? :(