Activism and Politics => Politics => Topic started by: Borscht on January 19, 2006, 11:39:02 AM Return to Full Version

Title: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Borscht on January 19, 2006, 11:39:02 AM
Just look around you, the christian religion and the overwhelming majority of it's followers despise you and want nothing to do with you.
I'm not saying this to be inflammatory as I'm in the LBGT community myself but to waste time trying to associate yourself with some demographic that actively seeks your destruction seems very counter-productive.

I think it would be better if LBGT were atheist, agnostic, or deist because you will never convince christians to tolerate you, your very existence churns their stomach.
You may criticize me by saying that I'm lumping all christians with the evangelical republican right but the fact of the matter is that this faction of christianity is the dominant one, they get to decide what christianity is, not you.
I'm saying this as a realist, not a hater.  Christianity is not about inclusion, it is about fear-mongering, power over individuals, hate, and greed.
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: amberctm on January 19, 2006, 11:51:07 AM
My point of veiw is, I'm strong enough to chalenge them by transitioning before them, in front of their eyes, defying everthing their upbrining told them was normal, bring into reality that mother nature is'nt perfect. If they feel that THIER interpratation of faith or a dusty old book is going to change my veiws of my own beilifes then they have won. BUT for me that will never happen, because in my faith uderstanding is the basis for rleligion. The Unitarian Universalist are a Christian church, who openly accept the GLBT community.
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Borscht on January 19, 2006, 11:57:22 AM
This free-thought mentality approach you're taking to christianity is the very antithesis of religion.  That "dusty old book" you're talking about is the heart and soul of christianity.  It is not a living document subject to change, it is written in stone by people who thought the world was flat and it's followers are forbidden from accepting any ideas which are foreign or contradict anything written in the bible.
Christianity is not what you or anyone else in the LBGT wants it to be, it has rules just like all other religions and one of those rules is that people like us are an abomination and will burn in Hell.
We should stop embracing this hateful ideology.  Christianity is our enemy and is in part responsible for most of the discrimination people in the LBGT community face today, we should oppose it vigorously.
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: amberctm on January 19, 2006, 12:08:34 PM
Christianity uses various aspects of the indiginous peoples of ancient times, taoist therories, buddist theories and many others. I took a comparitive religions course in college and its is so un belivable how similar all religions are. And yes I say dusty old book because that is wghat it is. Christianity is just the first religion to publish its own book. I agreen thet ist has gotten out of control, but only due to misinterpratation. If we The GLBT giv up so esily then why do transition or why don't we just become straight?
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: amberctm on January 19, 2006, 12:37:32 PM

I recently administered to myself  depo-provera and  estrafem but now I'm having strong reservations about whether or not to continue HRT.
If I decide to stop will any effects that take place be reversed, and if so what effects can I expect to experience from the dosage I've taken so fa

I'm sorry if this offends you, but you need to seek counsling. It sounds to me like you think being part of the GLBT or trans community is some cool pop culture kick, that you think you can dump when its not a cool fad anymore.  that is why there are SOC.

The reson why I posted this comment, is because of your comments about the religous right and  your post about UNSUPERVISED experimental use of HRT. It just sound like your on a crusade that if it doesn't go your way then you give up, and just be another "normal" person.
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Cassandra on January 19, 2006, 05:15:32 PM

First of all it's the LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Alliance). We are a very diverse group many of whom are, Yes, Christians. Certain sectors of the Christian community may hold narrow views but they do not represent the whole of Christendom. Your comments are both argumentative and inflamatory. You need to tone it down a bit. Please review the site rules. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but this does not give anyone the right to shove thier opinions down peoples throats.

QuoteChristianity is not what you or anyone else in the LBGT wants it to be, it has rules just like all other religions and one of those rules is that people like us are an abomination and will burn in Hell.
We should stop embracing this hateful ideology.  Christianity is our enemy and is in part responsible for most of the discrimination people in the LBGT community face today, we should oppose it vigorously.

Such a narrow world view would make those in the community no better than the bible thumping fundamentalist preachers who give Christianity a bad name. You clearly have an ax to grind and you are welcome to state your opinion. But, if you expect others to pick up that banner and march to your drum beat. Think again.

Christ loved all people and gave his life so that we might live. This is not anthetical to being gay transexual or anything else. I leave you with this quote from John Lennon.

"But if you want money for people with minds that hate
well all I can tell you is buddy you'll have to wait."

Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Kimberly on January 19, 2006, 05:30:38 PM
Quote from: Borscht on January 19, 2006, 11:39:02 AM...convince christians to tolerate you...

Out of curiosity, why would I want to?
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: beth on January 19, 2006, 05:54:16 PM
"You may criticize me by saying that I'm lumping all christians with the evangelical republican right but the fact of the matter is that this faction of christianity is the dominant one, they get to decide what christianity is, not you."

     Ignorance breeds hate, it works both ways
Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Alexandra on January 19, 2006, 07:18:57 PM
ahem, a mine field . . . okay, here I go . . .

I believe the "hate"  influence of "certain sectors" of christianity is a bit wider than Cassandra stated, but not as widespread as suggested by Borscht. Unfortunately, when we have highly influencal people like Pat Robertson running amok in our society, views like Borscht surfaces as a reaction. I can't blame her.

The Unitarian Universalists' open policy on GLBTQ members, being contrary to the views of many other mainstream churches suggests that us mortals have a hard time interpreting the words of God therefore we ought NOT be doing it and let our personal choices be between themselves and their God.

Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Cassandra on January 19, 2006, 07:24:38 PM
Quotethe evangelical republican right but the fact of the matter is that this faction of christianity is the dominant one, they get to decide what christianity is, not you
I disagree with both premises of your statement. The evangelical republican right is hardly dominant. They get a lot of publicity because they continue to be controversial. The politicians may tailor their rhetoric to curry their favor and get their votes as they represent a large voting block but they do not represent the majority main stream Christian community.

Secondly no one group can decide what Christianity is for everyone else. If they could there would be only one Christian denomination and I can tell you right now the Baptists, Methodists, Presbetyrians, Episcopals, Lutherans etc. are not going to allow themselves to be absorbed into one denomination with one faith, one view, one voice. Each individual defines what christianity means to them and no government, no law, no body of people can change that.

I do in fact decide what Christianity is to me as do millions of other independant voters who do not travel in lock step with the Christian right or left. Certain hot button issues may launch certain fanatical christians to the forefront of political debate and that may in turn garner them support from otherwise moderate Christians. But, these people have an agenda and when the public realizes just what that agenda is they quickly distance themselves from such radicals.

Most of the rising stars of the Christian right apexed and are in decline. Falwell, Baker, Robertson et. al. Sure others stars will rise as well, they always do. And as long as people of good concience rise up in opposition they will fail and falter as they always do. No one person no one group has a lock on Christianity.

Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Joseph on January 21, 2006, 10:45:30 AM
Many of my friends are Christians that people would consider "evangelical" and the ones who know about my TG condition still love me as their friend.  If anything it's brought us closer because they understand the full person and I no longer have to hide anything from them.  They accept that God made me this way, that he has his reasons, and they're not trying to "change" me.  They also recognize that taking away the male identity would effectively change me from their friend into someone they didn't know.

Title: Re: What do LBGT's become christian?
Post by: Sheila on January 21, 2006, 09:45:36 PM
Christianity is huge. There are so many different beliefs of the same book that it would be impossible to name them. There beliefs change as the years and the people change, so the Bible is not the book of life. There is no such thing. It can't predict the future either. I have been hearing for over 50 years now that the end is coming according to the Bible. They would give some circumstance that happen in the world and then they would try and use some verse to justify their claim. The churches are run just like any other big business, what was your sales today, they better be a lot higher next week or you will be in a smaller congregation or looking for another job. This is true with all of them.