Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: Asche on May 03, 2016, 04:49:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: "It had always been Sarah"
Post by: Asche on May 03, 2016, 04:49:19 PM
A lot of how I'm processing being trans is reading TG stories.  There are stories I read and reread which always bring tears to my eyes.  (Maybe someday, somelife, somewhere over the rainbow, I'll be able to more than simply get moist eyes.)  I don't usually understand why any particular story means so much to me, especially not at first.  But then, at least 90% of my transition is taking place below my conscious mind, and the stories aren't really speaking to the conscious me, anyway.  (Just as well -- Conscious Me is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.)

The one I've been reading and rereading recently is "Stay a Little Bit Longer", by Bailey Summers.  (I don't know if the TOS allows me to post a link, but you can find it by googling.)  It's from the point of view of a woman who is feeling hurt and rejected and lost and angry because her husband Shawn has transitioned to become Sarah.  The part that makes me want to cry is where she's tried dating men and hated it, and then she tries making love with a woman, and she breaks down crying halfway through

Quotebecause it was  good ... but it was good because... so much of the way she did things ... was so much like Shawn.
That's the night the Sarah truck ran me over all over again.
That's when I realized it.
It had always been Sarah.

I'm beginning to think that what I'm seeing in this part of the story is that this describes me.  My "inner transition" is not so much a process of me changing as it is a process of me gradually realizing and seeing (and accepting) who I've been all along.

For all of my attempts to be who I was supposed to be and to believe I was what and who they told me I was:

    I have always been Allison.

I just never realized it.

Title: Re: "It had always been Sarah"
Post by: Laura_7 on May 03, 2016, 04:52:12 PM

Congratulations  :)

Title: Re: "It had always been Sarah"
Post by: keira166 on May 06, 2016, 09:02:26 PM
Thank you for sharing, that story made me want to cry too.  I wish we could talk to our subconsciouses, I bet they've known pretty well who we really are for so long, but I'm glad mine is finally letting me know by tearing up for stories like this and you.

Title: Re: "It had always been Sarah"
Post by: Seshatneferw on May 14, 2016, 01:36:59 PM
Thank you - I'd somehow managed to miss that one. :)

But yes, we are who we are, and have always been; the interesting bit (in the sense of the proverbial Chinese curse) is figuring out how to let go of the various layers of acting and role-playing.
Title: Re: "It had always been Sarah"
Post by: EtheralBotany on May 20, 2016, 09:37:52 AM
Amazing, especially spouses that separate because one of them comes to terms that they have been transgender the entire time. Especially those who choose to maintain their relationship as spouses, for them to identify as a homosexual couple which demonstrates an overall respect.

After to realize, amazing, being the WOMAN that is not with Sarah who was known to her as Shawn.

Beautiful and hopefully not fake, because daaang do I need authentic, unrehearsed lives.

Overall, MUAH!