News and Events => People news => Topic started by: 2cherry on June 18, 2016, 06:06:31 AM Return to Full Version

Title: News is bad for you...
Post by: 2cherry on June 18, 2016, 06:06:31 AM
...and giving up reading it will make you happier.


QuoteNews is toxic to your body. It constantly triggers the limbic system. Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid (cortisol). This deregulates your immune system and inhibits the release of growth hormones. In other words, your body finds itself in a state of chronic stress. High glucocorticoid levels cause impaired digestion, lack of growth (cell, hair, bone), nervousness and susceptibility to infections. The other potential side-effects include fear, aggression, tunnel-vision and desensitisation

I think it's true. We as humans are not equipped to deal this massive current of (useless) information.
Title: Re: News is bad for you...
Post by: Ms Grace on June 18, 2016, 06:53:12 AM
Yep, I figured that out a long time ago. These days I might listen to a few radio bulletins and read the online newspaper but that's about it. I found watching the TV news, especially when something bad was going on, just made me depressed and anxious. TV news in particular focuses way too much on conflict and negativity. I might watch the TV news if something special and/or amazing is going on but that's about it.
Title: Re: News is bad for you...
Post by: Peep on June 18, 2016, 11:57:22 AM
But if we don't pay attention to current events it's hard to stop negative changes (like certain proposed laws) before they come... News does stress me out, especially when it's things we can't really change, but we do also have the social responsibility to be aware in case we can do something. For example natural disasters, if everyone's in their bubble, they're not going to be donating to food and aid charities because they don't even know there's a need...

Maybe what's needed is just better journalism and less scaremongering and sensationalism but that's never going to happen eh
Title: Re: News is bad for you...
Post by: RobynD on June 18, 2016, 12:31:26 PM
It definitely is a balance between taking in too much and being oblivious to where we can help etc. I try to purposely seek out positive stories and literature in general to counteract the negative information i take in.
Title: Re: News is bad for you...
Post by: Mariah on June 18, 2016, 01:02:25 PM
I couldn't agree more. It's why I don't read, watch, or even listen to the news anymore. It's to my benefit that my SRS will be right around the time of the election in this country. I will totally utterly be to out of it to pay attention to it or any other news going on at the time. Hugs
Title: Re: News is bad for you...
Post by: stephaniec on June 22, 2016, 02:34:53 PM
want to be put to sleep in a hurry, just watch the infinitely repettive  CNN, which is quite mind boggling given we live on a rock floating through space with billions of people doing billions of things each day.