General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: Gianna2014 on July 14, 2016, 09:49:58 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Gianna2014 on July 14, 2016, 09:49:58 AM
Well today I'm having 6 inches cut off my hair because I have been putting it off for too long . My hair has gone past that point of beauty to looking like I'm in a cult. Its at my waist now and has been giving me back pain for months and today I am going to finally bite the bullet. But my question is am I the only one who gets super emotional when it comes to hair cuts?  I guess its because when I was a child I always dreamed of having long flowing hair and now that I do have it I kind of feel like I'm betraying myself every time I get a drastic cut.ugggggh off to the salon
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Soli on July 14, 2016, 10:17:26 AM
same here, totally emotional about haircuts since as far as I can remember (my dad used to take me to the barber shop... early life trauma)

And I went through a highly even paralyzing month last year when my long hair mid-back I took 9 years to grow just tangled all up in a big ball I never could de-tangle and had to cut after spending 28 days straight combing them and trying to save them, like 12-16 hours a day (my dog was depressed every time I reached for the comb). I had to resolve to throw a scissor in there for it pulled so much I feared to lose them all... And I ended up with an asymmetric hairstyle that looked very feminine and unveiled all the feminine sides of my face and actually my feminine manners as well, and 6 months after, I was starting HRT. The 28 days hair episode was a major factor in my decision, it was a highly dramatic moment in my life, and decisive.... and looking back I see that my hair was of major importance in my whole life. And the fact that I spent exactly 28 days trying to untangle my hair takes now for me some kind of a mystic signification (although I'm totally atheist)... I see it as just the sign I had from early childhood, the link I had with the femininity I'm now finally reaching
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Tessa James on July 14, 2016, 10:18:35 AM
Gianna I feel similarly emotional about hair cuts.  I get really anxious about loosing any length.  Like you I dreamed of that long flowing hair as a kid but was lined up with the 7 boys in my family for the boys bowl buzz cut.  I hated those cuts and would cry in private.  As an adult I grew my hair to my hips but kept it in bondage (pony tails, braids) as I was too long in denial about being transgender.

I still get nervous even if it is a best friend and hairdresser trimming split ends.  Sheesh I should get over it but.....
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Debra on July 14, 2016, 05:51:37 PM
In 6 years since I transitioned, I haven't 'cut' my hair persay. Slight trims twice a year bu tthat's it. Slow growing hair blah.

Anyway I totally get it. My mom made me cut my hair growing up really short all the time and when I didn't she told me I looked like a girl.....and that always got me scared.

So now yeah I don't want to cut it at all .... but at some point, I will have to. It's down to my bra straps now.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Semira on July 14, 2016, 07:24:51 PM
When I was a kid I never really gave much thought to my hair and I always had average boy length hair. At some point in my early teens I had a step-mother who shaved my hair off as punishment for something I don't even remember. I was (and still am) very skinny and with a shaved head I looked some kind of sickly underfed child from some far off land. I hated it but kept my composure until I saw my mom. She was horrified when she first saw me and the look on her face immediately made me cry. It's not good for the ego when someone looks at you like you're diseased or something. To her credit she got really pissed off and made sure that never happened again.

That might have been a tipping point for me wanting my hair to be as long as possible. It remained within average male lengths until early-adulthood. I now haven't had a haircut since 2005 and have been very reluctant to have anyone touch my hair (although it needs some trimming to even it out). My hair has been at maximum length (waist-ish) now for probably 5-7 years.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: kittenpower on July 14, 2016, 07:45:09 PM
Quote from: Gianna2014 on July 14, 2016, 09:49:58 AM
Well today I'm having 6 inches cut off my hair because I have been putting it off for too long . My hair has gone past that point of beauty to looking like I'm in a cult. Its at my waist now and has been giving me back pain for months and today I am going to finally bite the bullet. But my question is am I the only one who gets super emotional when it comes to hair cuts?  I guess its because when I was a child I always dreamed of having long flowing hair and now that I do have it I kind of feel like I'm betraying myself every time I get a drastic cut.ugggggh off to the salon
I'm happy with the length of my hair right now, because it is really versatile and I can do a lot with it, so I don't mind getting a trim and adding a bit of texture every 6-8 weeks. Having said that, my hair is extremely important to me, so I can appreciate how you feel.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Amanda_Combs on July 14, 2016, 08:27:15 PM
I do not get my hair cut.  If and when it gets long enough that I'll really need to trim it, it won't really bother me to trim it just to maintain.  If I had to chop it all off like when I was a child...I would cry...hard.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: kelly_aus on July 14, 2016, 09:20:03 PM
I grew mine out for a bit over 2 years and it was a little over shoulder length. It was at this point I realised I was not a "long" hair girl and cut most of it off. One side is shaved with the other side being longer, down to about jaw level.

I was not emotional about this at all.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: big kim on July 15, 2016, 12:50:02 AM
Hated boy's haircuts as a kid in the 60s. In the 70s I grew it out,Dad give me crap about having long hair when I was 13, I told him to **** off. We smashed the dining room up fighting and I kicked his ass, he never said a word about it again. Never been able to grow my hair past almost breast length it's just stopped. Neither has my sister
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: kittenpower on July 15, 2016, 08:48:47 PM
Quote from: big kim on July 15, 2016, 12:50:02 AM
Hated boy's haircuts as a kid in the 60s. In the 70s I grew it out,Dad give me crap about having long hair when I was 13, I told him to **** off. We smashed the dining room up fighting and I kicked his ass, he never said a word about it again. Never been able to grow my hair past almost breast length it's just stopped. Neither has my sister
My dad was a retired Marine (recon), and he gave me ultra short buzz cuts every summer, but he relaxed a little by the time I got to HS, and I was allowed to have almost shoulder length salon styled scissor cuts as long as I paid for them, which I happily did. After HS I joined the Army, so I had to have short cuts, but I pushed the envelope as much as possible, and chose to go off base for cuts. I was in to "new wave" and punk music at the time, so when I got out of the army I grew out the awesomely (ok, not so awesome now, but back in the mid 80s it was very awesome!) long mullet. And then I started wearing my hair very close cropped Starting around 94; it was 2000 before I started growing it out again.
Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: barbie on July 16, 2016, 04:03:17 AM
Yes. It is emotional, especially when it was against your intention.

BTW, some of my friends and colleagues commented that I look more feminine with short hair. Now my hair is a middle length, just to the bottom of my neck.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Daria67 on July 20, 2016, 12:38:01 PM
Hair cuts sucked as a child. As a teen I let it grow long but it got all frizzy and tangy,  when what I wanted was a pixie cut.

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Title: Re: Am I the only one who gets super emotional about hair cuts ?
Post by: Mariah on July 20, 2016, 08:54:23 PM
Growing up I hated getting mine cut. Even now I'm to found of getting it trimmed and I do get a little emotional as a result, but I do so for the health of my hair and what length looks good on me. Hugs