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Title: Where to find, suggest links to trans 101/FAQ pages
Post by: Asche on July 24, 2016, 04:06:52 PM
Since I'm about to come out to my (birth) family and don't really feel like engaging with them on Trans 101 stuff, I've been looking around for good trans 101 or FAQ pages to point them to if they ask "but why?  I don't understand!!"

I looked around, but the only thing I found that seemed intended for that was the Wiki entry:  which wasn't thorough enough for my taste.  If there was a more thorough page, where would I have found it?

Most of the ones I've found via Google have been IMHO pretty spare, but I found one set that I think is really good and which IMHO there really ought to be an easy-to-find link to here at  The links to them are at the last part of the following page: (

To whom/how would I submit the URL for possible inclusion in the resources?

Title: Re: Where to find, suggest links to trans 101/FAQ pages
Post by: Mariah on July 24, 2016, 04:20:31 PM
We can get added to the links easy enough, but as far as the trans 101 stuff what was missing from it that you are looking for. Hugs
Title: Re: Where to find, suggest links to trans 101/FAQ pages
Post by: Asche on July 24, 2016, 04:43:45 PM
The trans 101 wiki page at Susans mostly just lists definitions of some terms that someone who wanders into Susans might encounter, but it doesn't really address what someone might ask who has just discovered that someone they know is trans or transitioning.

What I was looking for was something that would answer the questions that I suspect my siblings might ask (assuming they bother), and the "Trans 101" document linked from that page (i.e., ( answers a lot of the questions that people here at Susans report getting asked by family and friends, such as:

  • Is identifying as transgender the same thing as identifying as gay?
  • Why can't you just be gay or lesbian or same gender loving (SGL)?
  • Is a trans woman actually a woman or a man?
  • Why can't you just stay a man? Or why can't you just stay a woman?
  • Are you doing this for attention? Is this just a phase?
  • Does this mean you are a different person?
  • How did you become transgender?
  • Are you doing this to get back at me for the way I raised you? (parents)
  • Why would you make things harder on yourself?
  • Which restroom do you use?
  • Are you going to change your name? Why?
  • Does identifying as trans mean you are going to change your body? What is "transitioning"?
  • Why would you do that to your body?
  • How do you have sex?
(This isn't the complete list.)

There's also a trans 201 document (, which goes into greater depth.

P.S.: since I was accused throughout my growning-up of "just wanting attention," the "are you doing this for attention" is one I don't think I could hear without blowing up.
Title: Re: Where to find, suggest links to trans 101/FAQ pages
Post by: Mariah on July 24, 2016, 04:47:27 PM
I don't work in the wiki area myself, but I will make sure this gets passed on to the write people in regards to the trans 101. One way to also help deal with this is maybe you would want to reach out to the admin of Wiki FTMax. Hugs