Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: -May- on August 15, 2016, 07:16:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: HRT started, hurray
Post by: -May- on August 15, 2016, 07:16:42 PM
Hello there,

I told myself I would start a thread once I would get to start HRT, and maybe keep track of any changes I experience there. Here I am.

Very little about myself:
I started HRT about 2 weeks ago, on the 1st of August, which is my birthday. Also, I turned 18.
18, oddly, also is the number of months it took me from the first appointment at a therapist to HRT. Christ, it has been a way too long time.
Sadly, it was absolutely 100%ly impossible to get my hands on any kind of hormones prior to turning 18, as my parents had all the right to say "No, we do not want HRT" and that's the end of the story, nothing any therapist could do about it, no HRT for me.
Luckily I am my own boss now, and I can finally speak for myself.
Thanks to my parents disapproval, I am now also growing a daily forest on my face, which will take absolutely all of my life savings to get rid of again, great.

About my HRT:
I am on AA and E, on probably the lowest possible dosage, cut in half.
Seeing the dosage in numbers, in comparison to what others take actually make me pessimistic as to what could possibly happen.
I am actually scared that this is a way too low dosage to even stop the masculinisation.
But there is one good thing about being a pessimistic wreck: I do not have to deal with placebo at all.

Placeboless things that happened during my 2 weeks of HRT:
It could just be my body fighting against what is new to it, but I am definitely warmer than usual.
Thus I am actually cold at temperatures I was most comfortable in usually.

Now, that's about it. I will definitely try to keep an at least monthly updated list of things, psychologically and physically, I experience during HRT.

Until then, ciao ciao ~

Mod Edit:Language
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: jujubes1986 on August 15, 2016, 07:20:02 PM
congratz... good age to start hrt.. i started at 19... im 30 now... omg im so old
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Ella_bella on August 15, 2016, 11:33:36 PM
Congratulations! Big step!
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: sid104 on August 16, 2016, 12:04:55 AM
Good luck and have a safe emotional and physical journey.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Jacqueline on August 16, 2016, 03:43:49 PM

Let me add my congratulations on both your emancipation and your start of HRT. It is a great ride.

Sunshine and rainbows may not automatically come out and take over your life but it is such a positive direction.

18 is a great age. We all wish we could have started sooner. Some joke that an 11 year old starting AA will regret they did not start at 6 or before. We can only look ahead. Sure, look around but remember how it could be and keep your head up and going forward.

I am more than twice your age(if you had not figured it out). I started at a pretty low level 6 months ago. Because my therapist wanted to put me on anti depressants when I had my first real visit with my endo after starting, she did not want me to change it. However, even at that low dosage, with this higher age, there have been significant changes. (I am by no means "busting out" but my endo was even surprised by my development at 3 months). So, hang in there. It comes in fits and starts. Smoother skin was what I noticed first.

Good luck.

With warmth,

Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: spx_1112 on August 19, 2016, 07:53:54 AM
May. Congrats.  Hugs Shannon
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: -May- on September 04, 2016, 11:14:06 AM
1 month HRT update:

So, if today was 3 days ago, it would be my 1 month anniversary on HRT.
As I am past the 1 month mark, I decided to do a quick update, I guess.

What changed?

As I am on a very super low dosage, there really hasn't been any changes in body feminisation, at all.
I don't know what else to say here.

But that's just the physical side of the changes, and things will still happen, right? Right?  :(

On the other hand, I did experience some changes, which were more on the mental side, somehow.
I was never, absolutely ever, somebody who has had an even remotely high sex drive.
But whatever little there was, is gone now, and I appreciate it. I can happily ignore that little thingthing down there completely now.

Also, I have heard of this being part of the side-effects, and I guess this is the cause for it, but I am having a lot of depressed phases throughout the week. I will just hope they will vanish soon.

Anyway, this is it for now. Have a nice time.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Anne Blake on September 04, 2016, 07:37:40 PM
Hello May,

I am well past twice your age and new to hrt, starting just over two months ago. I think that all of us want to see and feel all kinds of changes right away.....but they are so slow coming. I can tell you that the changes that have shown up are great. The physical chances that I have notice so far are a pleasant change in my body smell, a smoothing of my skin, a significant reduction of my libido, and body and facial hair growth slowing. My head changes have been the more enjoyable and significant; a sense of peace began almost immediately, less aggression or anger in my responses to problems, and an emotional presence that I had not known in fifty years, tears of joy and sorrow,  the ability to feel.

Yes, I can hardly wait for physical development, but I would not give up my emotional gains for anything. Now I am really enjoying watching the magic take place. I hope that you are going to be able to get this kind of joy from the wild ride that you have begun. Please continue to share your journey and enjoy the ride. - Anne
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Xirafel on September 04, 2016, 09:07:42 PM
...Good luck, I hope it goes well.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: jujubes1986 on September 05, 2016, 03:44:51 PM
Quote from: -May- on August 15, 2016, 07:16:42 PM
Hello there,

I told myself I would start a thread once I would get to start HRT, and maybe keep track of any changes I experience there. Here I am.

Very little about myself:
I started HRT about 2 weeks ago, on the 1st of August, which is my birthday. Also, I turned 18.
18, oddly, also is the number of months it took me from the first appointment at a therapist to HRT. Christ, it has been a way too long time.
Sadly, it was absolutely 100%ly impossible to get my hands on any kind of hormones prior to turning 18, as my parents had all the right to say "No, we do not want HRT" and that's the end of the story, nothing any therapist could do about it, no HRT for me.
Luckily I am my own boss now, and I can finally speak for myself.
Thanks to my parents disapproval, I am now also growing a daily forest on my face, which will take absolutely all of my life savings to get rid of again, great.

About my HRT:
I am on AA and E, on probably the lowest possible dosage, cut in half.
Seeing the dosage in numbers, in comparison to what others take actually make me pessimistic as to what could possibly happen.
I am actually scared that this is a way too low dosage to even stop the masculinisation.
But there is one good thing about being a pessimistic wreck: I do not have to deal with placebo at all.

Placeboless things that happened during my 2 weeks of HRT:
It could just be my body fighting against what is new to it, but I am definitely warmer than usual.
Thus I am actually cold at temperatures I was most comfortable in usually.

Now, that's about it. I will definitely try to keep an at least monthly updated list of things, psychologically and physically, I experience during HRT.

Until then, ciao ciao ~

Mod Edit:Language

yay... im so happy for you... I started hormones when i was 19 just 7 months shy from turning 20... now Im 30 and getting my SRS finally with Dr Brassard in Montreal on October 12 2016 :)

congratz again!
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: jujubes1986 on September 05, 2016, 03:47:42 PM
Quote from: -May- on September 04, 2016, 11:14:06 AM
1 month HRT update:

So, if today was 3 days ago, it would be my 1 month anniversary on HRT.
As I am past the 1 month mark, I decided to do a quick update, I guess.

What changed?

As I am on a very super low dosage, there really hasn't been any changes in body feminisation, at all.
I don't know what else to say here.

But that's just the physical side of the changes, and things will still happen, right? Right?  :(

On the other hand, I did experience some changes, which were more on the mental side, somehow.
I was never, absolutely ever, somebody who has had an even remotely high sex drive.
But whatever little there was, is gone now, and I appreciate it. I can happily ignore that little thingthing down there completely now.

Also, I have heard of this being part of the side-effects, and I guess this is the cause for it, but I am having a lot of depressed phases throughout the week. I will just hope they will vanish soon.

Anyway, this is it for now. Have a nice time.

it takes awhile hunny... you will get there... next thing you know your nipples will be very tender... your skin will very smooth... fat are redistributing diffrently... face will become softer... it's an exciting time for you... enjoy it... don't rush... it will come... if i was able to wait you will too :) positive vibes :)

Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: spx_1112 on September 06, 2016, 08:10:15 AM
Girls keep the updates coming. 
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: DawnOday on September 06, 2016, 10:50:35 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on September 04, 2016, 07:37:40 PM
Hello May,

I am well past twice your age and new to hrt, starting just over two months ago. I think that all of us want to see and feel all kinds of changes right away.....but they are so slow coming. I can tell you that the changes that have shown up are great. The physical chances that I have notice so far are a pleasant change in my body smell, a smoothing of my skin, a significant reduction of my libido, and body and facial hair growth slowing. My head changes have been the more enjoyable and significant; a sense of peace began almost immediately, less aggression or anger in my responses to problems, and an emotional presence that I had not known in fifty years, tears of joy and sorrow,  the ability to feel.

Yes, I can hardly wait for physical development, but I would not give up my emotional gains for anything. Now I am really enjoying watching the magic take place. I hope that you are going to be able to get this kind of joy from the wild ride that you have begun. Please continue to share your journey and enjoy the ride. - Anne

So accurate I could have written your comment. Just getting control of the emotions and eliminating the anger is worth it. No matter how slow everything else happens.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: -May- on September 06, 2016, 01:34:12 PM
Thank you all for the optimism and positivity, lol
I guess I lack of it myself.

I really need to work on it; That and my self-esteem.
People tell me my negativity and pessimism is repelling, ugh.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: jentay1367 on September 06, 2016, 05:16:03 PM
Keep your chin up sweetie. Your starting so young. Most of us can only dream about that.  You're on the way now. No one can stop you and at your age, you are very inclined to get ridiculously awesome results. I'm totally jelly....go get em' kid!!!
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: -May- on October 03, 2016, 08:40:43 AM
2 months HRT update:

Hm, 2 days ago I hit the 2 month mark, apparently.
I would like to say time flies, like everybody else does, but it really doesn't.

What changed?

Soooo, something happened physically after all yay.  :D

Anyway, around 2 1/2 weeks ago my left yet-to-be-breast started to feel a little sore when poked or put pressure on.
Something hard began to grow and it got wider with each passing week. The soreness turned into a pain by now. I don't even need to actively poke it anymore to feel it, any touch is enough.
Even though there has been absolutely nothing happening at my right yet-to-be-breast, I feel the same pain there, hm.

I don't really think there have been any psychological changes, other than being happy about the physical one.

So, I hope I will have more to report in another month, until then ~
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Anne Blake on October 03, 2016, 01:12:43 PM
Hello May,

I am just four and a half months into hrt and half a century ahead of you in age, so obviously, your mileage will vary. You are experiencing some development that I am also feeling, isn't it great? For me, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the best parts are the head stuff. Emotions have taken over and being able to feel at these depths is amazing....But, I believe, for me, the best change is the ability to change my approach to living. Before Anne came to live with me I was solid guy, locked into doing and being everything that fit into that box. With Anne, I am allowing myself to look at almost everything differently. Before, my big words would have been, loyalty, commitment, perseverance, selflessness, diligence, all words that I continue to value greatly. But I have purposely added whimsy, joy, compassion and empathy (plus too many more to bring up). My guy mode couldn't laugh with joy over the turn of the seasons, a kid playing with bubbles, or even a trip to the mall. We can each choose which path to follow at any moment, Anne is choosing to pursue that path of joy that was strange to her for so many years. I truly hope that you will also be able to embrace that path.

Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: spx_1112 on October 04, 2016, 06:59:42 AM
Yeah May. Hugs Shannon
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: -May- on November 06, 2016, 06:03:04 AM
3 months HRT update:

Such a long month, unfortunately.
I keep hearing about how quick time passes when you are on HRT, not quite, felt like 2 years :d

What changed?

Sooo, despite the cruel waiting, the results never fail to make me smile.

I am glad to announce that my left yet-to-be-breast has definitely advanced into a somewhat-existing-but-unnoticable-breast. Yaay  :laugh:
It's not something people notice, but every little bit of development makes me happy.
As for my right yet-to-be-breast; It has started to grow and I would say it is at around the size my left one was 1 month ago.

Aaand that's about it for this month. Not much but still something I value highly.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: KayXo on November 06, 2016, 08:25:07 AM
Yay!  :angel:
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Xirafel on November 06, 2016, 07:50:02 PM
Mm, waiting sucks. I can't help checking everyday to see if it's done anything.
It feels like an eternity has passed by, and I'm the one who normally has a really wonky perception of time where it feels like everything is shooting by disturbingly fast o.o

It's good that something's happening :)
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get there, although it might be a slightly painful wait, mm.
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: 一二三四 on November 06, 2016, 09:04:11 PM
good luck!
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Nicole A. on November 06, 2016, 10:50:07 PM
Good for you... I wish I startef earlier... Ive been on HRT for 3 months and getting good results..
Title: Re: HRT started, hurray
Post by: Jacqueline on November 07, 2016, 09:40:20 AM
Progress is so encouraging, isn't it?

The only advice I can give is to go ahead and look. Try not to get too caught up in it. Stay as busy as you can and make it part of your routine. You might not notice much day to day. However, Set a monthly time aside to document(photos or measurements and descriptions). Keep track of comments from others about changes ins attitude or happiness.

Something I remember remarking about before. I call it the trans lens. During denial, acceptance and early transition(I still consider myself there) it is hard not to look at all things and relate them to being transgender. So a bad day becomes dysphoria, ..."was that person looking at me"..., ..."my world revolves around being transgender"... I am told that way of thinking will pass. I am getting closer to this not defining me. (Until I come out publicly. It will probably start all over again). Back to my point, sometimes it really is just a bad day. These positive changes and remarks can help keep you going through tough times.

Take the time to enjoy the good parts. Try not to dwell on the bad ones. Wake up and realize you get another day to change and be the best person you can.

Sorry if that all sounds really preachy. Take the good from my post and forget the rest.

With warmth,
