Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: Mariah on August 18, 2016, 09:47:44 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on August 18, 2016, 09:47:44 AM
I know, I'm so not good at waiting and yes it's 70 days away at this point, but I couldn't resist.

I have been itching to start this thread for a little while now and I guess I won't make myself wait any longer to do it. I have one last doctor's appointment and that is my yearly appointment with the Endo. Yet, all the gatekeeper hoops and related appointments are past me now. It's hard to believe it took over 2 years to clear all of those hoops including the health related ones that I recently had to clear which were the reasons the case manager with the transgender services program with the insurance thought would never happen. In the process, I proved that not only would I be able to get SRS, which I so dearly need, but also improve my overall health in the process.

I have a little over two months and and week tell my SRS or 70 days to be exact and basically taken care of all the preparations I can now that I can do before arriving in the Phoenix area. I'm leaving for the Phoenix area 65 days from now. I will use this thread as a sort of blog that I will post in sharing all my experiences related to my SRS procedure that I know will help others along their journeys too. As it gets closer, I will update this thread much more often maybe and hopefully daily eventually.  The schedule at this point is like this. Here we go!
9/29 last HRT injection before SRS
10/22 I leave for and arrive in Phoenix
10/23 going to something with a good close friend
10/24 Any last minute things I may need for my time in Phoenix that I didn't already have but needed to get.
10/25 likely just a down day to prepare for my surgery 10/27 with DR. Meltzer
10/26 pre op appointment, liquid diet and the bowel prep.
10/27 I check in the hospital at 11am (all tests, if needed, that they want to run will be done at this point EKG, Blood, urine, Chest X-ray) for an 1pm surgery
10/28 bed rest
10/29-11-4 various things will occur over these days
11/5 I check out of the recovery center in the afternoon
11/6-18 I spend a good amount of time resting, dilating along with a little time doing a few activities.
11/19 I leave Phoenix and arrive home.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Brooke on August 18, 2016, 06:32:57 PM
First off Congratulations!  I can only imagine how hard it is to wait.

I will definitely be interested in hearing your story. Dr. Meltzer is on my short list.

If you don't mind me asking a few questions.

You mention a case manager with transgender services program. I have never heard of a case manager with this specially, can you elaborate?

It's my understanding Dr. Meltzer is only contracted with one insurance carrier. Is that the same insurance company your with? If not can you provide feedback on how/what was needed for prior auth and also how Dr. Meltzer's office staff is to interact.

I have not seen many recent experiences with Meltzer, and am also curious on how you came to your decision.

Also if your looking for any local info, feel free to message me. I've been in Phoenix for the past 15 years.

Again congratulations!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on August 18, 2016, 07:36:36 PM
My insurance is footing most of the bill. When insurance covers it, they may or may not put requirements on their covering. My insurance did. One of them was the Transgender services program.

"All Group Health members who have a covered benefit for gender affirming surgical procedures and who have definitively decided to pursue this surgery are required to enroll in the TSP."

He is affiliated with several including Group Health (soon to be Kaiser Permantente as soon as it is approved by the government.)
Kaiser Permantente  and I know others were on the list that they are affiliated with but don't recall them of the top of my head. You would need to contact his office to find out more or your insurance carrier.

My insurance carrier set what was needed besides medical clearance and forms that Meltzer's office requires. However, if the insurance isn't taking control over it or your not using insurance the steps per the packet you get after your consult are the following.

QuoteBefore surgery can be scheduled, the following information must be received in our office:

1) Completed Patient Information Form

2) Completed Health History Form

3) Completed Smoking Form

4) Letter of Introduction from Your Therapist

5) Signed Financial/Cancellation Policy

6) Signed Financial/Surgery Schedule

7) Deposit of (not listing the amount considering it can change) (The deposit will not be accepted until items 1-6 have been received).

The list I had to deal with was different in some ways since the insurance was handling it. I have mainly dealt with the case manger from the insurance but also have dealt with the person who you generally get on the phone and one of the LPN's as well. The items I have put in bold were the ones required of me. I have had extremely positive experience so far. The other items were not needed since the insurance was handling it.

As to why Meltzer, that is easy. He was the only surgeon that my insurance was affiliated with when I enrolled in the program at the time. However, based on my body and health from what I have been told he is the best surgeon in this case to handle my surgery. There is no substitute for experience which is extremely important in my case. Lots of surgery has occurred down in that area in the past making the job not nearly as simple as it normally would be. Hearing feedback from others really has really reassured me that in the end I wasn't just settling because of who my insurance is affiliated with. My shortlist coming in did include Bowers coming in to may transition.

I appreciate the offer very much, thank you. 2 friends of mine actually happen to live in the Phoenix area which really is lucky for and for them since they will get a chance to spend time with me.

Thank you and Hugs

Quote from: Brooke on August 18, 2016, 06:32:57 PM
First off Congratulations!  I can only imagine how hard it is to wait.

I will definitely be interested in hearing your story. Dr. Meltzer is on my short list.

If you don't mind me asking a few questions.

You mention a case manager with transgender services program. I have never heard of a case manager with this specially, can you elaborate?

It's my understanding Dr. Meltzer is only contracted with one insurance carrier. Is that the same insurance company your with? If not can you provide feedback on how/what was needed for prior auth and also how Dr. Meltzer's office staff is to interact.

I have not seen many recent experiences with Meltzer, and am also curious on how you came to your decision.

Also if your looking for any local info, feel free to message me. I've been in Phoenix for the past 15 years.

Again congratulations!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on August 18, 2016, 07:40:33 PM
I was considering a possible revision surgery and two names were suggested to me by somebody very knowledgeable in the subject. The one that was in the United States and just down the street was Dr Meltzer. I came to the conclusion that what I was considering wasn't needed but I still use the office for HRT.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on August 18, 2016, 08:07:18 PM
Congratulation Mariah.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on August 18, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on August 28, 2016, 10:02:39 AM
I'm now less than 2 months away from the surgery and past all appointments. I have also been able to lineup the Gyno that I will need post operatively and the place my mom will stay in. I have a road map as to how we are going to deal with the hormones in the long term. Both of these were hurdles I thought would take forever for me to pin down coming in and both ended up being rather easy to do when it came time to line them up. If all goes well tomorrow at my mom's appointment all my work related details will have been dealt with too and I will be all set except for allowing the remaining days to tick of the clock.

It seems at it gets closer the more anxious and excited I'm getting in my anticipation of my upcoming surgery. Even though I have known from the get go I have needed this I still wavered at one point due to the risks involved with the procedure. Primarily those risks that are rare, but still scared the heck out of me. Still nothing is going to stop me 60 days from now when from getting SRS, the surgery I have needed since I can remember.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: reborn on August 28, 2016, 10:41:56 AM
Dr Meltzer used to do 2 stage surgery. Is he still doing it that way or has he perhaps adopted the one stage technique?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on August 28, 2016, 10:43:59 AM
My understanding is still two stage based on the Pre-Op packet I have. Hugs
Quote from: reborn on August 28, 2016, 10:41:56 AM
Dr Meltzer used to do 2 stage surgery. Is he still doing it that way or has he perhaps adopted the one stage technique?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on August 28, 2016, 04:35:19 PM
Quote from: Mariah on August 18, 2016, 09:47:44 AM
I know, I'm so not good at waiting and yes it's 70 days away at this point, but I couldn't resist.

I have been itching to start this thread for a little while now and I guess I won't make myself wait any longer to do it. I have one last doctor's appointment and that is my yearly appointment with the Endo. Yet, all the gatekeeper hoops and related appointments are past me now. It's hard to believe it took over 2 years to clear all of those hoops including the health related ones that I recently had to clear which were the reasons the case manager with the transgender services program with the insurance thought would never happen. In the process, I proved that not only would I be able to get SRS, which I so dearly need, but also improve my overall health in the process.

I have a little over two months and and week tell my SRS or 70 days to be exact and basically taken care of all the preparations I can now that I can do before arriving in the Phoenix area. I'm leaving for the Phoenix area 65 days from now. I will use this thread as a sort of blog that I will post in sharing all my experiences related to my SRS procedure that I know will help others along their journeys too. As it gets closer, I will update this thread much more often maybe and hopefully daily eventually.  The schedule at this point is like this. Here we go!
10/7 last HRT injection before SRS
10/22 I leave for and arrive in Phoenix
10/23 going to something with a good close friend
10/24 Any last minute things I may need for my time in Phoenix that I didn't already have but needed to get.
10/25 likely just a down day to prepare for my surgery 10/27 with DR. Meltzer
10/26 pre op appointment, liquid diet and the bowel prep.
10/27 I check in the hospital at 9:45am (all tests, if needed, that they want to run will be done at this point EKG, Blood, urine, Chest X-ray) for an 11:45am surgery
10/28 bed rest
10/29-11-4 various things will occur over these days
11/5 I check out of the recovery center in the afternoon
11/6-18 I spend a good amount of time resting, dilating along with a little time doing a few activities.
11/19 I leave Phoenix and arrive home.

Mariah it that time already? It must be time for dancing!!! :eusa_dance: :icon_bumdance-nerd: :icon_dance:

Very exciting...I wish you nothing but the best

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: CrysC on August 28, 2016, 09:27:41 PM
Start packing girl!
Also, dress for hot weather.  Phoenix is very toasty.  I went there recently and couldn't make it with capris.  Shorts or above the knee skirt.  Tank tops. 

Oh yea, also go ahead and order the lifetime supply of lube, several months of panty liners and several boxes of baby wipes. 
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on August 28, 2016, 09:34:35 PM
Quote from: CrysC on August 28, 2016, 09:27:41 PM
Start packing girl!
Also, dress for hot weather.  Phoenix is very toasty.  I went there recently and couldn't make it with capris.  Shorts or above the knee skirt.  Tank tops. 

Oh yea, also go ahead and order the lifetime supply of lube, several months of panty liners and several boxes of baby wipes.
By the end of October the night cool down nicely and the days are reaching the point of comfortable. That's about the time I dig the long pants out and put the shorts away for the winter. As for right now, we are still seeing 100 degree days but it's time to start the garden.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: BeverlyAnn on August 29, 2016, 12:20:56 AM
Mariah, I know you're getting excited as the date draws closer.  Congratulations.  A friend of mine was one of Dr. Meltzer's patients back in the lat 90's.  As far as she was concerned, he is the best there ever was. 
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Gertrude on August 29, 2016, 06:33:37 PM
Quote from: CrysC on August 28, 2016, 09:27:41 PM
Start packing girl!
Also, dress for hot weather.  Phoenix is very toasty.  I went there recently and couldn't make it with capris.  Shorts or above the knee skirt.  Tank tops. 

Oh yea, also go ahead and order the lifetime supply of lube, several months of panty liners and several boxes of baby wipes.
By October 1, the highs are below 100 and the nights are cooler than now. December would be nicer but it'll be ok.

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: CrysC on August 29, 2016, 10:53:08 PM
I think it is all very relative to what you are used to. 
When I was down there last week they said, "Oh great, you came on a cool week!  The temperatures are down a lot." 
The temperature was 102F.  For me, that is very hot.

We put on shorts and tank tops when the temperature hits the 80s up here near Seattle.  :-)
Capris or leggings in the 70's and long pants or leggings for 60's and below. 
When it's in the 90's we bitch and moan on how we should have put in air conditioning last year when this happened and wear as little clothing as we can get away with.
When it's in the 100's it means we are in a sauna.  That just doesn't happen out doors here.  :-)

Looking at the Wunderground calendar forecast, it looks like the average highs are in the mid-80's.  Mariah, you  show as from the NW so I am going to still go with my shorts and tanks but, I would say that with the low being in the 60's that you should still bring some warmer stuff too. 

Either way, I'm going to bet that you will be pretty distracted and will have a lot of air-conditioning available. 
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on August 29, 2016, 11:50:26 PM
You have to be kidding, sometimes it gets so cold that our heat pumps have to wear overcoats to stay warm.   ;D

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Gertrude on August 30, 2016, 05:41:42 PM
Quote from: Dena on August 29, 2016, 11:50:26 PM
You have to be kidding, sometimes it gets so cold that our heat pumps have to wear overcoats to stay warm.   ;D


I lived in Iowa for 9 years before moving to AZ 4 years ago and I am originally from Long Island. It does not get cold in the valley here. I remember my first winter here I went outside to put my kids on the bus and I have shorts and a tee shirt on. The bus driver looked at me like I was crazy, but even in the 30's, it's not cold. The coldest place I've been was Fargo in the winter. That place gets gets cold.

FWIW, I like the winters here. Turn the AC off, don't need heat. The electric bill tanks too, which is a plus.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Gertrude on August 30, 2016, 05:45:01 PM
Quote from: CrysC on August 29, 2016, 10:53:08 PM
I think it is all very relative to what you are used to. 
When I was down there last week they said, "Oh great, you came on a cool week!  The temperatures are down a lot." 
The temperature was 102F.  For me, that is very hot.

We put on shorts and tank tops when the temperature hits the 80s up here near Seattle.  :-)
Capris or leggings in the 70's and long pants or leggings for 60's and below. 
When it's in the 90's we bitch and moan on how we should have put in air conditioning last year when this happened and wear as little clothing as we can get away with.
When it's in the 100's it means we are in a sauna.  That just doesn't happen out doors here.  :-)

Looking at the Wunderground calendar forecast, it looks like the average highs are in the mid-80's.  Mariah, you  show as from the NW so I am going to still go with my shorts and tanks but, I would say that with the low being in the 60's that you should still bring some warmer stuff too. 

Either way, I'm going to bet that you will be pretty distracted and will have a lot of air-conditioning available.

This summer was warm for even here. I think we had 30 days of 110 or more.

This day was the hottest:

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 21, 2016, 06:19:03 PM
At this point I'm waiting on them to finish the final go over of mediation and the like. We had to delay that call do to my schedule getting in the way last Thursday. After that I believe the rest of the communication will occur after I'm in the Phoenix area in October. I'm getting a bit anxious with all the waiting, but I can't wait. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on September 21, 2016, 06:37:52 PM
Congratulations, I am very happy for you. I look forward to reading your posts.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 21, 2016, 06:56:24 PM
Thanks Rachel
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on September 21, 2016, 08:31:53 PM
Congrats Mariah! The time will fly by! Really looking forward to reading about your surgery/recovery.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: RobinG78 on September 21, 2016, 08:40:39 PM
I too will be keeping up with your Op and recovery. Best wishes and hugs.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 04:07:50 PM
Yep it does and thank you both of you. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 04:10:37 PM
I have now had the phone call and as I long suspected they are going to having me stop hormones 1 month before due to being on injections. I'm not surprised by it and they are actually going to work with my primary care doctor and insurance to fill any scripts from down there ahead of time at pharmacies where I live which will make that part even easier. Other than the this call was just to over the pre op instructions and touch base. I'm do to check in with her again a week or so before my surgery is to occur. wow 5 weeks tell my surgery now. It's getting to be closer now. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on September 22, 2016, 07:22:41 PM
Quote from: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 04:10:37 PM
I have now had the phone call and as I long suspected they are going to having me stop hormones 1 month before due to being on injections. I'm not surprised by it and they are actually going to work with my primary care doctor and insurance to fill any scripts from down there ahead of time at pharmacies where I live which will make that part even easier. Other than the this call was just to over the pre op instructions and touch base. I'm do to check in with her again a week or so before my surgery is to occur. wow 5 weeks tell my surgery now. It's getting to be closer now. Hugs

Time is flying...sounds like it is all going to plan...excitement building I bet!!!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 09:32:42 PM
Exciting yes but definitely dreading the hormone break although I know and definitely agree that break is necessary and even a fair return for what I'm getting in return. Hugs
Quote from: ElizabethK on September 22, 2016, 07:22:41 PM
Time is flying...sounds like it is all going to plan...excitement building I bet!!!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 09:47:33 PM
One other thing I learned today is that the time of my SRS may change a few times between now and my SRS date. It was scheduled for 11;45am but now is 1pm in the afternoon that day. I have no idea what the final time will end up being but we will see as we get closer. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on September 23, 2016, 08:36:19 AM
Quote from: Mariah on September 22, 2016, 09:47:33 PM
One other thing I learned today is that the time of my SRS may change a few times between now and my SRS date. It was scheduled for 11;45am but now is 1pm in the afternoon that day. I have no idea what the final time will end up being but we will see as we get closer. Hugs

For dr brassards, we find out the time on the morning of surgery... There's like at least 5 girls I think on the day of my aurgery
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 23, 2016, 10:20:57 AM
Not sure how many Meltzer has the day I'm in there. I would imagine it is a few as well that day. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on September 23, 2016, 08:36:19 AM
For dr brassards, we find out the time on the morning of surgery... There's like at least 5 girls I think on the day of my aurgery
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on September 23, 2016, 09:26:42 PM
Wow, a month before to stop IM. Where I go delestrogen was out if stock so I switched to pills. I was off E and spiro 2 weeks before and 1 week after for FFS. I had no hot flashes.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 24, 2016, 02:11:17 AM
Yeah I'm on depo estradiol so that is available. I haven't had a break in HRT since starting so this will be interesting. I have a feeling hot flashes will happen with the break the length it is. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on September 23, 2016, 09:26:42 PM
Wow, a month before to stop IM. Where I go delestrogen was out if stock so I switched to pills. I was off E and spiro 2 weeks before and 1 week after for FFS. I had no hot flashes.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: kaitylynn on September 24, 2016, 02:25:15 AM
I am so happy for you Mariah!  I have been following this thread and look forward to following your speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on September 28, 2016, 03:24:25 PM
Wow less than a month tell my SRS. It's hard to believe that is that soon. Tomorrow will be my last injection before I go into the long break do to SRS without any injection. Since my cycle isn't a 14 day but less it will result in it being interesting even earlier than the 2 week point. Now that we are waiting on the Doctor to send things to the insurance to be sent to my doctor so I can get the pre and post op scripts filled I'm in contact with the case manager from the insurance more often. I wasn't expecting that to be the case, but has turned into being the case at the point. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on September 28, 2016, 08:25:44 PM
Quote from: Mariah on September 28, 2016, 03:24:25 PM
Wow less than a month tell my SRS. It's hard to believe that is that soon. Tomorrow will be my last injection before I go into the long break do to SRS without any injection. Since my cycle isn't a 14 day but less it will result in it being interesting even earlier than the 2 week point. Now that we are waiting on the Doctor to send things to the insurance to be sent to my doctor so I can get the pre and post op scripts filled I'm in contact with the case manager from the insurance more often. I wasn't expecting that to be the case, but has turned into being the case at the point. Hugs

OMG 29 days :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 10:11:57 AM
I'm still here, kinda. Less than three weeks tell my surgery. At this point we are trying to work around an issue that should just be pencil whipped through by the doctor filling in for my primary care doctor. They are concerned about one o the post op meds interacting with two meds I'm on right now. Spiro well shouldn't be an issue since doctor's are tapering that off due to my kidney's post surgically and the other is a BP med used to also deal with protein again due to my kidney's. The one medication which is an antibiotic apparently can cause my Potassium to go up when in combination with those according to the pharmacy. Imagine that, I think that was not exactly a surprise to me so I'm expecting this to be cleared up today. I leave now in 15 days. I can't wait and I have a lot ahead of me. Tomorrow will be the last day of the previous hormone cycle and then well as I can already imagine my levels are getting lower and lower by the day or even moment to be honest. I guess we will see how this will affect me. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 10:45:30 AM
I talked to them this morning and apparently a couple forms were faxed from the Group Health Mail Order Pharmacy and signed off on by the doctor who is filling in for mine. So all is good apparently on that front. I haven't seen it change status wise at the pharmacy so I'm guessing it will be later today when I hear back from them about it. I will reach out them later today if I see nothing and check the status on their end with the insurance and the case manager on my case at Group Health. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 07, 2016, 12:45:55 PM
Glad to see that all is on track! Time will fly by.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 12:49:10 PM
Yep, it will. It's already flying bye to be honest. It wasn't that long ago and it was a month away and not here I am staring at my SRS that is less that three weeks away. Islandgirl, thank you. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 01:23:46 PM
So I had to call the Pharmacy and had them check the notes from the doctor so they could finally fill the script. So the latest hurdle that shouldn't have been one has now been cleared. Who knew that many steps would be needed to get one script I'm going to need after surgery to clear. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 07, 2016, 02:16:28 PM
Wow, you are becoming quite the hurdler! Racing to the finish line!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: stephaniec on October 07, 2016, 02:52:32 PM
good luck
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 03:20:53 PM
Yep, I am. It's been a long road with so many hurdles, but alas I'm done with those finally. Hugs
Quote from: islandgirl on October 07, 2016, 02:16:28 PM
Wow, you are becoming quite the hurdler! Racing to the finish line!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on October 07, 2016, 04:00:53 PM
How are you doing with this?  I had to stop 6 weeks prior (because of self donation of blood for the surgery issues).  I really didn't have any issues until after the surgery and then I was having one big hot flash.  My doctor kept me off E for an additional 2 weeks post op. I was better once I got out of the hospital but it didn't get better until after I started back on my E injections.

Quote from: Mariah on September 28, 2016, 03:24:25 PM
Wow less than a month tell my SRS. It's hard to believe that is that soon. Tomorrow will be my last injection before I go into the long break do to SRS without any injection. Since my cycle isn't a 14 day but less it will result in it being interesting even earlier than the 2 week point.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 04:05:24 PM
Yeah the plan here is off it two weeks post op too. I will start to find out how I'm doing with that soon. The last injection will start have an even lower impact once we get Sunday. It will get interesting when I reach 13 and beyond as we get inside the two week point to surgery. That is when I'm going to start to notice how I"m feeling in regards to being off HRT. I have feeling the two weeks on the backside will be the hardest, but I will know I guess when I get there and share with everyone else. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 07, 2016, 07:44:26 PM
Hi Mariah,

Dr. McGinn allows spiro until the day before GCS. T was always my concern.

When I had FFS I was off all HRT for 3 weeks. I did not have any hot flashes. When my flight landed I took E. Spiro I waited until I got home, 1.5 hours. When I got home I sat on the edge of my bed and tears rolled from my eyes. Most likely aided by the E and relief of being home.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 07, 2016, 08:03:54 PM
I will be on Spiro through surgery as well, but in my case since Spiro wasn't added at first E probably did most of the lifting in my case, I'm didn't need the spiro at all. I hoping to avoid those hot flashes, but fingers crossed they stay away. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 08, 2016, 09:46:34 AM
Well today is the last day of the last hormone cycle before by SRS. Tomorrow will be the first time I have had a break on hormones since starting them. Little bit nervous to see how my body handles this gap in hormones, but in the end I know it will be worth it. Wow so I leave in 2 weeks for Arizona. Time sure has flown by to this point. I can remember the point where it was a good year and half tell my surgery and now I'm down to two weeks tell I leave. It's kind of a serial moment to realize I'm now that close. Certainly the butterflies in my stomach are starting to build with anticipation for something I have needed my whole life. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 08, 2016, 10:25:26 AM
Hi Mariah,

I am really happy for you.

Did you refresh your account?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 08, 2016, 10:53:30 AM
Kinda sorta. Hugs

Quote from: Rachel Lynn on October 08, 2016, 10:25:26 AM
Hi Mariah,

I am really happy for you.

Did you refresh your account?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Gertrude on October 08, 2016, 12:48:41 PM
Buona fortuna!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 08, 2016, 12:52:00 PM
Gertrude, thank you. It's much appreciated. Hugs
Quote from: Gertrude on October 08, 2016, 12:48:41 PM
Buona fortuna!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Barb99 on October 08, 2016, 02:52:02 PM
Very happy for you Mariah. Your having your surgery on my birthday! Welcome to the Scorpio club!
I'll be 4 weeks behind you, I'm scheduled with Dr. Rumer.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 08, 2016, 02:57:33 PM
Thanks Charley and congrats on your upcoming SRS too. Going to wish you a happy birthday now then since by your birthdate I'm going to be decidedly under anesthesia by then while I have my SRS. Hugs
Quote from: Charley on October 08, 2016, 02:52:02 PM
Very happy for you Mariah. Your having your surgery on my birthday! Welcome to the Scorpio club!
I'll be 4 weeks behind you, I'm scheduled with Dr. Rumer.

Charley Ann
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 09, 2016, 09:47:00 AM
Here we go.. So far I haven't noticed any difference and I suspect I won't for several days before I really start to get an idea of how my body is going tor respond to the break from hormones. Still now I'm in the gap after hormones until 2 weeks after SRS. Time will tell, but all is good so far. Couple notes everything that needed dealing with and organizing before my SRS is taken care of. Just have to ship a couple things to Arizona so they are waiting for me, but otherwise I'm good. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: kaitylynn on October 09, 2016, 10:41:50 AM
The news is awesome and I am so excited for you!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 09, 2016, 11:22:12 AM
Thanks  kaitylynn. Indeed it is. I just can't wait tell it is over for sure. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Brooke on October 09, 2016, 04:54:00 PM
I've been keeping up with this thread. Such a great reminder of how many things there are that need to be checked, double checked and the coordination of care. Great job in ticking those boxes!

I'm so excited for you Mariah!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 09, 2016, 05:23:04 PM
Thanks Brooke. yeah I knew coming in there would be some coordination of care but never thought it would go to the level it did. Hugs
Quote from: Brooke on October 09, 2016, 04:54:00 PM
I've been keeping up with this thread. Such a great reminder of how many things there are that need to be checked, double checked and the coordination of care. Great job in ticking those boxes!

I'm so excited for you Mariah!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 10, 2016, 10:56:18 AM
So far still haven't noticed anything as a result of being in the gap in hormones required before surgery which is good thing. Just now starting the packing process because I want to make sure I don't forget or leave anything out that needs to come that isn't being bought in Phoenix. Part of the reason I'm doing the packing today is to determine what needs to go into the box I'm shipping down that will help maximize the space I have since I don't intend to put anything below the plane. At least my cramped closet won't be so cramped for a bit.  ;D Basic plan is to order and ship anything I can today so it arrives quickly and long before at the place I'm going to be staying. My beloved will receive my packages and all will be good. As far as everything else I have one check in with Group Health by phone in case anything else I need which will happen the day before I leave and one script that will have to be picked up the Tuesday before I leave. Then I'm just down to the scripts and related items once I'm down In Arizona. In addition that the nurse will be touching base with me again to make sure everything is on track and that I have obeyed the pre-op instructions and to share what happens next along with an update on the time for my SRS on the 27th. It's hard to believe that 16 days from now I will be on a liquid diet while stilling having to go to my pre-op appointment the day before my SRS. Anyways that is all for now. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 11, 2016, 08:51:39 AM
Quote from: Mariah on October 10, 2016, 10:56:18 AM
So far still haven't noticed anything as a result of being in the gap in hormones required before surgery which is good thing. Just now starting the packing process because I want to make sure I don't forget or leave anything out that needs to come that isn't being bought in Phoenix. Part of the reason I'm doing the packing today is to determine what needs to go into the box I'm shipping down that will help maximize the space I have since I don't intend to put anything below the plane. At least my cramped closet won't be so cramped for a bit.  ;D Basic plan is to order and ship anything I can today so it arrives quickly and long before at the place I'm going to be staying. My beloved will receive my packages and all will be good. As far as everything else I have one check in with Group Health by phone in case anything else I need which will happen the day before I leave and one script that will have to be picked up the Tuesday before I leave. Then I'm just down to the scripts and related items once I'm down In Arizona. In addition that the nurse will be touching base with me again to make sure everything is on track and that I have obeyed the pre-op instructions and to share what happens next along with an update on the time for my SRS on the 27th. It's hard to believe that 16 days from now I will be on a liquid diet while stilling having to go to my pre-op appointment the day before my SRS. Anyways that is all for now. Hugs

no liquid diet for me... 5:30pm is dinner and this is day before surgery... the only prep we have to do is two enemas before dinner @ 4pm and after dinner @ 8pm
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 11, 2016, 11:37:31 AM
My emotions have been a bit more free flowing today, but all is good. I have packed everything I can and just now biding my time on the most part tell I leave. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 11, 2016, 05:06:47 PM
Good luck Mariah. I hope you heal quickly.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 12, 2016, 12:50:16 AM
Good luck

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 13, 2016, 07:06:10 AM
No doubt I have probably been slightly more moody than normal but all in all haven't noticed anything different since the break on hormones began. It's hard to believe I'm just two weeks away tell GRS now and I can't believe it is that close now but is. I'm so ready for this. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 13, 2016, 09:29:37 AM
Quote from: Mariah on October 13, 2016, 07:06:10 AM
No doubt I have probably been slightly more moody than normal but all in all haven't noticed anything different since the break on hormones began. It's hard to believe I'm just two weeks away tell GRS now and I can't believe it is that close now but is. I'm so ready for this. Hugs
Prepare yourself... it's not easy... pain will be manageable but it'll be painful... but hang on... it'll be ok in the end ...

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 13, 2016, 02:35:57 PM
Thank you for heads up. Yeah I figured as much might be the case. So true, it will be okay in the end. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 13, 2016, 09:29:37 AM
Prepare yourself... it's not easy... pain will be manageable but it'll be painful... but hang on... it'll be ok in the end ...

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sophia Sage on October 13, 2016, 03:58:53 PM
Toby is the best!  He's done all my work, and I couldn't be happier with my results. And his aftercare facility is top-notch. Bring your laptop, favorite DVDs, a couple of books to read -- there's always boredom to stave off. 

I found BAS to be more painful than bottom surgery (I had them done at the same time).  The worst part, actually, was coming off hormones and getting another growth spurt of facial hair.  Gah!  All worth it, though, just for that first experience of slipping my fingers between my legs and sliding them inside.  That's when I really cried.

The first time you get up to walk, stop and wait for some drops of blood to fall on the floor.  Pay attention to them.  Let that sight become emblazoned in your memory.  Trust me on this.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 13, 2016, 06:23:52 PM
Yep that is my plan. I will have laptop with me which is stocked with movies and not to mention netflix. I might bring the current book I'm reading with me if not I will read from my digital library of books I have instead. Yeah, that is one of things I thought might occur, but hoping it doesn't. i rather not see any new facial hair pop up. Hugs
Quote from: Sophia Sage on October 13, 2016, 03:58:53 PM
Toby is the best!  He's done all my work, and I couldn't be happier with my results. And his aftercare facility is top-notch. Bring your laptop, favorite DVDs, a couple of books to read -- there's always boredom to stave off. 

I found BAS to be more painful than bottom surgery (I had them done at the same time).  The worst part, actually, was coming off hormones and getting another growth spurt of facial hair.  Gah!  All worth it, though, just for that first experience of slipping my fingers between my legs and sliding them inside.  That's when I really cried.

The first time you get up to walk, stop and wait for some drops of blood to fall on the floor.  Pay attention to them.  Let that sight become emblazoned in your memory.  Trust me on this.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 17, 2016, 09:06:47 AM
10 days tell surgery and any of the side affects that you would expect from being off hormones haven't been seen luckily. I'm doing wonderful as I get the house prepared for my leaving and everyone in it too. Tomorrow I pick up the last prescription that can be filled before the day before my surgery and then on Friday I have my check in with the case manager with the insurance and I believe that will be her last check in pre operatively. I'm actually not sure when she dies off my case and I go back to not having one, but we will see. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 17, 2016, 08:50:49 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 17, 2016, 09:06:47 AM
10 days tell surgery and any of the side affects that you would expect from being off hormones haven't been seen luckily. I'm doing wonderful as I get the house prepared for my leaving and everyone in it too. Tomorrow I pick up the last prescription that can be filled before the day before my surgery and then on Friday I have my check in with the case manager with the insurance and I believe that will be her last check in pre operatively. I'm actually not sure when she dies off my case and I go back to not having one, but we will see. Hugs
Good luck girl... communicate with your nurse and always take your pain meds... don't tough it out... you'll be ok!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 17, 2016, 10:33:08 PM
Thanks, I will. Yeah I'm the type that would try to tough it out and your right I shouldn't. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 17, 2016, 08:50:49 PM
Good luck girl... communicate with your nurse and always take your pain meds... don't tough it out... you'll be ok!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 18, 2016, 08:34:44 PM
The nurse called to check in today with me to make sure everything was on track and to go over everything one last time. It looks like the time slot is now a lock too and not just the date. I'm not surprised considering I will likely be more complicated due to the past surgeries in that area. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 18, 2016, 08:52:39 PM
Nice to have the time and date locked in! Not that far away now ( at least time seems to have moved quickly for us reading the  posts. How long is your after  surgery care (before going home)?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 19, 2016, 11:33:02 AM
Quote from: Mariah on October 18, 2016, 08:34:44 PM
The nurse called to check in today with me to make sure everything was on track and to go over everything one last time. It looks like the time slot is now a lock too and not just the date. I'm not surprised considering I will likely be more complicated due to the past surgeries in that area. Hugs
Good luck Mariah! I'll be reading your updates :)

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 19, 2016, 11:45:07 AM
I go in the hospital on the 27th in the Morning and won't come out of the hospital tell the 5th of November in the afternoon. Then I will stay in Phoenix for awhile before heading back even though you can leave as soon as they release you from the hospital. In many ways I'm glad the time is locked in now too. It means my fiancé can be there when I wake up which will be wonderful to see his face when I wake up. Hugs
Mariah Hugs
Quote from: islandgirl on October 18, 2016, 08:52:39 PM
Nice to have the time and date locked in! Not that far away now ( at least time seems to have moved quickly for us reading the  posts. How long is your after  surgery care (before going home)?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 19, 2016, 11:46:00 AM
Thanks jujubes1986 as I have been reading and learning from your updates too. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 19, 2016, 11:33:02 AM
Good luck Mariah! I'll be reading your updates :)

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 19, 2016, 11:50:12 AM
Other than one medication that can't be filled tell after my pre-op appointment and checking in the with the case manager from the insurance on Friday unless I can pull that off today I'm all set. A slight hick up in getting my mom placed where she will stay while I'm gone occurred though. The government decided to pull one last form on us that they could easily have told us about weeks and months ago so that is being taken care of by her doctor tomorrow, but that won't be an issue in the end. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 19, 2016, 04:24:16 PM
8 Days and counting :)

Have a good trip, I am glad things are working out.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 19, 2016, 07:03:18 PM
Thanks, I will. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on October 19, 2016, 04:24:16 PM
8 Days and counting :)

Have a good trip, I am glad things are working out.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 19, 2016, 07:05:52 PM
So appears all is in order now in regards to the paperwork for my mom while I'm gone and I have now had the call today instead of Friday with the case manager from the insurance only to find out I will receive another call from her after I'm post op. I can't say I'm not surprised that is the case. So now just my leaving Saturday and then my pre-op appointment week from today besides picking up one medication that day too. It's getting so close that I can't really hold back my excitement. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 20, 2016, 04:54:55 AM
Wow, one week left. The time has sure flown by. Everything is going well and the normal symptoms some of have reported from being off Estrogen I haven't noticed so that is a good thing. It's been 3 weeks since my last injection and since my cycle was less than every two weeks it means the levels must be doing okay despite no injections since then. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on October 20, 2016, 05:14:18 AM
That is only 10,080 minutes..... ;D

But consider you have been around for 18,396,000 min give or take 525,600(A year) minutes

and by the time you finish reading this post it will be even less



Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 20, 2016, 05:17:54 AM
lol. Thanks Liz. Yeah it is safe to say it isn't that far minutes wise now either. Hugs
Quote from: ElizabethK on October 20, 2016, 05:14:18 AM
That is only 10,080 minutes..... ;D

But consider you have been around for 18,396,000 min give or take 525,600(A year) minutes

and by the time you finish reading this post it will be even less


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 21, 2016, 06:36:30 AM
Wow 6 more days!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 21, 2016, 09:04:50 AM
Yep, My last full day home as things are now before I leave. Amazing that I'm at this point. Everything is going well and still haven't seen anything people said could happen being off the hormones so all is good. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 21, 2016, 06:36:30 AM
Wow 6 more days!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on October 21, 2016, 02:19:27 PM
I didn't really notice most of the effects until I was post op.  My doc kept me off E for 2 weeks post op.  The 6 days I was in the hospital I was always having hot flashes.  My room was cold and I still needed to have ice packs to make me feel better. 

Very excited for you girl!!!

Quote from: Mariah on October 21, 2016, 09:04:50 AM
Yep, My last full day home as things are now before I leave. Amazing that I'm at this point. Everything is going well and still haven't seen anything people said could happen being off the hormones so all is good. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 21, 2016, 04:15:03 PM
Yeah, I kinda figured as much. I will update everyone next after I'm down in Phoenix. Hugs
Quote from: I Am Jess on October 21, 2016, 02:19:27 PM
I didn't really notice most of the effects until I was post op.  My doc kept me off E for 2 weeks post op.  The 6 days I was in the hospital I was always having hot flashes.  My room was cold and I still needed to have ice packs to make me feel better. 

Very excited for you girl!!!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 21, 2016, 07:07:41 PM
It should be a little cooler, mid 80's, when you get here! It has been hot this week, at least for those of us from the North West! It is amazing that your surgery is just a few days away! Have a great trip! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 21, 2016, 08:19:39 PM
I'm actually used to the heat where I live actually so the 80's will be a nice refresh compared to the mid 60's right now where I live. Thanks, I will. It should be an amazing trip, but a healing one. Hugs
Quote from: islandgirl on October 21, 2016, 07:07:41 PM
It should be a little cooler, mid 80's, when you get here! It has been hot this week, at least for those of us from the North West! It is amazing that your surgery is just a few days away! Have a great trip! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 23, 2016, 08:30:57 AM
Wow, that was amazing. I have never flown before so this was very cool and now in the loving arms of my fiancé who will be here with me through everything. All is well and now only 4 days left which is amazing. Today is going to be just go out and have some fun and enjoy the Phoenix area. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 23, 2016, 09:06:38 AM
Glad you made it safely. The four days will disappear quickly. So nice that you have support with you. Enjoy your day!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 24, 2016, 09:49:26 AM
Thanks, me too. Just been having a blast. I will get to spend some time With Dena today. All is going well and now just 3 days left tell its my turn to be whole. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 25, 2016, 10:15:34 AM
The last day of regular food before I have to switch to liquids and the bowl clean out tomorrow night. So close I can taste it now. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on October 25, 2016, 10:36:08 AM
You are almost there girl. Enjoy this last day before you have to do the prep. So excited for you!!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on October 25, 2016, 03:13:17 PM

I have been away for awhile(that work thing).

Back in time to wish you the best. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

With warmth,

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 25, 2016, 03:53:11 PM
Good luck Mariah :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 25, 2016, 04:31:18 PM
Thanks Everyone. I'm just down to one meal left before the point of no return, but it is worth it so I can't wait. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 25, 2016, 05:47:34 PM
Enjoy your meal! Thinking of you as you go through the next few days! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on October 25, 2016, 08:13:31 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 25, 2016, 04:31:18 PM
Thanks Everyone. I'm just down to one meal left before the point of no return, but it is worth it so I can't wait. Hugs

Hope it all goes really well and you take care

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 25, 2016, 08:16:32 PM

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 25, 2016, 11:05:08 PM
The day ahead. Just liquids, medication and oh goodie a bowl clean out. Sounds like fun, right  ;D Pizza tasted amazing though. No better way to have a last meal before liquid diet than my favorite food. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Michelle_P on October 25, 2016, 11:20:18 PM
Mariah, thanks so much for blogging this experience. I'm more than a year away, but the posted experiences are so important for those who come later.

May you have the best possible outcome, and I hope all goes very well for you.

- Michelle
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 10:53:46 AM
Now just waiting for my pre op appointment. So nothing else do but type on here. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 12:48:58 PM
This is important for me to share for those of you who are not going to be simple straight penile inversion due know that you likely will get more days on bed rest due to the doctor won't want his suture lines messed up. So yes that means more bedrest for me as a result apparently I will be on blood thinners temporarily. He is planning on me being on bed rest 3 or 4 days. Everything is on as planned though. The appointment went well and I have been to the pharmacy. So now I prepare for the next part of the prep based on the schedule. I have everything I'm going to need post operatively. One interesting side note that my mom used to mess up due to her dementia and call me by my dead name sometimes. She is now confusing me with my sister and referring to me as her name sometimes. Both to my sister and myself. Anyways all is well and they are very happy with everything and I can't wait to get going. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 12:57:22 PM
Also the magnesium citrate will be the liquid and not the powder that is in the instructions. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on October 26, 2016, 01:27:14 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 12:48:58 PM
One interesting side note that my mom used to mess up due to her dementia and call me by my dead name sometimes. She is now confusing me with my sister and referring to me as her name sometimes. Both to my sister and myself.

That is actually pretty cool. Stay calm and relaxed. Take care

With warmth,

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 01:35:40 PM
Yep and Thanks Joanna. Hugs
Quote from: Joanna50 on October 26, 2016, 01:27:14 PM
That is actually pretty cool. Stay calm and relaxed. Take care

With warmth,

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Devlyn on October 26, 2016, 01:39:21 PM
Good luck, Mariah!  :-*

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sophia Sage on October 26, 2016, 03:20:10 PM
Best of luck, can't wait to hear from you when you're on the other side!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 04:20:25 PM
Forgot to mention that I received a bag with many things in it including the 6 dilators.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
The dilators are numbered 1, 2T, 2, 3T, 3 and 4

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on October 26, 2016, 05:14:05 PM
Wow, less than 24 hours!! Good luck, best wishes!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 26, 2016, 05:14:30 PM
Wow, where did you get clear dilators?

I am so happy for you Mariah, good luck and thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 05:22:40 PM
Was part of the bag that I received at the Pre-op Appointment. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on October 26, 2016, 05:14:30 PM
Wow, where did you get clear dilators?

I am so happy for you Mariah, good luck and thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 26, 2016, 05:53:11 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
The dilators are numbered 1, 2T, 2, 3T, 3 and 4

Whoa 6 dilators... omg that's a lot!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 06:20:49 PM
I wasn't expecting 6 either, but here they are. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 26, 2016, 05:53:11 PM
Whoa 6 dilators... omg that's a lot!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 26, 2016, 06:22:25 PM
What's the dilation schedule like?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on October 26, 2016, 06:35:22 PM
I'm guessing the "T" means tapered?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sephirah on October 26, 2016, 06:37:24 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
The dilators are numbered 1, 2T, 2, 3T, 3 and 4


Am I the only person to think that looks like a very strange Xylophone?

Yes, yes I am. Sorry, ignore me.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 06:48:53 PM
I hadn't thought about that tell you pointed it out. I went to a musical instrument museum on Monday and there were Xylophones that were not always shaped as one would have expected. Never be sorry. I love that you pointed it out. It really helps lighten things out. Huggles
Quote from: Sephirah on October 26, 2016, 06:37:24 PM
Am I the only person to think that looks like a very strange Xylophone?

Yes, yes I am. Sorry, ignore me.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 07:46:59 PM
magnesium citrate down and now I continue the high fluid push. Grape flavored wasn't bad tasting but my stomach doesn't like it so I guess we will see what happens. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: HappyMoni on October 26, 2016, 08:15:46 PM
Quote from: Sephirah on October 26, 2016, 06:37:24 PM
Am I the only person to think that looks like a very strange Xylophone?

That's so much better than my thought. It looks like a preop "jury of one's peers." Wow that is wrong. Sorry!
Mariah, I just want to wish you luck. You are an amazing person and I wish you low pain and great results.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 08:18:15 PM
I forgot to mention this earlier but is important to mention. Due to the extended required bed rest the liquid diet will stay in place. One good thing and only one good thing about that. Weight loss and lots of it. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 26, 2016, 09:09:49 PM
All the Best tomorrow! May your recovery go smoothly. The Musical Instrument Museum is still on our list of places to go! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 26, 2016, 09:12:46 PM
Wow bed rest for 4 days? I'd go crazy! They had me stand up the night of the surgery... i was able to stand still probably for 3 seconds back to bed after that... next day the nurses had us walking around the nurses station... I think it's to get the blood flowing

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sophia Sage on October 26, 2016, 09:16:58 PM
Oooh, be sure to ask for Dilator #5!

Yeah, Toby's dilators are clear.  Very classy.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on October 26, 2016, 09:59:54 PM
Lucky!  I had to remain in bed on the liquid diet for 6 days.  I lost 15 lbs.  Unfortunately, I found them again....

Quote from: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 08:18:15 PM
I forgot to mention this earlier but is important to mention. Due to the extended required bed rest the liquid diet will stay in place. One good thing and only one good thing about that. Weight loss and lots of it. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 10:03:57 PM
I have no doubt I will. He doesn't want those suture lines ruined in my case so I have no choice.  Yeah it is to get the blood flowing and I will have to put up with the bed rest. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 26, 2016, 09:12:46 PM
Wow bed rest for 4 days? I'd go crazy! They had me stand up the night of the surgery... i was able to stand still probably for 3 seconds back to bed after that... next day the nurses had us walking around the nurses station... I think it's to get the blood flowing

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 10:10:29 PM
Yeah he mentioned that and in rare cases he still does that. Hugs
Quote from: I Am Jess on October 26, 2016, 09:59:54 PM
Lucky!  I had to remain in bed on the liquid diet for 6 days.  I lost 15 lbs.  Unfortunately, I found them again....
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 27, 2016, 08:11:07 AM
Wow in just under 7 hours I will be under the knife and on my way to being whole. This a serial moment, but an important one. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 27, 2016, 08:14:01 AM
Good luck!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: kaitylynn on October 27, 2016, 08:57:35 AM
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 27, 2016, 09:29:06 AM
Just sitting here waiting for my ride to show up and take me to the hospital for my 1pm SRS. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: kittenpower on October 27, 2016, 12:15:08 PM
Your day has arrived; congratulations and best wishes for amazing results🎂🎉😊
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Adena on October 27, 2016, 12:17:38 PM
Good luck Mariah!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mohini on October 27, 2016, 12:18:37 PM
Good luck, Mariah!  We'll be waiting for you.  I won't be online for several days while I'm out of town.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on October 27, 2016, 01:43:23 PM
I am so happy for you girl!  Can't wait to hear about your amazing results!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 27, 2016, 03:34:11 PM
Tell us how you feel!!!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on October 27, 2016, 05:45:45 PM
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 27, 2016, 03:34:11 PM
Tell us how you feel!!!

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Wheeled into surgery about half an hour before your post. She will be back as soon as she feels good enough to post.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 27, 2016, 05:54:47 PM
Quote from: Dena on October 27, 2016, 05:45:45 PM
Wheeled into surgery about half an hour before your post. She will be back as soon as she feels good enough to post.
Thnx dena :) omg I'm so happy for her!   

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 03:58:53 AM
The surgery took about 4 hours apparently. I'm not in a ton of pain but exhausted like you wouldn't believe. hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on October 28, 2016, 04:10:15 AM
Yay! So glad to hear!

Rest up girl, you earned it!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 28, 2016, 06:43:06 AM
Quote from: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 03:58:53 AM
The surgery took about 4 hours apparently. I'm not in a ton of pain but exhausted like you wouldn't believe. hugs
General anesthesia or epidural?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 06:48:36 AM

General anesthesia
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 28, 2016, 06:43:06 AM
General anesthesia or epidural?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 28, 2016, 06:51:35 AM
Praying for a speedy recovery :) how do you feel now Mariah? Welcome to the post op world!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 07:01:14 AM
I'm feeling a little sore, but doing good. Thanks, yeah feels goof to be post op. They are saying everything looks good. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mohini on October 28, 2016, 07:27:58 AM
Congratulations, New Lady!  I will be following your story for a while.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: mm on October 28, 2016, 07:59:06 AM
congraduations on coming through your surgery so well.  Just rest now and you can tell the details later.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sophia Sage on October 28, 2016, 08:06:58 AM
Every day is now a bonus day.

So glad you could make it!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on October 28, 2016, 10:11:15 AM
Congratulations. You have rocked many of our worlds. Time to sit back and recover a little and let the world rock you.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: hibiki on October 28, 2016, 10:44:28 AM
Congrats Mariah *hugs* Happy for you
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 01:12:13 PM
I saw Meltzer this morning and the surgery went well and he was able to have enough material down their without needing a graft from another part of the body thankfully. Also as a result I will be on hormones in the hospital and up and around walking tomorrow instead of several days down the road which is great news. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 28, 2016, 02:08:21 PM
Congrats Mariah! Sounds like you came though surgery wonderfully. Here's to a speedy recovery! Hugs, Kelly.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on October 28, 2016, 02:19:37 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 07:01:14 AM
I'm feeling a little sore, but doing good. Thanks, yeah feels goof to be post op. They are saying everything looks good. Hugs

Envy Green is my current colour  ;D

I am so glad to hear you are at least comfortable...Onwards and upwards from here

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Devlyn on October 28, 2016, 03:29:08 PM

Congratulations, lady!

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 04:06:13 PM
So we had them remove the morphine. It's been upsetting my stomach and making it so I couldn't eat. Now they have switched me to oral pain killers, but at least my stomach isn't upset anymore. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 28, 2016, 04:13:38 PM
Congratulations :) I am very happy for you.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 28, 2016, 06:30:44 PM

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2016, 07:36:03 PM
Yay finally keeping food and medication down. I'm still sore, but not overly so. Icing down the site ever since being in the recovery room so all is good so far. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Michelle_P on October 28, 2016, 08:23:16 PM
The level of determination in you GRS gals is just amazing.  Hours out of surgery, groggy, and posting what's going on!  I for one appreciate seeing GRS from your point of view.  It's over a year away for me, but this helps prep me better than any video or class the HMO wants to give me.  (A friend just went to our HMO's class...  Oy...)

Congratulations, and I hope you have a swift and uneventful recovery!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sophia Sage on October 29, 2016, 12:13:49 AM
An upcoming (major) event is when they take the packing out, and you can touch down there.  It's something my fingers will never forget.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 05:59:08 AM
I haven't used any pain killer since yesterday afternoon which is fantastic and passing tons of gas.  The drainage is less and everything is looking god so all in all apparently I'm doing well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: pretty pauline on October 29, 2016, 07:39:54 AM
Quote from: Sophia Sage on October 29, 2016, 12:13:49 AM
An upcoming (major) event is when they take the packing out, and you can touch down there.  It's something my fingers will never forget.
Very true, I'II never forget it, a very surreal moment when I saw my new girl equipment the very first time and that was 30 years ago, it only gets better Mariah as it heals.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 08:41:58 AM
I have no doubt and can't wait tell that day. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 08:48:28 AM
I'm almost inclined to get a picture of that moment of the unveiling. Hugs
Quote from: Sophia Sage on October 29, 2016, 12:13:49 AM
An upcoming (major) event is when they take the packing out, and you can touch down there.  It's something my fingers will never forget.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 29, 2016, 10:11:18 AM
Quote from: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 05:59:08 AM
I haven't used any pain killer since yesterday afternoon which is fantastic and passing tons of gas.  The drainage is less and everything is looking god so all in all apparently I'm doing well. Hugs
Wow no pain meds! Lucky you! I was taking pain meds till day 4

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 10:14:49 AM
I try to not use pain meds when I don't need too due to my kidney's so I have to be in pretty good amount of pain to use them. Hugs

Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 29, 2016, 10:11:18 AM
Wow no pain meds! Lucky you! I was taking pain meds till day 4

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on October 29, 2016, 11:34:20 AM
Keep  up the great spirits and attitude. I am so glad this is going well for you. Take it easy.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 03:15:49 PM
Bladder training is going well and pain is definitely manageable. Still ice and no pain killers. Third time up

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 03:26:43 PM
I should do this and that is thank Dena who has been here along side me in addition to my fiancé Jamie. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 29, 2016, 04:12:07 PM
I am glad you are doing so well. The smile says a lot :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: HappyMoni on October 29, 2016, 04:32:16 PM
You just look so happy. Wow!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on October 29, 2016, 04:50:42 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 03:15:49 PM
Bladder training is going well and pain is definitely manageable. Still ice and no pain killers. Third time up


Nice to have some company....and you look surprisingly happy considering what you have just been through.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 04:57:23 PM
Yeah company improves this place for sure plus the watching of Star Trek TNG. Hugs
Quote from: ElizabethK on October 29, 2016, 04:50:42 PM
Nice to have some company....and you look surprisingly happy considering what you have just been through.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on October 29, 2016, 04:59:57 PM
Quote from: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 04:57:23 PM
Yeah company improves this place for sure plus the watching of Star Trek TNG. Hugs
More like sleeping through them.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 29, 2016, 05:02:20 PM
True, when I was on the morphine I did. Hugs
Quote from: Dena on October 29, 2016, 04:59:57 PM
More like sleeping through them.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Michelle_P on October 29, 2016, 05:32:52 PM
That's one great smile on Mariah!  (Makes me feel better seeing that!  Contageous?)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 04:54:16 AM
swelling is minimal and drainage is too and they are bit surprised by no bruising. Seems my main discomfort is the tug of catheter. In many ways I will be glad when it is time for the catheter to come out. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 08:37:52 AM
Couple things I can't say strong enough. Ice is your friend through this and listen to your body as to how much you can and can't do. Ice is probably the reason I have been able to avoid pain killers as much as I have. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 11:06:32 AM
The drains are out finally. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jessika on October 30, 2016, 12:04:21 PM
Love your smile Mariah. So happy for you. Keep us updated. :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 12:21:12 PM
Have made a couple times around the floor and now that the drains are out I have more options even clothing wise. The drains were not placed where she was expecting them to be. They were placed lower than they normally are. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on October 30, 2016, 01:04:45 PM
Hi Mariah, I am glad you are doing well.

Clothing in the hospital, I was thinking sweat pants. Can you elaborate on clothing choices?

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 01:28:22 PM
Sweat pants are options as are some dresses and even some skirts for example. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on October 30, 2016, 01:04:45 PM
Hi Mariah, I am glad you are doing well.

Clothing in the hospital, I was thinking sweat pants. Can you elaborate on clothing choices?

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on October 30, 2016, 03:27:10 PM
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on October 30, 2016, 01:04:45 PM
Hi Mariah, I am glad you are doing well.

Clothing in the hospital, I was thinking sweat pants. Can you elaborate on clothing choices?

Stay with something lose fitting. There is still enough extra stuff to make bulges and the pressure on the surgical area may not feel very good. If you are warn blooded, conservative short pants might even be an option. Here they offer you the option of remaining in the hospital gown if you wish to stretch your clothing supply.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2016, 06:20:51 PM
So the last two times and especially the last time I went pee it is now going around and through the catheter at the time. I have been now told this is what we want to be seeing so it means the swelling is down pretty well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on October 30, 2016, 06:37:46 PM
So nice to see you progressing with your recovery! I am also amazed that you girls who have just come out of surgery are able to give such a lucid description of your progress! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 08:15:59 AM
All in all I'm doing good although starting to get concerned about the lack of bowel movement.  Guessing today is the day on that. The area doesn't hurt bad. I still hurt more from my knee that tightened up from the position they use during surgery and the extended time in the bed. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 09:34:23 AM
Meltzer's office is okay with it so now we just have to okay the morton passed my nephrologist for the stupid knee. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 31, 2016, 11:24:37 AM
Wow no pain? I'm in constant pain till now... that is surprising

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 11:35:42 AM
Pain hasn't been constant although right now it is higher than it has been. Something tells me lots of different factors are in play though. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 31, 2016, 11:24:37 AM
Wow no pain? I'm in constant pain till now... that is surprising

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 12:16:16 PM
As they have expected the sutured area would become a bit more sore over time. It's not bad but enough where Icing there too. Hugs Mariah
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 01:53:48 PM
Stayed in a bathrobe after my shower yesterday and now have moved on to my own clothes during the day. The bruising that we have seen is lower than we expected. We noticed it while I was taking a shower this morning. Hugs

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 31, 2016, 04:18:29 PM
Is the dressing off?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 04:28:17 PM
All that is down there now is a maxi pad, the sutures keeping the labia closed. The packing and the catheter which is coming out then held in place above by a tape like stuff so bladder training can occur. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on October 31, 2016, 04:18:29 PM
Is the dressing off?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on October 31, 2016, 04:31:33 PM
Packing is the stent?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 04:44:55 PM
Packing in the vagina. He hasn't taken sutures out yet so he can take the packing out of the vagina so dilation can begin. My understanding is he didn't place a stent in the vagina, but packing. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 31, 2016, 04:55:33 PM
One thing I haven't mentioned that I should is there is a gal from there office that comes around 3 times a week and talks about anything you need to and helps you prepare for dilation and what is to come. I have definitely been impressed by that. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sharon Anne McC on November 01, 2016, 01:58:32 AM


Congratulations and fond wishes for your full and complete recovery.  Your best is yet to come.

Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Thank you for allowing me to visit with you and Dena; say hello to 'J' for me.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on November 01, 2016, 10:34:36 AM
Your picture looks so happy. That is great.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 01, 2016, 10:58:49 AM
Thanks Joanna. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 01, 2016, 11:28:12 AM
First off I would like to thank Sharon for visiting last night. I really enjoyed the visit. Now sutures are OMG sore, but I'm icing area down which does the trick. Also I finally had a good bowel movement. So the gassiness has went down majorly. Overall everything is going well though. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 01, 2016, 12:45:38 PM
I found out that dilations will start in the afternoon tomorrow instead of morning and that I will have to achieve all 5 for the first day. One of which will be the middle of the night. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on November 01, 2016, 03:41:03 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 01, 2016, 12:45:38 PM
I found out that dilations will start in the afternoon tomorrow instead of morning and that I will have to achieve all 5 for the first day. One of which will be the middle of the night. Hugs

GULP!!! I hope this goes well I guess it could be a little uncomfortable...hope it goes well and you can escape soon.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 01, 2016, 03:45:00 PM
It will. It's part of life and maintenance. Hugs

Quote from: ElizabethK on November 01, 2016, 03:41:03 PM
GULP!!! I hope this goes well I guess it could be a little uncomfortable...hope it goes well and you can escape soon.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 02, 2016, 09:52:10 AM
I'm so ready for my sutures, packing and catheter to come out. At least I will be down to just the catheter after today. I finally get to see it and start dilating so an exciting day for me. I can't wait. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jessika on November 02, 2016, 12:43:38 PM
Let us know your reaction when you get to see her for the first time. We want details. Well...Not the TMI, you know. :D
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on November 02, 2016, 12:47:08 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 02, 2016, 09:52:10 AM
I'm so ready for my sutures, packing and catheter to come out. At least I will be down to just the catheter after today. I finally get to see it and start dilating so an exciting day for me. I can't wait. Hugs

Fantastic, you sound really positive to be passing another milestone on your journey. I am sure it will be a great day for you

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 02, 2016, 04:46:34 PM
6 inches is the depth at this stage it will definitely make me a bit to get the hang of keeping enough pressure without it going out an inch or two during the dilating. I have to admit having the packing removed was a different experience as well. It's going to take me time to get the hang of it, but I will especially with Dena watching over me to ensure I get it right. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on November 02, 2016, 06:41:09 PM
Congratulations :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 02, 2016, 11:49:44 PM
3 dilations from my first day are in. There has been blood and with my concern I had them check it out to make sure all was well. They checked all is good so I was glad to hear that. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 03, 2016, 09:25:09 AM
Wow it has been a week. What a ride. Yesterday was a long day, but a good one. No doubt i loved getting my first view of everything. It's going to take me time getting used to the feeling of the dilator putting pressure on things. I am still tweaking how my legs are positioned and when the most, but my knee isn't helping that. I feel good though and I'm getting better in a way at dilation but yeah it's taking time to just get everything flowing and working as a fine tuned system in time. It completely feels natural how things feel despite still being sore from healing. I was a bit unnerved by having the dilations to far apart for the final one they wanted yesterday which was for all intensive purposes just really beginning of morning of today. Anyways I feel good and I'm happy. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 03, 2016, 09:26:59 AM
One other thing I forgot to mention yes the clit is definitely sensitive already and apparently that has to do with how Dr. Meltzer constructs it. I'm happy because the nerves are already alive and kicking there. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on November 03, 2016, 09:58:54 AM
Great! Onward and umm something ward.

Think I'm mixing metaphors.

You are still much in my thoughts.


Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on November 03, 2016, 02:29:30 PM
Congrats Girlfriend!  It does take a little time to get everything figured out and to get settled.  It should just get better and better from here on out.  <3   
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 03, 2016, 03:44:56 PM
Starting to get much better at it and the amount of blood is much less than before which is fantastic.  It's still extremely tight, but isn't bad at all. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 03, 2016, 05:31:19 PM
Thanks for sharing so much, Mariah. I appreciate it.

Incidentally, have you met Dr Ley at all?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 03, 2016, 07:26:01 PM
Yes I have, I have seen her a few times. She fills in for Meltzer.  Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on November 03, 2016, 05:31:19 PM
Thanks for sharing so much, Mariah. I appreciate it.

Incidentally, have you met Dr Ley at all?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 03, 2016, 07:30:16 PM
Yeah anytime you don't see the one you get to see the other one. So you one or the other surgeon plus Meg the ARNP for check ups. However, Meg doesn't generally come on weekends. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 04, 2016, 10:15:45 AM
I guess it doesn't take long to get good at the dilations or at least for me. I lose the catheter very shortly and then will be expected to pee on my own within a few hour or less of that. Everything seems to functioning and looking well although there is some swelling. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 04, 2016, 01:54:10 PM
What an amazing relief it is to have that catheter out. Already used the restroom once came out nice and strong along some gunk but all good. Labia and mounds are swollen but with minimal bruising but all in all everything is going well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: LizK on November 04, 2016, 01:56:32 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 04, 2016, 01:54:10 PM
What an amazing relief it is to have that catheter out. Already used the restroom once came out nice and strong along some gunk but all good. Labia and mounds are swollen but with minimal bruising but all in all everything is going well. Hugs

Wow what a relief to know all the plumbing is sound...clearing the pipes is always a bit messy  ;)...Great progress you will be out dancing the night away before you know it.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on November 04, 2016, 03:10:53 PM
Great news girl!!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 04, 2016, 03:25:17 PM
So much easier, I don't have to use a lot, if any pressure to go pee. I can relax it just comes streaming out :D Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Sharon Anne McC on November 05, 2016, 07:33:47 AM


Thank you for Friday.

Yes, your pending discharge from 'G' will be another milestone to establish your independence.  Less reason to look back, more reasons to look forward from here.

Best wishes.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 05, 2016, 05:07:32 PM
I was released today and everything has gone well. A couple changes to the instructions were made in my case. One the douching is only going to be as needed. Secondly they want me to use a peri bottle to clean up after the fact for the moment ruin spays everywhere down there but with the healing that is going on its necessary to make sure that is clean as can be down there. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 05, 2016, 08:43:36 PM
Released today?! Has it really been 10 days? (Let's see...27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Yup, out in 10!!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: HappyMoni on November 05, 2016, 10:06:50 PM
   If you could sum up in one or two words how you feel now about your last two weeks experience, what would it be?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 07, 2016, 07:57:52 AM
Liberating, whole and healing . Hugs
Quote from: HappyMoni on November 05, 2016, 10:06:50 PM
   If you could sum up in one or two words how you feel now about your last two weeks experience, what would it be?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 07, 2016, 07:59:51 AM
I'm still sore down below and the swelling and bruising that have been there are still there. It has gone down enough thought that peeing has started to stabilize. Dilations are going well and coming out clean without blood from them too which is fantastic. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: islandgirl on November 07, 2016, 11:59:54 AM
Glad to see that you are making progress in your recovery! I can only imagine what it must feel like to have completed the surgery! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 07, 2016, 12:28:19 PM
Quote from: islandgirl on November 07, 2016, 11:59:54 AM
Glad to see that you are making progress in your recovery! I can only imagine what it must feel like to have completed the surgery! Hugs, Kelly
I wanna know how it feels to be completely healed... recovery is annoying... I'm tired of it... I wanna throw in the towel... I wasn't ready for it :(

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 07, 2016, 01:11:44 PM
Amazing. Hugs
Quote from: islandgirl on November 07, 2016, 11:59:54 AM
Glad to see that you are making progress in your recovery! I can only imagine what it must feel like to have completed the surgery! Hugs, Kelly
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 07, 2016, 01:19:15 PM
I can't speak for completely healed jujubes1986, but what I can speak to is it takes time. Each of us heals at different rates and depending how little or much work was needed and what was used can affect how long it will take too. I know I'm not 100 percent in many ways. I have done a good amount the last few days and yet I will and still for a good while need naps sometimes in the morning and sometimes in afternoon or even both because my body needs to recharge because I'm still healing. I know the pain is an issue right now. For me it is a burning/ rawness feeling down there that and fact that sitting on my but to long hurts too. Find the right balance of things and in the meantime focus on everything that has gone right and what you have gained from this and know that pain eventually will just be a distant memory. Anyways, I hope that helps. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 07, 2016, 12:28:19 PM
I wanna know how it feels to be completely healed... recovery is annoying... I'm tired of it... I wanna throw in the towel... I wasn't ready for it :(

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 08, 2016, 10:10:55 AM
The first dilation of the morning was as tight as ever, but all went well. Pain levels haven't changed. It's been rawness/ burning for awhile and is only there at times and mostly from walking. All going very smoothly which I'm so happy to report. My energy levels are pretty good, but still get tired enough that have been taking to naps during the day. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 09, 2016, 05:48:23 PM
Have started to reach the point where the pillow below me isn't needed much anymore except on certain extremely hard surfaces and even then it isn't always needed anymore. Still have some soreness, but it isn't bad. My energy level is pretty good which I already knew having done a two mile walk a few minutes ago and not being tired or anything from it really shows that I have come through it still in pretty good shape. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: stephaniec on November 09, 2016, 06:10:49 PM
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 10, 2016, 07:01:31 AM
I have to assume i have hit the point that nerves are really starting to reconnect because the soreness has increased back to a level it was a week ago. Nothing I need painkiller for but definitely going to be icing it down again. I was warned that this would likely happen at some point and it has so I wasn't shocked by it last night. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 10, 2016, 12:42:18 PM
Found out today that they are covering Labiaplasty to so I will be having that on 3/27/17 with Dr Ley since her schedule fits with mine. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: HappyMoni on November 10, 2016, 05:54:31 PM
Do you think the 2 mile walk may have brought on today's soreness?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 10, 2016, 06:37:21 PM
I can't be 100 percent sure that it didn't. Hugs
Quote from: HappyMoni on November 10, 2016, 05:54:31 PM
Do you think the 2 mile walk may have brought on today's soreness?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 10, 2016, 10:58:59 PM
It;s just the nerves after how they have felt today it is clear its the nerves reconnecting. Hugs
Quote from: HappyMoni on November 10, 2016, 05:54:31 PM
Do you think the 2 mile walk may have brought on today's soreness?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jacqueline on November 11, 2016, 10:22:52 AM
Quote from: Mariah on November 10, 2016, 12:42:18 PM
Found out today that they are covering Labiaplasty to so I will be having that on 3/27/17 with Dr Ley since her schedule fits with mine. Hugs

Brilliant. That sounds great, Mariah.

Tell those nerves to carry on but more quietly, please. ;)

Take care.

With warmth,

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 12, 2016, 09:05:54 AM
The icing is helping with the nerve pain, but otherwise everything is good. it's hard to believe i got out of the hospital a week ago today and that so much time has passed that even now it's becoming easy to forget what life was like before. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 14, 2016, 07:28:01 AM
I was shy one of my dilations for the first time yesterday and the result is it is harder to get to the full depth at this point. I'm sure it should be attainable today again, but still goes to show how even one missed one sometimes can have an affect. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 14, 2016, 09:03:31 AM
Quote from: Mariah on November 14, 2016, 07:28:01 AM
I was shy one of my dilations for the first time yesterday and the result is it is harder to get to the full depth at this point. I'm sure it should be attainable today again, but still goes to show how even one missed one sometimes can have an affect. Hugs

Wow, just one? It is pretty early in recovery though. I will keep this in mind when I'm at your stage.

Very happy for you!!

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 14, 2016, 09:39:39 AM
Quote from: Mariah on November 14, 2016, 07:28:01 AM
I was shy one of my dilations for the first time yesterday and the result is it is harder to get to the full depth at this point. I'm sure it should be attainable today again, but still goes to show how even one missed one sometimes can have an affect. Hugs
The nurse at the recovery where I went said if you missed one.... add another 5 minutes on your next one!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 14, 2016, 10:02:03 AM
Good idea. Thank You. I will have to do that the next time that happens. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 14, 2016, 09:39:39 AM
The nurse at the recovery where I went said if you missed one.... add another 5 minutes on your next one!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 14, 2016, 08:39:41 PM
I seem to be back about what my previous dilation depth was again so that is a good thing. Some ways will be interesting to see how things go when I'm scheduled to go to the next dilator up on Wednesday. Part of me still wants to think there is no way in the world that is going to fit in me even though I know that it may not go back in as far it will fit Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 08:54:29 AM
This is supposed to be my last day on dilator one. I guess we will find out tomorrow how ready my body is for the size of dilator number 2. It's kind of a surreal moment to realize I have been dilating this long already. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Tiamet on November 15, 2016, 11:10:05 AM
I'm happy you're making progress with recovery, thanks for sharing.  Don't be too shocked if there is some dark blood or clots that come when you change dilators. That can release trapped blood which I was told is a good thing for healing. It gets a lot easier after 4-5 weeks.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 11:26:59 AM
Dually noted and thank you. It wouldn't surprise me considering how little the bleeding is now. Hugs
Quote from: Tiamet on November 15, 2016, 11:10:05 AM
I'm happy you're making progress with recovery, thanks for sharing.  Don't be too shocked if there is some dark blood or clots that come when you change dilators. That can release trapped blood which I was told is a good thing for healing. It gets a lot easier after 4-5 weeks.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 03:58:45 PM
For the first time since i started dilating i had a scab come out while dilating today. Needless to say it caught me off guard at first but then it's okay this is to be expected. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 07:28:44 PM
I'm waiting to here back from Melter but have spoken to the nurse who has viewed the photos I took. Looks like I have some dehiscence going on. Apparently isn't an uncommon  complication so we are putting antibiotic ointment on those spots too. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Brooke on November 15, 2016, 07:43:57 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Mariah, that does not sound fun or comfortable.

I just googled dehiscence (never heard of it ) and if your comfortable sharing, I'd be interested to know how it's presenting and in the case of you and/or general GCS- is there anything one can do to try and prevent it?

Hang in there, it sounds like overall your coming along quite well!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 08:03:26 PM
Not sure anything can be done to prevent it Things can be done to keep it from getting worse and improve but prevent it isn't a real strong possibility. Now as far as the spots that have this. They are basically spots that have normal tissue and then some granulation tissue followed by this white strip or strips sometimes with space next to it. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Brooke on November 15, 2016, 08:18:21 PM
Interesting (okay that's my inner geek speaking). Thanks for sharing such intimate information. Always good to know possible complications, and hear from others who have walked the path before.

If I may also ask Mariah, after surgery did. You have that feeling of "this is right, how it should've been, what I was missing" that many get after HRT starts taking effect (myself included) As GCS isn't directly messing with hormones (assuming that E and T were in correct ranges pre-op) I've wondered if GCS has that quality or if it might be more similar to the therapeutic effect of successfully interacting with society as Female.

Last question. Do you have anything to add in regards to interacting with Dr. Meltzer and the care you received that you did not find (or comment on) elsewhere?

Thanks again!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 08:25:00 PM
Your welcome. I definitely felt like everything is as it should have always been. It was just like a natural feeling and even the pads i took to like a fish does water. Everything just came naturally for me. That's just me, I'm sure others may have had other or different feelings. Hugs
Quote from: Brooke on November 15, 2016, 08:18:21 PM
Interesting (okay that's my inner geek speaking). Thanks for sharing such intimate information. Always good to know possible complications, and hear from others who have walked the path before.

If I may also ask Mariah, after surgery did. You have that feeling of "this is right, how it should've been, what I was missing" that many get after HRT starts taking effect (myself included) As GCS isn't directly messing with hormones (assuming that E and T were in correct ranges pre-op) I've wondered if GCS has that quality or if it might be more similar to the therapeutic effect of successfully interacting with society as Female.

Last question. Do you have anything to add in regards to interacting with Dr. Meltzer and the care you received that you did not find (or comment on) elsewhere?

Thanks again!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on November 15, 2016, 09:17:55 PM
Quote from: Brooke on November 15, 2016, 08:18:21 PM
Last question. Do you have anything to add in regards to interacting with Dr. Meltzer and the care you received that you did not find (or comment on) elsewhere?
While I was in the hospital with Mariah I talked with him after surgery and several times when he came into the room to visit with Mariah. I found him to be personable, knowledgeable, enjoys his work and willing to take the time needed answer your questions. If I were considering having some work done, he would be on the top of my list to see. Overall I have seen how Mariah's surgery is healing and I am impressed that there is as little post surgical bleeding as there is. My surgery made a far bigger mess while healing. You are expected to bleed after surgery for between a month or two but Mariah is doing very little.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 15, 2016, 09:26:27 PM
Meltzer took the time to respond to any questions and never rushed. He did a thorough job and his staff has been thorough to respond to any questions and concerns I have had. Hugs
Quote from: Brooke on November 15, 2016, 08:18:21 PM
Last question. Do you have anything to add in regards to interacting with Dr. Meltzer and the care you received that you did not find (or comment on) elsewhere?

Thanks again!

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 01:01:32 PM
i can't say that I'm not a little bit nervous about moving up to the next dilator, but with my next dilation I'm going to be doing that and seeing slowly how it goes. it should be interesting to see how well my body handles it. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 04:39:27 PM
So started using the second dilator and the 2 tapered dilators. I couldn't get the second one past the 4 inch mark at this point. I'm not surprised since it is still slightly tight with dilator 1 back that far so I guess it's progress of a sort. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 05:14:06 PM
they finally got back with me via email a short time ago. here is what they said. So as the suspected it is what expected plus the fact the drains were their so that explains it. Hugs

QuoteHI Mariah,

I reviewed the photos with Dr. Meltzer he said the small wounds on both legs between the groin and labia are where the JP drains were so it is a healing drain site. Continue to wash with soap and water and apply bacitracin twice a day.

The new photos you sent me today show normal dehiscence, also wash with soap and water and apply bacitracin to the open areas twice a day, both areas will heal in time.


(removed name) RN
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 16, 2016, 05:29:49 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 01:01:32 PM
i can't say that I'm not a little bit nervous about moving up to the next dilator, but with my next dilation I'm going to be doing that and seeing slowly how it goes. it should be interesting to see how well my body handles it. Hugs
The dilation schedule is interesting for you... we only have 3 dilators... and I'm on month two and I'm using all three... first month I'm using the smallest 1 1/4 inches in diameter and the
Middle 1 3/8 inches in diameter .... the biggest one is 1 1/2 inches in diameter... what are the sizes of your dilators...

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 06:10:54 PM
The biggest is 1 1/2 and I'm not sure of the others. 2 of the dilators are tapered. The smallest might be an inch, but don't quote me on that. They told us but I don't recall. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 16, 2016, 05:29:49 PM
The dilation schedule is interesting for you... we only have 3 dilators... and I'm on month two and I'm using all three... first month I'm using the smallest 1 1/4 inches in diameter and the
Middle 1 3/8 inches in diameter .... the biggest one is 1 1/2 inches in diameter... what are the sizes of your dilators...

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Jessika on November 16, 2016, 07:10:50 PM
So happy all is well Mariah.

I have a question since you've been through it all.

When someone goes Full-time, how does the Surgeon or anyone else know when you have done the 1 year RLE to qualify for surgery?
How would they know when you started and finished?

Never understood how the 1 year test is verified.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: I Am Jess on November 16, 2016, 07:21:52 PM
Quote from: Jessika on November 16, 2016, 07:10:50 PM

When someone goes Full-time, how does the Surgeon or anyone else know when you have done the 1 year RLE to qualify for surgery?
How would they know when you started and finished?

Never understood how the 1 year test is verified.

In my case it was listed in the letter from my therapist and the psychiatrist.  They certified that I had completed the one year RLE in compliance with the WPATH Standards of Care.  I believe that is how it is usually done.  Since Insurance Companies generally also require that info it is the verification letters that are the key.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 07:38:21 PM
In my case it was in the letters, but also they sometimes will still ask you for the info. As I am Jess said it really does come down to the WAPTH standards of care. Hugs
Quote from: Jessika on November 16, 2016, 07:10:50 PM
So happy all is well Mariah.

I have a question since you've been through it all.

When someone goes Full-time, how does the Surgeon or anyone else know when you have done the 1 year RLE to qualify for surgery?
How would they know when you started and finished?

Never understood how the 1 year test is verified.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 07:40:04 PM
I was able to get 2 in a bit farther this time and the more I do it the quicker number one goes in. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 16, 2016, 08:46:14 PM
Quote from: Jessika on November 16, 2016, 07:10:50 PM
So happy all is well Mariah.

I have a question since you've been through it all.

When someone goes Full-time, how does the Surgeon or anyone else know when you have done the 1 year RLE to qualify for surgery?
How would they know when you started and finished?

Never understood how the 1 year test is verified.


I was told that any document showing your "girl" name with a date that is a year old is adequate. In my case, the court order with my name change was good enough for anyone who asked.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 16, 2016, 08:57:19 PM
Meltzer asked specific questions in regards to the dates of the legal changes of name and gender which kind of surprised me, Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on November 16, 2016, 08:46:14 PM
I was told that any document showing your "girl" name with a date that is a year old is adequate. In my case, the court order with my name change was good enough for anyone who asked.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 16, 2016, 09:44:11 PM
Mariah, have there been any "Gee I wish I'd know XYZ before, it would've helped in my planning (or recovery)" moments?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 17, 2016, 07:27:16 AM
The biggest change that I didn't know before hand was the fact I'm having to rinse out the area with a peri bottle due to how my urine is spraying the area until the stream finally settles down and isn't spraying the areas that are healing i wasn't expecting that and that adaptation was made slightly before I left the hospital. The other thing is sometimes some things like even the clit are going to bleed as the healing process goes along even if they hadn't been bleeding for most of the healing time. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on November 16, 2016, 09:44:11 PM
Mariah, have there been any "Gee I wish I'd know XYZ before, it would've helped in my planning (or recovery)" moments?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 17, 2016, 10:16:49 AM
I wonder if brassard Nd meltzer have the same technique... I know both does penile inversion but each doctor modifies it with their own... what did your doctor use for the hood? And do you have a minora?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 17, 2016, 12:25:12 PM
Generally he does things in a two step procedure and regardless mine had to be a two step procedure. He just had to much work to do. Hence the Labiaplasty that is scheduled. So no hood at the clit that I can see as of now. There is a little bit of a minor now but now really well defined. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 17, 2016, 10:16:49 AM
I wonder if brassard Nd meltzer have the same technique... I know both does penile inversion but each doctor modifies it with their own... what did your doctor use for the hood? And do you have a minora?

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 17, 2016, 12:26:42 PM
As much as they mentioned doing a certain number and then a another number you may have to change the order especially at the beginning of the day if really tight and use 1 or whatever the step below is to start the day before switching to the next level up. I was so tight this morning that I'm going to have to do that myself too. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 17, 2016, 07:13:07 PM
Changing the order for each to staring with the smaller and working up works. I was able to get 2 in 5 inches this time. There instructions were to due 2T then 2 and then 1 once it was time to move up to number 2 but  going with 1, 2T and then 2 seems to be the trick. It was originally Dena's idea, but it is spot on advice and is working for me. It loosens and relaxes things enough that 2 goes in much better than before. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on November 17, 2016, 07:18:34 PM
It was either that or a trip to Harbor Freight for a bigger hammer.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 18, 2016, 01:50:08 PM
I have finally been able to get it in a good 5 and 1/2 inches which is getting much closer to the full depth of my vagina. I had to concede one of my dilations and today and TBH I think it was a smart move. Rushing 4 of them into 12 hours hasn't been doing any good and resulting in a large amount of separation between them and with my schedule today it made more since to get three evenly spaced in that can be more affective than 4 crunched into such a short period of time considering they wanted them to gradually be farther apart over this month. I already planned on doing 3 instead of 2 at the one month point anyways which will also help compensate for days like today. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 18, 2016, 01:50:33 PM
Quote from: Dena on November 17, 2016, 07:18:34 PM
It was either that or a trip to Harbor Freight for a bigger hammer.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 18, 2016, 04:37:55 PM
Quote from: Dena on November 17, 2016, 07:18:34 PM
It was either that or a trip to Harbor Freight for a bigger hammer.

A horizontally mounted arbor press would provide more consistent pressure, methinks.

Good idea on the pre-dialation of the next size down, before moving to the larger. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 11:15:54 AM
So they decided even through TSA Pre check to see exactly what my dilators were. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 12:22:04 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 11:15:54 AM
So they decided even through TSA Pre check to see exactly what my dilators were. Hugs

Oh, the mental images THAT produces.   ::)  >:-)  I hope you managed to grin at them through the experience.  Or did you have to explain exactly what that object the inspector was holding in their blue-gloved hands was?   :o
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on November 19, 2016, 05:15:09 PM
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 12:22:04 PM
Oh, the mental images THAT produces.   ::)  >:-)  I hope you managed to grin at them through the experience.  Or did you have to explain exactly what that object the inspector was holding in their blue-gloved hands was?   :o
She has 6 of them all wrapped in a nice soft bath towel. That would take a lot of explaining as to why she needed so many and what each was used for. :icon_censored:
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 05:25:47 PM
Quote from: Dena on November 19, 2016, 05:15:09 PM
She has 6 of them all wrapped in a nice soft bath towel. That would take a lot of explaining as to why she needed so many and what each was used for. :icon_censored:

Oh, dear.  I think I want to go out and buy a set just to put in my carry-on baggage for my next flight.   >:-)   My therapist does think I may have a slight cruel streak in my personality.  ;)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on November 19, 2016, 05:29:26 PM
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 05:25:47 PM
Oh, dear.  I think I want to go out and buy a set just to put in my carry-on baggage for my next flight.   >:-)   My therapist does think I may have a slight cruel streak in my personality.  ;)
The are $80 apiece so make sure you have plenty of room on your credit card. I was thinking about getting a replacement for my dirty book store special but after I heard the price, I had second thoughts.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: HappyMoni on November 19, 2016, 05:52:01 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't dilaters well known for smuggling drugs. Just brainstorming here, but I imagine the larger ones could be used as a weapon. Let's see them cover that on the evening news. :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on November 19, 2016, 07:37:37 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on November 19, 2016, 05:52:01 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't dilaters well known for smuggling drugs. Just brainstorming here, but I imagine the larger ones could be used as a weapon. Let's see them cover that on the evening news. :)
Those are about 9 inches long with a diameter between 1 and 1.5 inches. They have a bend about 3 inches up and are clear plastic. They are a work of art and I would hate to use one as a billy club.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 19, 2016, 07:50:35 PM
Yea they asked me what they were I said they were vaginal dilators

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 08:10:13 PM
I just stated they were medical devices needed due to recent surgery I had. I didn't say anything more than that. He touched and looked for a second and moved on. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 19, 2016, 07:50:35 PM
Yea they asked me what they were I said they were vaginal dilators

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 08:14:01 PM
I did what I could to explain without outing myself. Needless to say when it came to packing the suitcase he let me repack and helped me where I needed it without touching personal affects. I have to admit he was rather professional but skeptical until he saw the letter from Meltzer's office.
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 12:22:04 PM
Oh, the mental images THAT produces.   ::)  >:-)  I hope you managed to grin at them through the experience.  Or did you have to explain exactly what that object the inspector was holding in their blue-gloved hands was?   :o
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 08:16:44 PM
Nothing wrong with that. Hugs
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 19, 2016, 05:25:47 PM
Oh, dear.  I think I want to go out and buy a set just to put in my carry-on baggage for my next flight.   >:-)   My therapist does think I may have a slight cruel streak in my personality.  ;)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on November 20, 2016, 05:31:46 AM
Quote from: Mariah on November 19, 2016, 08:14:01 PM
I did what I could to explain without outing myself. Needless to say when it came to packing the suitcase he let me repack and helped me where I needed it without touching personal affects. I have to admit he was rather professional but skeptical until he saw the letter from Meltzer's office.

Apparently this has happened before? Needing a letter to clear airport security?

Quote from: Mariah on October 26, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
The dilators are numbered 1, 2T, 2, 3T, 3 and 4


I wondered why they were molded in clear...all the ones I've seen online were in solid colors. Clear would make it impossible to smuggle contraband or ex plo *ives.  (<--to spoof internet sniffers  8) )
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 20, 2016, 07:30:04 AM
The letter was made more for the reasons of those with the Catheter still in and for the fact that pre boarding and the like for us should be allowed due to recent surgery. It doesn't directly or even indirectly talk about them. The key is I was able to use the letter to give more concrete reason as to why they were needed. Sooner or later I'm going to have to use the that they are Vaginal dilators needed due to Vaginal reconstruction surgery and leave it at that. They don't need to know more IMO. He was nice and considerate so I have no complaints.

I don't recall the material they are made out of. They tell you but I don't remember. I had a lot of info tossed in my direction that day by the medical team so it was a lot to absorb them. Anyways 2 are tapered to help get the next step bigger in. I hope the helps explain that. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on November 20, 2016, 05:31:46 AM
Apparently this has happened before? Needing a letter to clear airport security?

I wondered why they were molded in clear...all the ones I've seen online were in solid colors. Clear would make it impossible to smuggle contraband or ex plo *ives.  (<--to spoof internet sniffers  8) )
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 22, 2016, 09:48:02 AM
Here is an update. Due to my schedule there has been many days where three evenly spaced once have been all that can be done except for last Saturday when two was the best I could get done. I'm almost tot he point with now with dilator number 2 is in at the full depth which means I'm about ready to shed dilators 2T and 1 for the first time. This morning things was meant much smoother than they did yesterday. I suppose I just had to get the position down in this house like I did elsewhere. The blood on the pad is almost non existent and those spots have started to shed the white which has been showing up on the pad. It's starting to clean up nicely finally. I started bak to work yesterday and everything is going well so far.  Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 25, 2016, 04:01:38 PM
I have now reached the point where I was able to finally leave dilator number 1 behind and focus on 2T and 2 alone without the need for 1. First of a few steps up, but it is a step up finally. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: mm on November 25, 2016, 04:39:47 PM
good for you, Mariah, you are making nice progress.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 25, 2016, 04:43:52 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 25, 2016, 04:01:38 PM
I have now reached the point where I was able to finally leave dilator number 1 behind and focus on 2T and 2 alone without the need for 1. First of a few steps up, but it is a step up finally. Hugs
That's a lot of steps... In the end of my 4th week I was already doing the biggest dilator... I wonder how each doctor determine dilation schedule

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 25, 2016, 05:57:54 PM
I'm not sure. I have been using thee dilators since November 16 when I started using number 2. They have us keep using 1 at the same time to ensure your getting the full depth. Hugs
Quote from: jujubes1986 on November 25, 2016, 04:43:52 PM
That's a lot of steps... In the end of my 4th week I was already doing the biggest dilator... I wonder how each doctor determine dilation schedule

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on November 25, 2016, 06:00:09 PM
Quote from: Mariah on November 25, 2016, 05:57:54 PM
I'm not sure. I have been using thee dilators since November 16 when I started using number 2. They have us keep using 1 at the same time to ensure your getting the full depth. Hugs
seems like you are getting g the hang of it :)

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 25, 2016, 06:01:28 PM
mm Thank you.
Quote from: mm on November 25, 2016, 04:39:47 PM
good for you, Mariah, you are making nice progress.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 27, 2016, 12:18:25 PM
So I missed my last dilation last night and only got two in as a result yesterday. I compensated this morning knowing it would be tight by using 1 before using 2 this morning. It was a little tight on 2 but I wanted to make sure everything was alright by not having near enough dilations in yesterday. All went well and we move forward. Otherwise some bleeding is still occurring but very light and on the most part any discomfort is far less than it was a couple weeks ago so all in all everything is going well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: stephaniec on November 27, 2016, 12:40:29 PM
good to know
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Lyndsey on November 27, 2016, 12:47:18 PM
Quote from: Mariah on August 18, 2016, 09:47:44 AM
I know, I'm so not good at waiting and yes it's 70 days away at this point, but I couldn't resist.

I have been itching to start this thread for a little while now and I guess I won't make myself wait any longer to do it. I have one last doctor's appointment and that is my yearly appointment with the Endo. Yet, all the gatekeeper hoops and related appointments are past me now. It's hard to believe it took over 2 years to clear all of those hoops including the health related ones that I recently had to clear which were the reasons the case manager with the transgender services program with the insurance thought would never happen. In the process, I proved that not only would I be able to get SRS, which I so dearly need, but also improve my overall health in the process.

I have a little over two months and and week tell my SRS or 70 days to be exact and basically taken care of all the preparations I can now that I can do before arriving in the Phoenix area. I'm leaving for the Phoenix area 65 days from now. I will use this thread as a sort of blog that I will post in sharing all my experiences related to my SRS procedure that I know will help others along their journeys too. As it gets closer, I will update this thread much more often maybe and hopefully daily eventually.  The schedule at this point is like this. Here we go!
9/29 last HRT injection before SRS
10/22 I leave for and arrive in Phoenix
10/23 going to something with a good close friend
10/24 Any last minute things I may need for my time in Phoenix that I didn't already have but needed to get.
10/25 likely just a down day to prepare for my surgery 10/27 with DR. Meltzer
10/26 pre op appointment, liquid diet and the bowel prep.
10/27 I check in the hospital at 11am (all tests, if needed, that they want to run will be done at this point EKG, Blood, urine, Chest X-ray) for an 1pm surgery
10/28 bed rest
10/29-11-4 various things will occur over these days
11/5 I check out of the recovery center in the afternoon
11/6-18 I spend a good amount of time resting, dilating along with a little time doing a few activities.
11/19 I leave Phoenix and arrive home.

To my Dearest Friend and sister

I'm so proud to be part of your life as we have became so close. You are a dear friend and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am and with your upcoming completely new live with your Partner in life. I will an as you know be here for you and your sister. Love You Sweetie.

Lyndsey Marie Burke LS/PHD/PWS
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 28, 2016, 10:14:16 AM
It's safe to say that I won't be starting number 3 on Wednesday like the schedule calls for but then it says it could be 2 or 3 weeks from the previous level so I'm inclined to possibly start using 3T though and start getting some expansion up front which will make 3 easier when the time comes. We will see what happens but all is going well with number and probably very close to shedding 2T anyways which might be the sign that it really is time for 3. I guess we will see. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Inarasarah on November 28, 2016, 10:42:29 AM

I know I said it on the other thread, congratz.  

I never found dilating all that much fun...still don't.  but my advice is keep doing it and do your very best to stick to that schedule up front, because it is a lot harder to go up in size the longer it has been since SRS.  At least that has been my experience.  Once you can start going a few days without, really try to stick to a schedule.  Age just tightens everything up, once again I speak from experience.  <3

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 28, 2016, 10:56:12 AM
Schedule mentions 2 or 3 weeks which is why it is that way. Pretty sure though that at least partially I will hit dilator number 3 2 weeks out from starting dilator number 2. That two week point is this Wednesday so we will see. Thank you for that advice, yeah I have been pretty good at sticking to the schedule as best I can and have stuck pretty closely to it other than having to adjust to three dilations instead of four do to my schedule. It just couldn't be helped. Body seems to be responding fine to that change though. I figured as much though that is why I have tried to stick very closely tot hat schedule because of how hard it can be if you don't. Thank you again. Hugs
Quote from: Inarasarah on November 28, 2016, 10:42:29 AM

I know I said it on the other thread, congratz.  

I never found dilating all that much fun...still don't.  but my advice is keep doing it and do your very best to stick to that schedule up front, because it is a lot harder to go up in size the longer it has been since SRS.  At least that has been my experience.  Once you can start going a few days without, really try to stick to a schedule.  Age just tightens everything up, once again I speak from experience.  <3

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 29, 2016, 08:56:42 AM
Dilating with 2 is going so well that I will be able to tackle 3T and 3 tomorrow too. So everything is still on the faster window which is fantastic. It won't be long and 4 won't seem so big. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 29, 2016, 12:35:34 PM
Today is my appointment with my primary care doctor to check on how I am doing since my SRS. Guess we will find what she thinks of how I am doing. Hugs

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on November 29, 2016, 07:59:52 PM
Good Luck.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on November 30, 2016, 05:45:44 PM
Have started using 3T but have yet to use 3 yet. Depending on how things go tonight I may use it tomorrow or the next day. All is going well though. It was a bit of a long night last night. I was bit sore and just couldn't find any comfortable position. I got up and wiped myself after going pee and well there was blood. The blood wasn't from peeing but from the pee hitting down farther and causing spots that were blood was but wasn't actively bleeding from the spots that are heeling still. Was able to sleep though really well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 01, 2016, 05:10:18 PM
Attempted 3 last night and it just didn't open wide enough for it go in. I'm probably going to try it again tonight now that 3T is going in a bit further I think that I maybe able start using 3 which will help allow 3T in even further. I'm still making progress, just that it is slow progress. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on December 01, 2016, 05:24:18 PM
Patience, don't rush things!  :o
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 01, 2016, 05:44:07 PM
True which is why I'm working it gradually despite yesterday being the day by schedule it was supposed to occur. Your right though patience is important at this point Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on December 01, 2016, 05:24:18 PM
Patience, don't rush things!  :o
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on December 01, 2016, 06:57:32 PM
Mariah, I had a question about advancing in size. I think Monday when I see my doctor she will want me to split my dilations 15 minutes with #1 and 15 minutes #2.

My question is when I use the #2 dilator how do you know it is too big to go in verses push harder? Is there a maximum force I should use? Is it painful to go up in size and is that the limiting factor? I do not want to damage my graph.

A second question. When I am dilating with the #1 dilator and it is in all the way and I am pushing with about 4 pounds of force there is a very little discomfort. How do I know I am pushing hard enough?

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 01, 2016, 07:05:47 PM
When I started I probably didn't use as much force as I should have, but having said that you have push hard enough to get past the muscle up front. After that you go in slow and easy. If it starts to hurt to much, you stop maybe wait a few then if that subsides you can continue trying to go in deeper tell either it hurts much or you reach the back. I think so at first it is painful to go up a size. I'm  finding that even with the Tapered one I'm using it is but it is getting less so over time and as such going back further

Once you reach your depth and you didn't get stuck further up front because it wasn't ready to go all the way back don't use any more pressure than needed to maintain that depth, but if it hurts to much to reach that depth don't push it.

As long as you reach the full depth and can maintain that without having to keep adjusting it and it isn't causing any additional discomfort than great. Long as you feel the back your good. Hugs

Quote from: Rachel Lynn on December 01, 2016, 06:57:32 PM
Mariah, I had a question about advancing in size. I think Monday when I see my doctor she will want me to split my dilations 15 minutes with #1 and 15 minutes #2.

My question is when I use the #2 dilator how do you know it is too big to go in verses push harder? Is there a maximum force I should use? Is it painful to go up in size and is that the limiting factor? I do not want to damage my graph.

A second question. When I am dilating with the #1 dilator and it is in all the way and I am pushing with about 4 pounds of force there is a very little discomfort. How do I know I am pushing hard enough?

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on December 01, 2016, 07:12:34 PM
A simple way to think about it is use #1 to establish depth and #2 in order to gain width. When you use #1, you may feel a little discomfort but if you feel pain, you are pushing to hard. When you step up to #2 you are going for the same discomfort BUT at first the dilator may not want to go all the way in. If it doesn't just hold a a constant pressure about the same as you use with #1. Over several dilation periods, you will gain depth with #2. Don't discontinue using #1 until you feel you are reaching full depth with #2. Remember that you are working to prevent the formation of scar tissue and to do that, you need to work the tissue by stretching it.

When you are fully healed and working with the largest dilator, the discomfort will go away even when you are pressing reasonably hard. The doctors should have told you the depth to expect with #1 so that should tell you the feeling to expect when you are all the way in. That is the feeling to expect with any dilator when you are at maximum depth.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on December 01, 2016, 08:41:49 PM
Thank you Mariah and Dena.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 02, 2016, 10:52:19 AM
Going to stick with 3 dilations even though today was supposed to be the day to decrease the number. It's clear a bit longer to help allow 3 to go in is best at this point. I'm getting close and may even try three again this next time based on how 3T is going in now. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 04, 2016, 09:12:04 AM
So the dilations with number 2 have gotten much easier and 3T is gradually getting easier to. I'm going to try again either today or tomorrow number 3 but looks like I'm on trend for the 3 weeks and not that is on the schedule. I suppose my not having been able to do 4 times a day after I got home is probably why. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 04, 2016, 09:56:25 PM
It took a few days but I finally got number 3 in. The problem has been that muscle at the opening of the vagina has been super tight and I just hadn't gotten it relaxed enough to fit number 3 in before now. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on December 05, 2016, 04:22:07 PM
Hi Mariah, congratulations. Do you mind if I ask how do you relax the muscle.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 05, 2016, 04:40:36 PM
A couple things I do that both need to be done or you end up tensing up. One is a comfortable position because if your arched or bent in any particular way it will tense the muscles up no matter what you do. Then the other is relax and slowly breathe through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Now while your doing that just white light kind of let it in gulf you but if that doesn't work then hopefully something out there motivates you enough to focus on while doing the breathing. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on December 05, 2016, 04:22:07 PM
Hi Mariah, congratulations. Do you mind if I ask how do you relax the muscle.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on December 05, 2016, 05:23:55 PM
Some additional things. Bend your body at the waist holding your back up with pillows and have your legs straight on top the bed. Once you figure out where the dilator goes, bring your legs together and relax all the muscles in the lower half of the body.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on December 05, 2016, 05:36:51 PM
Mariah and Dina, thank you. I get to try #2 tonight.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 05, 2016, 05:43:20 PM
Yay, congrats Rachel Lynn. I get to try number 4 in about 2 weeks. I suspect it won't be that quick at going in thous. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on December 05, 2016, 05:36:51 PM
Mariah and Dina, thank you. I get to try #2 tonight.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on December 05, 2016, 07:30:12 PM
Quote from: Mariah on December 05, 2016, 04:40:36 PM
A couple things I do that both need to be done or you end up tensing up. One is a comfortable position because if your arched or bent in any particular way it will tense the muscles up no matter what you do. Then the other is relax and slowly breathe through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Now while your doing that just white light kind of let it in gulf you but if that doesn't work then hopefully something out there motivates you enough to focus on while doing the breathing. Hugs

"White light...engulf(s) you" suggests a moderate level of pain.

Could you clarify what you mean, and also is there much pain/discomfort in your dialations?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 05, 2016, 10:15:23 PM
It's not just that your focusing on something and removing the tension from your body. It's just an exercise. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on December 06, 2016, 05:40:01 AM
Thank you Mariah.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 07, 2016, 02:34:47 PM
So 3T is now going in the full depth that I need it too and things are stretching far easier than they were a week ago which is fantastic. Also everything is healing nicely and less areas require ointment now than before. So looks like three weeks was really what I needed to be ready for number 3 even though I was able to get it in before. hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 10, 2016, 02:13:15 PM
3 is going in deeper than before which is a good thing. I'm waiting to hear back from Meltzer's office to determine if Silver nitrate is needed for some excessive granulation or if we are supposed to wait it out a bit more before taking action. One of the two spots with it isn't a surprise at all considering it is next to my urethra and all the surgical work done there in the past and that was done this time too. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 12, 2016, 05:32:45 PM
Meltzer's office sending silver nitrate to help deal with the issue. There is to much granulation in certain spots that it has to be dealt with at this point. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 17, 2016, 04:02:36 PM
It's been awhile so I thought I would update. It looks like based on feel that I now have reached full depth with dilator number 3. As was the case with 2, 3 started shy of 6 inches too, any but over time stretched back to 6. As long as I keep hitting all the way back I will be able to discontinue in the next day or so number 2 and just use 3 and 3T until I'm ready for number 4. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on December 18, 2016, 01:35:10 AM
So...tell us about the silver nitrate. Does a Dr apply it? What does it do to granulation?

What is granulation, and how does one know if it is present?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 18, 2016, 07:33:08 AM
Thread on granulation does a good job of showing it.The area is generally like red and bumpy. Key is though that in this case the problem is that I have to much in spot. high resolution photos I sent are what allowed them to know what is going on and where. They also are sending it to me with the instructions. Certain appointments are not to be done until after 3 months according to Meltzer so his office is handling since right now I'm in Kennewick or I would have been brought back into his office and had it done by him or someone on his team instead. As to how you do that I can't explain because I'm waiting for that to arrive. Weather and how the postal system set up these days results in things taking longer. I'm expecting it very early next week. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on December 18, 2016, 01:35:10 AM
So...tell us about the silver nitrate. Does a Dr apply it? What does it do to granulation?

What is granulation, and how does one know if it is present?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on December 18, 2016, 10:30:03 AM
Silver nitrate is a chemical burn. Because it's a chemical, the burn can be carefully controlled and it only targets the desired area. Normally a doctor would do it because they know what they want done but it's like a paint brush so it's not difficult to do and with proper instruction, anybody could do it.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on December 19, 2016, 03:39:35 PM
I received the silver nitrate along with directions that includes the picture I took with a circle as to where to apply it. You got love something that can fix an issue but comes with a warning can permanently stain clothing. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 04, 2017, 08:41:53 AM
I'm solidly on 3 without the need for 3T. I'm a bit behind schedule, but just barely. They are now tracking progress on 3 spots where healing needs to improve. 2 are being treated for granulation already with silver nitrate, but I suspect a third will join the list shortly. The spot right on top of the perineum at the bottom of the labia. So we will see what happens. I maybe able to move the Labiaplasty up, but only if they feel I will heal in time. I have a feeling it has to stay where it is scheduled already. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 10, 2017, 06:06:01 PM
So we have stopped treating the spot next to the clit,but now we are treating the spot on the right on the bottom entrance to the vagina. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Rachel on January 11, 2017, 05:47:16 PM
Hi Mariah,

You are a few weeks ahead of me with your GCS. Have you noticed any tightening of the vaginal canal? I have been instructed to use all 4 dilators each time I dilate. On the 1.5 inch dilator it feels a little bit tighter now. It could be my imagination or it could be something that happens and is normal. Do you have any insight?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on January 11, 2017, 07:10:07 PM
If you are having difficulty with the larger dilator it might indicate you need to use it more. I think you are already doing 3 or 4 dilations a day so the trick might be a longer dilation session with the larger dilator. I have always had a 20 minute session from day one and that seems to be sufficient to maintain the proper size.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on January 11, 2017, 07:49:38 PM
My instructions for dilations (Meltzer/Ley) says:

Quote"Moving up in size approximately every two weeks: 

Start with number one. Use for approximately two weeks then move up to the number two.


"#3:  progress to the number three dilator when the number to becomes easier, in two to three weeks ."

Are you sure you're supposed to do all 4 sizes?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on January 11, 2017, 08:14:38 PM
Meltzer's dilator set consist of 1,2t,2,3t,3,4. The "T" dilators are tampered and are only used to open up enough room so the non "t" dilator will fit. Mariah and I have found that when you are going up, you would use 1,2t,2 as a set. Net step would be 2,3t,3 as the next step. The reason for this is the small dilator will give you full depth until you can get the larger dilator to full depth. Once the larger dilator will go to full depth, you can discontinue usage of the smaller ones.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 12, 2017, 10:54:15 AM
We were told 4 was optional. In my case, 4 is necessary due to my fiancé and because I wanted to do it in the first place but you can choose to stop at 3 if that is what you want to do. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on January 11, 2017, 07:49:38 PM
My instructions for dilations (Meltzer/Ley) says:

Are you sure you're supposed to do all 4 sizes?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on January 12, 2017, 11:41:53 AM
My concern was was "...I have been instructed to use all 4 dilators each time I dilate...."

Maybe I misread it, but it sounded like she was using all 4 sizes during each dilation session.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 12, 2017, 12:04:18 PM
Yeah, sounds like you misread it. It can be confusing for sure. You will start with dilator number 1 for 2 weeks. Then you will add dilators 2 and 2T while still doing 1 until 2 reaches the full depth that 1 is reaching. Then 2 additional weeks or 4 weeks after your first dilation you move onto 3T , and 3 while still using 2 until 3 reaches that same depth that 2 has been reaching. Then if you choose to go onto 4 the same thing. 3 and 4 would be at the same time until 4 reaches the full depth. Anyways that is how it works. I hope that helps Beth Andrea. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on January 12, 2017, 11:41:53 AM
My concern was was "...I have been instructed to use all 4 dilators each time I dilate...."

Maybe I misread it, but it sounded like she was using all 4 sizes during each dilation session.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 12, 2017, 12:37:56 PM
If I miss a dilation then yes it gets tight. We don't have to use all 4 at one time though. Meltzer has us dilate in a particular order that he has us using. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel Lynn on January 11, 2017, 05:47:16 PM
Hi Mariah,

You are a few weeks ahead of me with your GCS. Have you noticed any tightening of the vaginal canal? I have been instructed to use all 4 dilators each time I dilate. On the 1.5 inch dilator it feels a little bit tighter now. It could be my imagination or it could be something that happens and is normal. Do you have any insight?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 24, 2017, 12:07:42 PM
We have been treating the granulation tissue and I am still doing so, but now will be getting a post op follow up appointment with Meltzer once I arrive in Phoenix since he wants to evaluate the granulation tissue in person which is possible since I will be living in Arizona. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Beth Andrea on January 24, 2017, 10:05:10 PM
I already miss Dena and AZ...and it's only been 3 days since returning!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 24, 2017, 10:11:40 PM
As much as I missed Dena, I missed my then fiancé, now husband, even more when I returned to Washington State. Hugs
Quote from: Beth Andrea on January 24, 2017, 10:05:10 PM
I already miss Dena and AZ...and it's only been 3 days since returning!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Dena on January 24, 2017, 10:39:29 PM
I am only as far as a Skype call away though I can do face time as well.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on January 31, 2017, 10:58:01 AM
I will be following up with Meltzer in person February 8 so he can evaluate the granulation situation in person and I'm going to ask about the pee that still spraying to see what we can do about that now that I'm more than 3 months out. I kind of expected that to be the case considering the damage done to the urethra from all the prior surgeries though. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on February 08, 2017, 01:54:44 PM
They had me see Dr. Ley instead of Dr. Meltzer since she will be preforming the Labiaplasty. A good amount of granulation is inside the vagina and resulted in more silver nitrate being applied. I will be going back to follow up with her in two weeks time. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on February 22, 2017, 08:55:28 PM
So I had my speculum exam today. it hurt more, but the silver nitrate didn't hurt as much as last time. The granulation was bad enough that the Labiaplasty is now back to being on March 27 instead of March 8. I could definitely feel the speculum in there more today than the the first time. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: jujubes1986 on March 06, 2017, 07:10:29 PM
time flew by eh!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on August 07, 2017, 09:28:40 PM
So now been over 9 months and still fighting a little bit of granulation, but it is a lot better. Now going to be seeing Meltzer every 3 to 4 weeks to clear it up. I had to step down from 3 down to 2 at one point due the granulation and the measures needed to treat it. I'm just now working on getting 3T in again. It's taking time, but slowly making progress as I heal. I had the granulation treated again today and was able to dilate a couple hours later without issue this time. Short note I should have used a thicker pad after the exam because I might have ruined a pair of panties. Oh well. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: mm on August 08, 2017, 11:29:52 AM
Great you are making process; it has been a very long recovery for you, about as long as I have ever heard.  Just keep up with the dilating and  you will make it.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on August 08, 2017, 06:13:00 PM
Yep which is why I'm now scheduled to see him every three to four weeks. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Mariah on October 23, 2017, 07:47:50 PM
I had another checkup with Melter today and the granulation is barely there anymore. So hopefully when I have my next check up it should be clear of any granulation for good. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16
Post by: Laurie on October 23, 2017, 08:46:54 PM
  Well that would certainly be a good thing I'm sure. Happy things are looking better for you.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on April 23, 2018, 05:12:20 PM
So, it has been a few months since I last saw Dr. Meltzer for the granulation issue along with the fact of the lost width/ depth caused by the granulation. I'm starting to be able to get 3 in at times, however generally it just doesn't get beyond close to where the muscle is. It's about where things were sown together at the time of my surgery. So, we are trying something new. Starting today I will be using 4T in hopes of getting 3 in to full depth. He also treated the small amount of granulation that remained inside.  If this trick doesn't work and we don't make progress in the next few months, then Dr. Meltzer will have to go in and add a little bit of material so I can get 3 and 4 in eventually. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear and I suspected this was the case for awhile now that we were closing in on a point where another surgery would be necessary to make up for the fact I lost width due to how bad the granulation was.

Picture of what 4T looks like.

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Rachel on April 23, 2018, 05:20:58 PM
I hope it works out. I am sorry you lost depth and with. I know how that must hurt. Is there any way you can maintain depth with the #1 dilator?

I love the glass dilator. Do you know where he gets them?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on April 23, 2018, 05:26:47 PM
The depth I have pretty much fully regained to what I started the first dilation with. So the depth, it isn't the issue it was considering it is pretty close to 6 most of the time and times right at 6. 6 inches is where I started so we are making progress there. I'm just not making much, if any, progress on width which is a huge concern now. The glass dilators are special ordered for him. You can by them from his office directly. I'm not sure how much the standard set costs, however I do know that 4T and 5 are 70 dollars a piece. Hugs
Quote from: Rachel on April 23, 2018, 05:20:58 PM
I hope it works out. I am sorry you lost depth and with. I know how that must hurt. Is there any way you can maintain depth with the #1 dilator?

I love the glass dilator. Do you know where he gets them?
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Dena on April 23, 2018, 09:39:35 PM
While I haven't handled one of those dilators yet, I am pretty sure they are plastic and not glass. When I look in the end the color is grayish and not the green of glass. There is a special glass that's not green however to the best of my knowledge it's used for fiber optics and is a bit expensive to use for something like this.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on April 24, 2018, 05:22:46 PM
I was looking back through my own thread and discovered I had a method that helped get 2nd dilator in when I was having difficulty before. I am going to use 2 then 3T and then 3. I may use 4T instead of 3T or nay use both with 4T either before or after 3. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Kendra on April 24, 2018, 07:20:45 PM
I asked Dr. Ley when I was there, the dilators they include with surgery are made of Lucite ( and are custom manufactured. 

I didn't ask who designed them but I assume Dr. Meltzer.  They have a slight curve. 

Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on April 24, 2018, 07:45:05 PM
Kendra, Thank You. Hugs
Quote from: Kendra on April 24, 2018, 07:20:45 PM
I asked Dr. Ley when I was there, the dilators they include with surgery are made of Lucite ( and are custom manufactured. 

I didn't ask who designed them but I assume Dr. Meltzer.  They have a slight curve.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 12:43:27 PM
It's been awhile so I thought I would update everyone. I am now finally able to get 3 in with the aid of 4T and 3T. It took awhile, but once I was able to get passed the muscle it was just like when I first used 3 early on. I should still move up to 4, but will see what Meltzer thinks of things when I see him shortly. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Laurie on September 17, 2018, 01:02:56 PM
 Your due diligence will pay off in the end
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 01:05:31 PM
I know Jamie thinks so too. Hugs
Quote from: Laurie on September 17, 2018, 01:02:56 PM
Your due diligence will pay off in the end
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 01:50:15 PM
Good news the granulation is gone

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: I Am Jess on September 17, 2018, 02:10:47 PM
Quote from: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 01:50:15 PM
Good news the granulation is gone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blessed be!!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Kendra on September 17, 2018, 05:57:44 PM
Mariah that's excellent news on finally having all granulation gone.  I bet you are super happy!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: LizK on September 17, 2018, 06:26:34 PM
Nice to see you put those difficulties behind you. Good news that your granulation has cleared up...sounds like you are in terrific shape.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 06:34:19 PM
Thank you Kenda. I am so very happy Kendra. It was extremely good news. It's why the dilator will go in now without issues and why getting 4 is in reach now too again.  I will be seeing him again in 3 months to make sure everything is alright and that no new granulation resulted from finally getting to and maintaining 4.
Quote from: Kendra on September 17, 2018, 05:57:44 PM
Mariah that's excellent news on finally having all granulation gone.  I bet you are super happy!
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on September 17, 2018, 06:35:52 PM
I am getting there for sure. I still need to get up to 4 so my spouse can get in, however I'm a step closer now that 3 fits in without issues. Meltzer said today sometimes you need to heal completely before you are able to get the dilators you need to get in and that can take longer for some. Hugs
Quote from: LizK on September 17, 2018, 06:26:34 PM
Nice to see you put those difficulties behind you. Good news that your granulation has cleared up...sounds like you are in terrific shape.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on October 28, 2018, 05:32:47 PM
A bit of an update. Yesterday was two years since my surgery and was the first time that I had made a real effort to get the largest dilator in. All attempt before now were never successful at getting more than half an inch in. I was able to yesterday to get in around 4.5 inches. This is by far the farthest I have achieved with dilator number 4. I'm also back nearly to 6 inches again on dilator number 3 which at one point before the granulation treatment I was getting in close to 6.5 inches at on point. I'm making progress in both width and depth. It appears all the depth I had after surgery I will get back and I will be able to do so with dilator number 4 which is the largest in the set that I received at the time of my surgery. Hugs
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: LizK on October 28, 2018, 07:31:59 PM
Great progress it must be a bit of a relief to know you maintain your depth...congrats at hanging in there.

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: mm on October 29, 2018, 06:02:52 AM
That is great news Mariah. You must be relieved to know you still have your original depth and that you can get #4 slent in over 4 inches. You have had a long two years getting to this point with all your problems.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on October 30, 2018, 07:32:10 AM
Very much so especially after how long recovery has been.

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Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on May 03, 2019, 03:18:36 PM
Now that Meltzer has declared that I'm completely healed and that all drainage that was still occurring despite the granulation being gone before has ended I'm going to be retiring  this thread in the near future. Jamie, my spouse was there when we heard the news which peaked their interest considering he have the green light saying that the size of dilator that I'm using now is plenty wide enough for us to finally have sex. It was the only thing Jamie paid attention to at the appointment but is something that they have waited to do for a long time.
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Kendra on May 03, 2019, 04:57:35 PM
Congratulations!   Quite a long haul to get rid of granulation - this is great news. 
Title: Re: Mariah's GRS with Dr. Meltzer 10/27/16 and Post surgical journey.
Post by: Mariah on May 03, 2019, 04:59:15 PM
Yes indeed and Thanks.

Thread retired.
Quote from: Kendra on May 03, 2019, 04:57:35 PM
Congratulations!   Quite a long haul to get rid of granulation - this is great news.