News and Events => Religious news => Topic started by: Deborah on August 31, 2016, 11:29:03 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Student harassed by homophobic hate preacher drowns out his bigotry with b>-bleeped-<ipes
Post by: Deborah on August 31, 2016, 11:29:03 AM
Student harassed by homophobic hate preacher drowns out his bigotry with b>-bleeped-<ipes

By Joe Morgan>-bleeped-<ipes/#gs.g=XfIA0

A student who was harassed by a homophobic street preacher responded in the best way, drowning his bigotry out with b>-bleeped-<ipes.

Brice Ehmig, a fourth year political science student at Florida Gulf Coast University, was sick of the preacher's homophobic rants.

On several ocassions, the preacher compared homosexuality to bestiality and yelled at her for holding hands with her girlfriend.

And in a video on her Facebook page, Brice trolls the bigot by blaring out her bgpipes.

Title: Re: Student harassed by homophobic hate preacher drowns out his bigotry with b>-bleeped-<ipes
Post by: Michelle_P on August 31, 2016, 11:58:35 AM
Nice.  Needs more b>-bleeped-<ipes! :)
Title: Re: Student harassed by homophobic hate preacher drowns out his bigotry with b>-bleeped-<ipes
Post by: Vicky on October 10, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
I know this is a few days old, but it puts me in mind of what an old Scots friend told me once --  "If ye hear harps abounding, ye may be in heaven, but if ye hear the pipes a-brayin' yer probably on your way to Hell!!"