General Discussions => Help and howto's => Topic started by: sailorscout4761 on September 19, 2016, 12:00:18 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Hrt and transition without srs
Post by: sailorscout4761 on September 19, 2016, 12:00:18 PM
I recently started seeing a therapist about my desire to transition. Our talks have gone well and she says that she doesn't have any concerns about my mental state and would be happy to refer me to an endocrinologist. However, she was slightly surprised when I told her that, while I want to transition, I really have no interest in srs. She said that she has never spoken with someone who wanted to transition without srs and said that she was unsure about potential medical issues. Does anyone have any information on this type of scenario? Is it possible to transition without srs or must they go hand in hand? Thanks in advance

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Title: Re: Hrt and transition without srs
Post by: Dena on September 19, 2016, 12:32:13 PM
We have several active posters who have made this decision. Often they ID as non binary and you may find some of their post in the non binary section however they are pretty much all over the site. I was transsexual which means I wanted surgery. Non binary may or may not want surgery. If they are comfortable with what they have, they skip surgery. However they may be non binary from the other side or may be gender fluid as in 70% female and 30% male for somebody born male. You might look at our WIKI  ( if you want to read more about it.
Title: Re: Hrt and transition without srs
Post by: kelly_aus on September 19, 2016, 03:02:01 PM
OP, yes, transsexual women exist who do not have SRS. I'm one of them and there are quite a few of us around. There doesn't seem to be any one reason for it, there are many reasons - but the fact is, we exist.

Quote from: Dena on September 19, 2016, 12:32:13 PM
We have several active posters who have made this decision. Often they ID as non binary and you may find some of their post in the non binary section however they are pretty much all over the site. I was transsexual which means I wanted surgery. Non binary may or may not want surgery. If they are comfortable with what they have, they skip surgery. However they may be non binary from the other side or may be gender fluid as in 70% female and 30% male for somebody born male. You might look at our WIKI  ( if you want to read more about it.

Dena, you may wish to reword this post, as this non-op, duly diagnosed transsexual read it as saying that I am not transsexual. I'm pretty sure my experienced psychiatrist, who is a member of both ANZPATH and WPATH, knows how to correctly diagnose.